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MinIO Admin Multi-user Quickstart Guide Slack

MinIO supports multiple admin users in addition to default operator credential created during server startup. New admins can be added after server starts up, and server can be configured to deny or allow access to different admin operations for these users. This document explains how to add/remove admin users and modify their access rights.

Get started

In this document we will explain in detail on how to configure admin users.

1. Prerequisites

2. Create a new admin user with CreateUser, DeleteUser and ConfigUpdate permissions

Use mc admin policy to create custom admin policies.

Create new canned policy file adminManageUser.json. This policy enables admin user to manage other users.

cat > adminManageUser.json << EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Sid": ""
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": ""

Create new canned policy by name userManager using userManager.json policy file.

mc admin policy add myminio userManager adminManageUser.json

Create a new admin user admin1 on MinIO use mc admin user.

mc admin user add myminio admin1 admin123

Once the user is successfully created you can now apply the userManage policy for this user.

mc admin policy set myminio userManager user=admin1

This admin user will then be allowed to perform create/delete user operations via mc admin user

3. Configure mc and create another user user1 with attached policy user1policy

mc config host add myminio-admin1 http://localhost:9000 admin1 admin123 --api s3v4

mc admin user add myminio-admin1 user1 user123
mc admin policy add myminio-admin1 user1policy ~/user1policy.json
mc admin policy set myminio-admin1 user1policy user=user1

4. List of permissions defined for admin operations

Config management permissions

  • admin:ConfigUpdate

User management permissions

  • admin:CreateUser
  • admin:DeleteUser
  • admin:ListUsers
  • admin:EnableUser
  • admin:DisableUser
  • admin:GetUser

Service management permissions

  • admin:ListServerInfo
  • admin:ServerUpdate

User/Group management permissions

  • admin:AddUserToGroup
  • admin:RemoveUserFromGroup
  • admin:GetGroup
  • admin:ListGroups
  • admin:EnableGroup
  • admin:DisableGroup

Policy management permissions

  • admin:CreatePolicy
  • admin:DeletePolicy
  • admin:GetPolicy
  • admin:AttachUserOrGroupPolicy
  • admin:ListUserPolicies

Give full admin permissions

  • admin:*

5. Using an external IDP for admin users

Admin users can also be externally managed by an IDP by configuring admin policy with special permissions listed above. Follow MinIO STS Quickstart Guide to manage users with an IDP.

Explore Further