@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ |
package cmd |
import ( |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"net/url" |
"path" |
"strings" |
"github.com/minio/cli" |
"github.com/minio/mc/pkg/console" |
) |
var healCmd = cli.Command{ |
@ -41,122 +42,176 @@ FLAGS: |
{{end}} |
1. Heal an object. |
1. Heal missing on-disk format across all inconsistent nodes. |
$ minio control {{.Name}} http://localhost:9000
2. Heals a specific object. |
$ minio control {{.Name}} http://localhost:9000/songs/classical/western/piano.mp3
2. Heal all objects in a bucket recursively. |
3. Heal bucket and all objects in a bucket recursively. |
$ minio control {{.Name}} http://localhost:9000/songs
3. Heall all objects with a given prefix recursively. |
4. Heal all objects with a given prefix recursively. |
$ minio control {{.Name}} http://localhost:9000/songs/classical/
`, |
} |
func checkHealControlSyntax(ctx *cli.Context) { |
if len(ctx.Args()) != 1 { |
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "heal", 1) |
// heals backend storage format, useful in restoring `format.json` missing on a
// fresh or corrupted disks. This call does deep inspection of backend layout
// and applies appropriate `format.json` to the disk.
func healStorageFormat(authClnt *AuthRPCClient) error { |
args := &GenericArgs{} |
reply := &GenericReply{} |
return authClnt.Call("Control.HealFormatHandler", args, reply) |
} |
// lists all objects which needs to be healed, this is a precursor helper function called before
// calling actual healing operation. Returns a maximum of 1000 objects that needs healing at a time.
// Marker indicates the next entry point where the listing will start.
func listObjectsHeal(authClnt *AuthRPCClient, bucketName, prefixName, markerName string) (*HealListReply, error) { |
args := &HealListArgs{ |
Bucket: bucketName, |
Prefix: prefixName, |
Marker: markerName, |
Delimiter: "", |
MaxKeys: 1000, |
} |
reply := &HealListReply{} |
err := authClnt.Call("Control.ListObjectsHealHandler", args, reply) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return reply, nil |
} |
// "minio control heal" entry point.
func healControl(ctx *cli.Context) { |
// Internal custom struct encapsulates pretty msg to be printed by the caller.
type healMsg struct { |
Msg string |
Err error |
} |
// Prettifies heal results and returns them over a channel, caller reads from this channel and prints.
func prettyHealResults(healedObjects []ObjectInfo, healReply *HealObjectReply) <-chan healMsg { |
var msgCh = make(chan healMsg) |
// Starts writing to message channel for the list of results sent back
// by a previous healing operation.
go func(msgCh chan<- healMsg) { |
defer close(msgCh) |
// Go through all the results and validate if we have success or failure.
for i, healStr := range healReply.Results { |
objPath := path.Join(healedObjects[i].Bucket, healedObjects[i].Name) |
// TODO: We need to still print heal error cause.
if healStr != "" { |
msgCh <- healMsg{ |
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", colorRed("FAILED"), objPath), |
Err: errors.New(healStr), |
} |
continue |
} |
msgCh <- healMsg{ |
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", colorGreen("SUCCESS"), objPath), |
} |
} |
}(msgCh) |
checkHealControlSyntax(ctx) |
// Return ..
return msgCh |
} |
// Parse bucket and object from url.URL.Path
parseBucketObject := func(path string) (bucketName string, objectName string) { |
splits := strings.SplitN(path, string(slashSeparator), 3) |
switch len(splits) { |
case 0, 1: |
bucketName = "" |
objectName = "" |
case 2: |
bucketName = splits[1] |
objectName = "" |
case 3: |
bucketName = splits[1] |
objectName = splits[2] |
var scanBar = scanBarFactory() |
// Heals all the objects under a given bucket, optionally you can specify an
// object prefix to heal objects under this prefix.
func healObjects(authClnt *AuthRPCClient, bucketName, prefixName string) error { |
if authClnt == nil || bucketName == "" { |
return errInvalidArgument |
} |
return bucketName, objectName |
// Save marker for the next request.
var markerName string |
for { |
healListReply, err := listObjectsHeal(authClnt, bucketName, prefixName, markerName) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ctx.Args()[0]) |
fatalIf(err, "Unable to parse URL") |
authCfg := &authConfig{ |
accessKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().AccessKeyID, |
secretKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().SecretAccessKey, |
secureConn: parsedURL.Scheme == "https", |
address: parsedURL.Host, |
path: path.Join(reservedBucket, controlPath), |
loginMethod: "Control.LoginHandler", |
// Attempt to heal only if there are any objects to heal.
if len(healListReply.Objects) > 0 { |
healArgs := &HealObjectArgs{ |
Bucket: bucketName, |
Objects: healListReply.Objects, |
} |
client := newAuthClient(authCfg) |
// Always try to fix disk metadata
fmt.Print("Checking and healing disk metadata..") |
args := &GenericArgs{} |
reply := &GenericReply{} |
err = client.Call("Control.HealDiskMetadataHandler", args, reply) |
fatalIf(err, "Unable to heal disk metadata.") |
fmt.Println(" ok") |
healReply := &HealObjectReply{} |
err = authClnt.Call("Control.HealObjectsHandler", healArgs, healReply) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
bucketName, objectName := parseBucketObject(parsedURL.Path) |
if bucketName == "" { |
return |
// Pretty print all the heal results.
for msg := range prettyHealResults(healArgs.Objects, healReply) { |
if msg.Err != nil { |
// TODO we need to print the error cause as well.
scanBar(msg.Msg) |
continue |
} |
// Success.
scanBar(msg.Msg) |
} |
} |
// If object does not have trailing "/" then it's an object, hence heal it.
if objectName != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(objectName, slashSeparator) { |
fmt.Printf("Healing : /%s/%s\n", bucketName, objectName) |
args := &HealObjectArgs{Bucket: bucketName, Object: objectName} |
reply := &HealObjectReply{} |
err = client.Call("Control.HealObjectHandler", args, reply) |
errorIf(err, "Healing object %s failed.", objectName) |
return |
// End of listing objects for healing.
if !healListReply.IsTruncated { |
break |
} |
// If object is "" then heal the bucket first.
if objectName == "" { |
fmt.Printf("Healing : /%s\n", bucketName) |
args := &HealObjectArgs{Bucket: bucketName, Object: ""} |
reply := &HealObjectReply{} |
err = client.Call("Control.HealObjectHandler", args, reply) |
fatalIf(err, "Healing bucket %s failed.", bucketName) |
// Continue to heal the objects in the bucket.
// Set the marker to list the next set of keys.
markerName = healListReply.NextMarker |
} |
return nil |
} |
// Recursively list and heal the objects.
prefix := objectName |
marker := "" |
for { |
args := &HealListArgs{ |
Bucket: bucketName, |
Prefix: prefix, |
Marker: marker, |
Delimiter: "", |
MaxKeys: 1000, |
// Heals your bucket for any missing entries.
func healBucket(authClnt *AuthRPCClient, bucketName string) error { |
if authClnt == nil || bucketName == "" { |
return errInvalidArgument |
} |
reply := &HealListReply{} |
err = client.Call("Control.ListObjectsHealHandler", args, reply) |
fatalIf(err, "Unable to list objects for healing.") |
return authClnt.Call("Control.HealBucketHandler", &HealBucketArgs{ |
Bucket: bucketName, |
}, &GenericReply{}) |
} |
// Heal the objects returned in the ListObjects reply.
for _, obj := range reply.Objects { |
fmt.Printf("Healing : /%s/%s\n", bucketName, obj) |
reply := &GenericReply{} |
healArgs := &HealObjectArgs{Bucket: bucketName, Object: obj} |
err = client.Call("Control.HealObjectHandler", healArgs, reply) |
errorIf(err, "Healing object %s failed.", obj) |
// Entry point for minio control heal command.
func healControl(ctx *cli.Context) { |
if ctx.Args().Present() && len(ctx.Args()) != 1 { |
cli.ShowCommandHelpAndExit(ctx, "heal", 1) |
} |
if !reply.IsTruncated { |
// End of listing.
break |
parsedURL, err := url.Parse(ctx.Args().Get(0)) |
fatalIf(err, "Unable to parse URL %s", ctx.Args().Get(0)) |
authCfg := &authConfig{ |
accessKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().AccessKeyID, |
secretKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().SecretAccessKey, |
secureConn: parsedURL.Scheme == "https", |
address: parsedURL.Host, |
path: path.Join(reservedBucket, controlPath), |
loginMethod: "Control.LoginHandler", |
} |
// Set the marker to list the next set of keys.
marker = reply.NextMarker |
client := newAuthClient(authCfg) |
if parsedURL.Path == "/" || parsedURL.Path == "" { |
err = healStorageFormat(client) |
fatalIf(err, "Unable to heal disk metadata.") |
return |
} |
bucketName, prefixName := urlPathSplit(parsedURL.Path) |
// Heal the bucket.
err = healBucket(client, bucketName) |
fatalIf(err, "Unable to heal bucket %s", bucketName) |
// Heal all the objects.
err = healObjects(client, bucketName, prefixName) |
fatalIf(err, "Unable to heal objects on bucket %s at prefix %s", bucketName, prefixName) |
console.Println() |
} |