tests: Add tests for ListMultipartUploads, DeleteMultipleObjects. (#2649)
Additionally adds PostPolicyHandler tests.master
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ |
/* |
* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
*/ |
package cmd |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"encoding/base64" |
"fmt" |
"mime/multipart" |
"net/http" |
"net/http/httptest" |
"testing" |
"time" |
) |
const ( |
expirationDateFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z" |
iso8601DateFormat = "20060102T150405Z" |
) |
// newPostPolicyBytes - creates a bare bones postpolicy string with key and bucket matches.
func newPostPolicyBytes(credential, bucketName, objectKey string, expiration time.Time) []byte { |
t := time.Now().UTC() |
// Add the expiration date.
expirationStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"expiration": "%s"`, expiration.Format(expirationDateFormat)) |
// Add the bucket condition, only accept buckets equal to the one passed.
bucketConditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`["eq", "$bucket", "%s"]`, bucketName) |
// Add the key condition, only accept keys equal to the one passed.
keyConditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`["eq", "$key", "%s"]`, objectKey) |
// Add the algorithm condition, only accept AWS SignV4 Sha256.
algorithmConditionStr := `["eq", "$x-amz-algorithm", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"]` |
// Add the date condition, only accept the current date.
dateConditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`["eq", "$x-amz-date", "%s"]`, t.Format(iso8601DateFormat)) |
// Add the credential string, only accept the credential passed.
credentialConditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`["eq", "$x-amz-credential", "%s"]`, credential) |
// Combine all conditions into one string.
conditionStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"conditions":[%s, %s, %s, %s, %s]`, bucketConditionStr, keyConditionStr, algorithmConditionStr, dateConditionStr, credentialConditionStr) |
retStr := "{" |
retStr = retStr + expirationStr + "," |
retStr = retStr + conditionStr |
retStr = retStr + "}" |
return []byte(retStr) |
} |
// Wrapper for calling TestPostPolicyHandlerHandler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestPostPolicyHandler(t *testing.T) { |
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testPostPolicyHandler) |
} |
// testPostPolicyHandler - Tests validate post policy handler uploading objects.
func testPostPolicyHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) { |
// get random bucket name.
bucketName := getRandomBucketName() |
// Register the API end points with XL/FS object layer.
apiRouter := initTestAPIEndPoints(obj, []string{"PostPolicy"}) |
// initialize the server and obtain the credentials and root.
// credentials are necessary to sign the HTTP request.
rootPath, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1") |
if err != nil { |
t.Fatalf("Init Test config failed") |
} |
// remove the root folder after the test ends.
defer removeAll(rootPath) |
// bucketnames[0].
// objectNames[0].
// uploadIds [0].
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err = obj.MakeBucket(bucketName) |
if err != nil { |
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error()) |
} |
// Collection of non-exhaustive ListMultipartUploads test cases, valid errors
// and success responses.
testCases := []struct { |
objectName string |
data []byte |
expectedRespStatus int |
shouldPass bool |
}{ |
// Success case.
{ |
objectName: "test", |
data: []byte("Hello, World"), |
expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNoContent, |
shouldPass: true, |
}, |
// Bad case.
{ |
objectName: "test", |
data: []byte("Hello, World"), |
expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, |
shouldPass: false, |
}, |
} |
for i, testCase := range testCases { |
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest.NewRecorder() |
req, perr := newPostRequest("", bucketName, testCase.objectName, testCase.data, testCase.shouldPass) |
if perr != nil { |
t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Failed to create HTTP request for PostPolicyHandler: <ERROR> %v", i+1, instanceType, perr) |
} |
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic ofthe handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler.
apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) |
if rec.Code != testCase.expectedRespStatus { |
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedRespStatus, rec.Code) |
} |
} |
} |
// postPresignSignatureV4 - presigned signature for PostPolicy requests.
func postPresignSignatureV4(policyBase64 string, t time.Time, secretAccessKey, location string) string { |
// Get signining key.
signingkey := getSigningKey(secretAccessKey, t, location) |
// Calculate signature.
signature := getSignature(signingkey, policyBase64) |
return signature |
} |
func newPostRequest(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string, objData []byte, shouldPass bool) (*http.Request, error) { |
// Keep time.
t := time.Now().UTC() |
// Expire the request five minutes from now.
expirationTime := t.Add(time.Minute * 5) |
// Get the user credential.
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential() |
credStr := getCredential(credentials.AccessKeyID, serverConfig.GetRegion(), t) |
// Create a new post policy.
policy := newPostPolicyBytes(credStr, bucketName, objectName, expirationTime) |
// Only need the encoding.
encodedPolicy := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(policy) |
formData := make(map[string]string) |
if shouldPass { |
// Presign with V4 signature based on the policy.
signature := postPresignSignatureV4(encodedPolicy, t, credentials.SecretAccessKey, serverConfig.GetRegion()) |
formData = map[string]string{ |
"bucket": bucketName, |
"key": objectName, |
"x-amz-credential": credStr, |
"policy": encodedPolicy, |
"x-amz-signature": signature, |
"x-amz-date": t.Format(iso8601DateFormat), |
"x-amz-algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256", |
} |
} |
// Create the multipart form.
var buf bytes.Buffer |
w := multipart.NewWriter(&buf) |
// Set the normal formData
for k, v := range formData { |
w.WriteField(k, v) |
} |
// Set the File formData
writer, err := w.CreateFormFile("file", "s3verify/post/object") |
if err != nil { |
// return nil, err
return nil, err |
} |
writer.Write(objData) |
// Close before creating the new request.
w.Close() |
// Set the body equal to the created policy.
reader := bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()) |
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, nil), reader) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
// Set form content-type.
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", w.FormDataContentType()) |
return req, nil |
} |
Reference in new issue