@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ package cmd
import (
import (
@ -511,3 +515,433 @@ func testAPICopyObjectHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string,
// Wrapper for calling NewMultipartUpload tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
// First register the HTTP handler for NewMutlipartUpload, then a HTTP request for NewMultipart upload is made.
// The UploadID from the response body is parsed and its existance is asserted with an attempt to ListParts using it.
func TestAPINewMultipartHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testAPINewMultipartHandler , [ ] string { "NewMultipart" } )
func testAPINewMultipartHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials credential , t TestErrHandler ) {
objectName := "test-object-new-multipart"
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for copy object.
req , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) , 0 , nil , credentials . AccessKeyID , credentials . SecretAccessKey )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Failed to create HTTP request for copy Object: <ERROR> %v" , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to executes the registered handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
// Assert the response code with the expected status.
if rec . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "%s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , instanceType , http . StatusOK , rec . Code )
// decode the response body.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( rec . Body )
multipartResponse := & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( multipartResponse )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Error decoding the recorded response Body" )
// verify the uploadID my making an attempt to list parts.
_ , err = obj . ListObjectParts ( bucketName , objectName , multipartResponse . UploadID , 0 , 1 )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Invalid UploadID: <ERROR> %s" , err )
// Wrapper for calling NewMultipartUploadParallel tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
// The objective of the test is to initialte multipart upload on the same object 10 times concurrently,
// The UploadID from the response body is parsed and its existance is asserted with an attempt to ListParts using it.
func TestAPINewMultipartHandlerParallel ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testAPINewMultipartHandlerParallel , [ ] string { "NewMultipart" } )
func testAPINewMultipartHandlerParallel ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials credential , t TestErrHandler ) {
// used for storing the uploadID's parsed on concurrent HTTP requests for NewMultipart upload on the same object.
testUploads := struct {
sync . Mutex
uploads [ ] string
} { }
objectName := "test-object-new-multipart-parallel"
var wg sync . WaitGroup
for i := 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ {
wg . Add ( 1 )
// Initiate NewMultipart upload on the same object 10 times concurrrently.
go func ( ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for copy object.
req , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getNewMultipartURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) , 0 , nil , credentials . AccessKeyID , credentials . SecretAccessKey )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Failed to create HTTP request for copy Object: <ERROR> %v" , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to executes the registered handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
// Assert the response code with the expected status.
if rec . Code != http . StatusOK {
t . Fatalf ( "Minio %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , instanceType , http . StatusOK , rec . Code )
// decode the response body.
decoder := xml . NewDecoder ( rec . Body )
multipartResponse := & InitiateMultipartUploadResponse { }
err = decoder . Decode ( multipartResponse )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Minio %s: Error decoding the recorded response Body" , instanceType )
// push the obtained upload ID from the response into the array.
testUploads . Lock ( )
testUploads . uploads = append ( testUploads . uploads , multipartResponse . UploadID )
testUploads . Unlock ( )
} ( )
// Wait till all go routines finishes execution.
wg . Wait ( )
// Validate the upload ID by an attempt to list parts using it.
for _ , uploadID := range testUploads . uploads {
_ , err := obj . ListObjectParts ( bucketName , objectName , uploadID , 0 , 1 )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Invalid UploadID: <ERROR> %s" , err )
// The UploadID from the response body is parsed and its existance is asserted with an attempt to ListParts using it.
func TestAPICompleteMultipartHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testAPICompleteMultipartHandler , [ ] string { "CompleteMultipart" } )
func testAPICompleteMultipartHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials credential , t TestErrHandler ) {
// Calculates MD5 sum of the given byte array.
findMD5 := func ( toBeHashed [ ] byte ) string {
hasher := md5 . New ( )
hasher . Write ( toBeHashed )
return hex . EncodeToString ( hasher . Sum ( nil ) )
objectName := "test-object-new-multipart"
uploadID , err := obj . NewMultipartUpload ( bucketName , objectName , nil )
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t . Fatalf ( "Minio %s : <ERROR> %s" , instanceType , err )
var uploadIDs [ ] string
uploadIDs = append ( uploadIDs , uploadID )
// Parts with size greater than 5 MB.
// Generating a 6MB byte array.
validPart := bytes . Repeat ( [ ] byte ( "abcdef" ) , 1024 * 1024 )
validPartMD5 := findMD5 ( validPart )
// Create multipart parts.
// Need parts to be uploaded before CompleteMultiPartUpload can be called tested.
parts := [ ] struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
PartID int
inputReaderData string
inputMd5 string
intputDataSize int64
} {
// Case 1-4.
// Creating sequence of parts for same uploadID.
{ bucketName , objectName , uploadIDs [ 0 ] , 1 , "abcd" , "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f" , int64 ( len ( "abcd" ) ) } ,
{ bucketName , objectName , uploadIDs [ 0 ] , 2 , "efgh" , "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27" , int64 ( len ( "efgh" ) ) } ,
{ bucketName , objectName , uploadIDs [ 0 ] , 3 , "ijkl" , "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579" , int64 ( len ( "abcd" ) ) } ,
{ bucketName , objectName , uploadIDs [ 0 ] , 4 , "mnop" , "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef" , int64 ( len ( "abcd" ) ) } ,
// Part with size larger than 5Mb.
{ bucketName , objectName , uploadIDs [ 0 ] , 5 , string ( validPart ) , validPartMD5 , int64 ( len ( string ( validPart ) ) ) } ,
{ bucketName , objectName , uploadIDs [ 0 ] , 6 , string ( validPart ) , validPartMD5 , int64 ( len ( string ( validPart ) ) ) } ,
// Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks.
for _ , part := range parts {
_ , err = obj . PutObjectPart ( part . bucketName , part . objName , part . uploadID , part . PartID , part . intputDataSize , bytes . NewBufferString ( part . inputReaderData ) , part . inputMd5 )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "%s : %s" , instanceType , err )
// Parts to be sent as input for CompleteMultipartUpload.
inputParts := [ ] struct {
parts [ ] completePart
} {
// inputParts - 0.
// Case for replicating ETag mismatch.
[ ] completePart {
{ ETag : "abcd" , PartNumber : 1 } ,
} ,
} ,
// inputParts - 1.
// should error out with part too small.
[ ] completePart {
{ ETag : "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f" , PartNumber : 1 } ,
{ ETag : "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27" , PartNumber : 2 } ,
} ,
} ,
// inputParts - 2.
// Case with invalid Part number.
[ ] completePart {
{ ETag : "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f" , PartNumber : 10 } ,
} ,
} ,
// inputParts - 3.
// Case with valid parts,but parts are unsorted.
// Part size greater than 5MB.
[ ] completePart {
{ ETag : validPartMD5 , PartNumber : 6 } ,
{ ETag : validPartMD5 , PartNumber : 5 } ,
} ,
} ,
// inputParts - 4.
// Case with valid part.
// Part size greater than 5MB.
[ ] completePart {
{ ETag : validPartMD5 , PartNumber : 5 } ,
{ ETag : validPartMD5 , PartNumber : 6 } ,
} ,
} ,
// on succesfull complete multipart operation the s3MD5 for the parts uploaded iwll be returned.
s3MD5 , err := completeMultipartMD5 ( inputParts [ 3 ] . parts ... )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Obtaining S3MD5 failed" )
// generating the response body content for the success case.
successResponse := generateCompleteMultpartUploadResponse ( bucketName , objectName , getGetObjectURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) , s3MD5 )
encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse ( successResponse )
testCases := [ ] struct {
bucket string
object string
uploadID string
parts [ ] completePart
// Expected output of CompleteMultipartUpload.
expectedContent [ ] byte
// Expected HTTP Response status.
expectedRespStatus int
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Upload and PartNumber exists, But a deliberate ETag mismatch is introduced.
bucket : bucketName ,
object : objectName ,
uploadID : uploadIDs [ 0 ] ,
parts : inputParts [ 0 ] . parts ,
expectedContent : encodeResponse ( getAPIErrorResponse ( getAPIError ( toAPIErrorCode ( BadDigest { } ) ) ,
getGetObjectURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) ) ) ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusBadRequest ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// No parts specified in completePart{}.
// Should return ErrMalformedXML in the response body.
bucket : bucketName ,
object : objectName ,
uploadID : uploadIDs [ 0 ] ,
parts : [ ] completePart { } ,
expectedContent : encodeResponse ( getAPIErrorResponse ( getAPIError ( ErrMalformedXML ) , getGetObjectURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) ) ) ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusBadRequest ,
} ,
// Test case - 3.
// Non-Existant uploadID.
// 404 Not Found response status expected.
bucket : bucketName ,
object : objectName ,
uploadID : "abc" ,
parts : inputParts [ 0 ] . parts ,
expectedContent : encodeResponse ( getAPIErrorResponse ( getAPIError ( toAPIErrorCode ( InvalidUploadID { UploadID : "abc" } ) ) , getGetObjectURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) ) ) ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNotFound ,
} ,
// Test case - 4.
// Case with part size being less than minimum allowed size.
bucket : bucketName ,
object : objectName ,
uploadID : uploadIDs [ 0 ] ,
parts : inputParts [ 1 ] . parts ,
expectedContent : encodeResponse ( completeMultipartAPIError { int64 ( 4 ) , int64 ( 5242880 ) , 1 , "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f" ,
getAPIErrorResponse ( getAPIError ( toAPIErrorCode ( PartTooSmall { PartNumber : 1 } ) ) ,
getGetObjectURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) ) } ) ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusBadRequest ,
} ,
// Test case - 5.
// TestCase with invalid Part Number.
bucket : bucketName ,
object : objectName ,
uploadID : uploadIDs [ 0 ] ,
parts : inputParts [ 2 ] . parts ,
expectedContent : encodeResponse ( getAPIErrorResponse ( getAPIError ( toAPIErrorCode ( InvalidPart { } ) ) , getGetObjectURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) ) ) ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusBadRequest ,
} ,
// Test case - 6.
// Parts are not sorted according to the part number.
// This should return ErrInvalidPartOrder in the response body.
bucket : bucketName ,
object : objectName ,
uploadID : uploadIDs [ 0 ] ,
parts : inputParts [ 3 ] . parts ,
expectedContent : encodeResponse ( getAPIErrorResponse ( getAPIError ( ErrInvalidPartOrder ) , getGetObjectURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName ) ) ) ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusBadRequest ,
} ,
// Test case - 7.
// Test case with proper parts.
// Should successed and the content in the response body is asserted.
bucket : bucketName ,
object : objectName ,
uploadID : uploadIDs [ 0 ] ,
parts : inputParts [ 4 ] . parts ,
expectedContent : encodedSuccessResponse ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusOK ,
} ,
for i , testCase := range testCases {
var req * http . Request
// Complete multipart upload parts.
completeUploads := & completeMultipartUpload {
Parts : testCase . parts ,
completeBytes , err := xml . Marshal ( completeUploads )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Error XML encoding of parts: <ERROR> %s." , err )
// Indicating that all parts are uploaded and initiating completeMultipartUpload.
req , err = newTestSignedRequest ( "POST" , getCompleteMultipartUploadURL ( "" , bucketName , objectName , testCase . uploadID ) ,
int64 ( len ( completeBytes ) ) , bytes . NewReader ( completeBytes ) , credentials . AccessKeyID , credentials . SecretAccessKey )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Failed to create HTTP request for copy Object: <ERROR> %v" , err )
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for copy object.
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to executes the registered handler.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
// Assert the response code with the expected status.
if rec . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Errorf ( "Case %d: Minio %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , i + 1 , instanceType , testCase . expectedRespStatus , rec . Code )
// read the response body.
actualContent , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( rec . Body )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d : Minio %s: Failed parsing response body: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , instanceType , err )
// Verify whether the bucket obtained object is same as the one inserted.
if ! bytes . Equal ( testCase . expectedContent , actualContent ) {
t . Errorf ( "Test %d : Minio %s: Object content differs from expected value." , i + 1 , instanceType )
// Wrapper for calling Delete Object API handler tests for both XL multiple disks and FS single drive setup.
func TestAPIDeleteOjectHandler ( t * testing . T ) {
ExecObjectLayerAPITest ( t , testAPIDeleteOjectHandler , [ ] string { "DeleteObject" } )
func testAPIDeleteOjectHandler ( obj ObjectLayer , instanceType , bucketName string , apiRouter http . Handler ,
credentials credential , t TestErrHandler ) {
switch obj . ( type ) {
case fsObjects :
objectName := "test-object"
// set of byte data for PutObject.
// object has to be inserted before running tests for Deleting the object.
bytesData := [ ] struct {
byteData [ ] byte
} {
{ generateBytesData ( 6 * 1024 * 1024 ) } ,
// set of inputs for uploading the objects before tests for deleting them is done.
putObjectInputs := [ ] struct {
bucketName string
objectName string
contentLength int64
textData [ ] byte
metaData map [ string ] string
} {
// case - 1.
{ bucketName , objectName , int64 ( len ( bytesData [ 0 ] . byteData ) ) , bytesData [ 0 ] . byteData , make ( map [ string ] string ) } ,
// iterate through the above set of inputs and upload the object.
for i , input := range putObjectInputs {
// uploading the object.
_ , err := obj . PutObject ( input . bucketName , input . objectName , input . contentLength , bytes . NewBuffer ( input . textData ) , input . metaData )
// if object upload fails stop the test.
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Put Object case %d: Error uploading object: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , err )
// test cases with inputs and expected result for DeleteObject.
testCases := [ ] struct {
bucketName string
objectName string
expectedRespStatus int // expected response status body.
} {
// Test case - 1.
// Deleting an existing object.
// Expected to return HTTP resposne status code 204.
bucketName : bucketName ,
objectName : objectName ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNoContent ,
} ,
// Test case - 2.
// Attempt to delete an object which is already deleted.
// Still should return http response status 204.
bucketName : bucketName ,
objectName : objectName ,
expectedRespStatus : http . StatusNoContent ,
} ,
// Iterating over the cases, call DeleteObjectHandler and validate the HTTP response.
for i , testCase := range testCases {
// initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler.
rec := httptest . NewRecorder ( )
// construct HTTP request for Get Object end point.
req , err := newTestSignedRequest ( "DELETE" , getDeleteObjectURL ( "" , testCase . bucketName , testCase . objectName ) ,
0 , nil , credentials . AccessKeyID , credentials . SecretAccessKey )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request for Get Object: <ERROR> %v" , i + 1 , err )
// Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler.
// Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler,`func (api objectAPIHandlers) DeleteObjectHandler` handles the request.
apiRouter . ServeHTTP ( rec , req )
// Assert the response code with the expected status.
if rec . Code != testCase . expectedRespStatus {
t . Fatalf ( "Minio %s: Case %d: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`" , instanceType , i + 1 , testCase . expectedRespStatus , rec . Code )