@ -30,35 +30,35 @@ verifiers: getdeps vet fmt lint staticcheck spelling
vet :
@echo " Running $@ "
@GO111MODULE= on go vet github.com/minio/minio/...
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on go vet github.com/minio/minio/...
fmt :
@echo " Running $@ "
@GO111MODULE= on gofmt -d cmd/
@GO111MODULE= on gofmt -d pkg/
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on gofmt -d cmd/
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on gofmt -d pkg/
lint :
@echo " Running $@ "
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/golint -set_exit_status github.com/minio/minio/cmd/...
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/golint -set_exit_status github.com/minio/minio/pkg/...
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/golint -set_exit_status github.com/minio/minio/cmd/...
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/golint -set_exit_status github.com/minio/minio/pkg/...
staticcheck :
@echo " Running $@ "
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/staticcheck github.com/minio/minio/cmd/...
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/staticcheck github.com/minio/minio/pkg/...
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/staticcheck github.com/minio/minio/cmd/...
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/staticcheck github.com/minio/minio/pkg/...
spelling :
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find cmd/`
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find pkg/`
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find docs/`
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find buildscripts/`
@GO111MODULE= on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find dockerscripts/`
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find cmd/`
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find pkg/`
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find docs/`
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find buildscripts/`
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on ${ GOPATH } /bin/misspell -locale US -error ` find dockerscripts/`
# Builds minio, runs the verifiers then runs the tests.
check : test
test : verifiers build
@echo "Running unit tests"
@GO111MODULE= on CGO_ENABLED = 0 go test -tags kqueue ./... 1>/dev/null
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on CGO_ENABLED = 0 go test -tags kqueue ./... 1>/dev/null
verify : build
@echo "Verifying build"
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ coverage: build
# Builds minio locally.
build : checks
@echo "Building minio binary to './minio'"
@GO111MODULE= on GOFLAGS = "" CGO_ENABLED = 0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $( BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $( PWD) /minio 1>/dev/null
@GO111MODULE= on GOFLAGS = "" CGO_ENABLED = 0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $( BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $( PWD) /dockerscripts/healthcheck $( PWD) /dockerscripts/healthcheck.go 1>/dev/null
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on GOFLAGS = "" CGO_ENABLED = 0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $( BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $( PWD) /minio 1>/dev/null
@GOPROXY= https://proxy.golang.org GO 111MODULE = on GOFLAGS = "" CGO_ENABLED = 0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $( BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $( PWD) /dockerscripts/healthcheck $( PWD) /dockerscripts/healthcheck.go 1>/dev/null
docker : build
@docker build -t $( TAG) . -f Dockerfile.dev