@ -20,11 +20,14 @@ import (
crand "crypto/rand"
crand "crypto/rand"
@ -880,8 +883,56 @@ func preSignV2(req *http.Request, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey string, expires i
if accessKeyID == "" || secretAccessKey == "" {
if accessKeyID == "" || secretAccessKey == "" {
return errors . New ( "Presign cannot be generated without access and secret keys" )
return errors . New ( "Presign cannot be generated without access and secret keys" )
// Success.
req = s3signer . PreSignV2 ( * req , accessKeyID , secretAccessKey , expires )
// FIXME: Remove following portion of code after fixing a bug in minio-go preSignV2.
d := UTCNow ( )
// Find epoch expires when the request will expire.
epochExpires := d . Unix ( ) + expires
// Add expires header if not present.
expiresStr := req . Header . Get ( "Expires" )
if expiresStr == "" {
expiresStr = strconv . FormatInt ( epochExpires , 10 )
req . Header . Set ( "Expires" , expiresStr )
// url.RawPath will be valid if path has any encoded characters, if not it will
// be empty - in which case we need to consider url.Path (bug in net/http?)
encodedResource := req . URL . RawPath
encodedQuery := req . URL . RawQuery
if encodedResource == "" {
splits := strings . SplitN ( req . URL . Path , "?" , 2 )
encodedResource = splits [ 0 ]
if len ( splits ) == 2 {
encodedQuery = splits [ 1 ]
unescapedQueries , err := unescapeQueries ( encodedQuery )
if err != nil {
return err
// Get presigned string to sign.
stringToSign := getStringToSignV2 ( req . Method , encodedResource , strings . Join ( unescapedQueries , "&" ) , req . Header , expiresStr )
hm := hmac . New ( sha1 . New , [ ] byte ( secretAccessKey ) )
hm . Write ( [ ] byte ( stringToSign ) )
// Calculate signature.
signature := base64 . StdEncoding . EncodeToString ( hm . Sum ( nil ) )
query := req . URL . Query ( )
// Handle specially for Google Cloud Storage.
query . Set ( "AWSAccessKeyId" , accessKeyID )
// Fill in Expires for presigned query.
query . Set ( "Expires" , strconv . FormatInt ( epochExpires , 10 ) )
// Encode query and save.
req . URL . RawQuery = query . Encode ( )
// Save signature finally.
req . URL . RawQuery += "&Signature=" + url . QueryEscape ( signature )
return nil
return nil