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id: tiffany_souterre
name: Tiffany Souterre
company: JEMS Datafactory
featured: false
photo: /images/speakers/tiffany_souterre.jpg
photoUrl: /images/speakers/tiffany_souterre.jpg
- icon: twitter
link: 'https://twitter.com/tiffanysouterre'
name: '@tiffanysouterre'
- icon: github
link: 'https://github.com/Amagash'
name: Amagash
shortBio: "Data geek \U0001F4CA/ Google Developer Group Lead \U0001F4BB @GDGParis / Python Dev \U0001F40D / Ph.D. in Biotechnologies \U0001F393/ iGEM alumni ☣"
companyLogo: /images/speakers/company/jems_datafactory.jpg
companyLogoUrl: /images/speakers/company/jems_datafactory.jpg
country: 'Paris, France'
I love science and I love data! After finishing a Ph.D. in genetic engineering, I continued my quest for discovering new patterns through data science and machine learning. I currently work as a Big Data engineer and I play with machine learning algorithms on my free time. Someday, I wish to leverage data exploration to improve people's life.