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id name company featured photo photoUrl socials shortBio companyLogo companyLogoUrl country
francois_teychene Francois Teychene Saagie false /images/speakers/francois_teychene.jpg /images/speakers/francois_teychene.jpg {icon twitter} {link https://twitter.com/fteychene} {name @fteychene}] [{icon github} {link https://github.com/fteychene} {name fteychene} Cloud dev @saagie_io, @MtpTechHub President, @SunnyTech_MTP organiser, Speaker, Teacher... #Devops #Rust #Scala enthusiast. Opinions are mine not of my employer /images/speakers/company/saagie.jpg /images/speakers/company/saagie.jpg Montpellier, France

Cloud Developper @ Saagie , meetup addict & organiser @ Montpellier et Organisateur SunnyTech.
Développeur couteau suisse pouvant intervenir du Javascript à la table de routage. Mes passions actuelles sont le Rust, le DevOps et le Scala en plus de vouloir mettre des conteneurs partout.