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id name company featured photo photoUrl socials shortBio companyLogo companyLogoUrl country
guillaume_laforge Guillaume Laforge Google false /images/speakers/guillaume_laforge.jpeg /images/speakers/guillaume_laforge.jpeg {icon twitter} {link https://twitter.com/glaforge} {name @glaforge}] [{icon github} {link https://github.com/glaforge} {name glaforge} Developer Advocate at @Google for @GoogleCloud during the day, and @ApacheGroovy programming language project PMC Chair & @java_champions at night /images/speakers/company/google.jpg /images/speakers/company/google.jpg Paris, France

Le jour, Guillaume Laforge est Developer Advocate chez Google, sur les solutions cloud, et de nuit, il reprends sa casquette de contributeur au projet Apache Groovy. Guillaume est également un des membres du podcast Les Cast Codeurs