@ -39,21 +39,21 @@ define Image/Prepare/wl153/squashfs
echo -n "0123456789abcdef0123" >> $( KDIR) /root.tmp
cat $( KDIR) /bzImage $( KDIR) /root.squashfs >> $( KDIR) /root.tmp
dd if = $( KDIR) /root.tmp of = $( KDIR) /root2.tmp bs = 64k conv = sync
dd if = $( KDIR) /root2.tmp of = $( KDIR) /root.squashfs bs = 1 skip = $$ $$ [ 0x$$ $$ ( cat $( KDIR) /bzSize) + 0x8014]
dd if = $( KDIR) /root2.tmp of = $( KDIR) /root.squashfs bs = 1 skip = $$ $$ ( perl -we 'print((-s"$(KDIR)/bzImage")+0x8014)' )
$( RM) $( KDIR) /root.tmp $( KDIR) /root2.tmp
$( call add_jffs2_mark,$( KDIR) /root.squashfs)
e n d e f
d e f i n e I m a g e / B u i l d / w l 1 5 3
ls -l $( KDIR) /bzImage | sed -r 's/^[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+([^[:blank:]]+).+$$$$/\1/' | xargs printf '%.8x' > $( KDIR) /bzSize
echo -ne "\0\0" >> $( KDIR) /bzImage
dd if = $( KDIR) /bzImage of = $( KDIR) /bzImage.tmp bs = 4 conv = sync
dd if = $( KDIR) /bzImage.tmp of = $( KDIR) /bzImage bs = 1 count = $$ $$ ( perl -we 'print((-s"$(KDIR)/bzImage.tmp")-2)' )
perl -we 'while(<>){$$$$i.=$$$$_}print pack"v",-(unpack"%v*",$$$$i)' < $( KDIR) /bzImage.tmp >> $( KDIR) /bzImage
$( RM) $( KDIR) /bzImage.tmp
$( call Image/Prepare/wl153/$( 1) )
ls -l $( KDIR) /root.$( 1) | sed -r 's/^[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+([^[:blank:]]+).+$$$$/\1/' | xargs printf '%.8x' > $( KDIR) /rdSize
echo -ne " \x $$ $$ (cut -c 7,8 < $( KDIR) /bzSize)\x $$ $$ (cut -c 5,6 < $( KDIR) /bzSize)\x $$ $$ (cut -c 3,4 < $( KDIR) /bzSize)\x $$ $$ (cut -c 1,2 < $( KDIR) /bzSize) " > $( KDIR) /bzSize.tmp
echo -n 'CSYS' > $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img
cat $( KDIR) /bzSize.tmp >> $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img
echo -ne " \x $$ $$ (cut -c 7,8 < $( KDIR) /rdSize)\x $$ $$ (cut -c 5,6 < $( KDIR) /rdSize)\x $$ $$ (cut -c 3,4 < $( KDIR) /rdSize)\x $$ $$ (cut -c 1,2 < $( KDIR) /rdSize)WRRM " >> $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img
cat $( KDIR) /bzSize.tmp $( KDIR) /bzImage $( KDIR) /root.$( 1) >> $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img
$( RM) $( KDIR) /bzSize.tmp $( KDIR) /bzSize $( KDIR) /rdSize
if [ ` ls -l $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img | sed -r 's/^[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+([^[:blank:]]+).+$$$$/\1/' ` -gt $$ $$ ( ( 0xffff0000-0xffe08000) ) ] ; then mv $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img.too_big; echo "#ERR image too big" ; fi
perl -we 'print "CSYS",pack("V",-s"$(KDIR)/bzImage"),pack("V",-s"$(KDIR)/root.$(1)"),"WRRM",pack("V",-s"$(KDIR)/bzImage")' > $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img
cat $( KDIR) /bzImage $( KDIR) /root.$( 1) >> $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img
if [ ` perl -we 'print -s"$(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$(BOARD)-$(1)-$(2).img"' ` -gt $$ $$ ( ( 0xffff0000-0xffe08000) ) ] ; then mv $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt-$( BOARD) -$( 1) -$( 2) .img.too_big; echo "#ERR image too big" ; fi
e n d e f
d e f i n e I m a g e / B u i l d / d i r 4 5 0
@ -75,8 +75,17 @@ define Image/Build/g570s
$( RM) -r $( KDIR) /zyxel.tmp
e n d e f
d e f i n e I m a g e / P r e p a r e / a m i t / s q u a s h f s
echo -n "0123456789abcdef" > $( KDIR) /root.tmp
cat $( KDIR) /root.squashfs >> $( KDIR) /root.tmp
dd if = $( KDIR) /root.tmp of = $( KDIR) /root2.tmp bs = 64k conv = sync
dd if = $( KDIR) /root2.tmp of = $( KDIR) /root.squashfs bs = 1 skip = 16
$( RM) $( KDIR) /root.tmp $( KDIR) /root2.tmp
$( call add_jffs2_mark,$( KDIR) /root.squashfs)
e n d e f
d e f i n e I m a g e / B u i l d / a m i t
$( call Image/Prepare/$( 1) )
$( call Image/Prepare/amit/ $( 1) )
if [ ! -x $( STAGING_DIR_HOST) /bin/amit_makebin ] ; then echo " #ERR Please copy the AMIT \"makebin\" tool from http://mgb111.pradnik.net/ as $( STAGING_DIR_HOST) /bin/amit_makebin to build. " ; fi
sh -c " mkdir -p $( KDIR) /amit.tmp/linux_src/arch/i386/boot $( KDIR) /amit.tmp/rom_disk && cd $( KDIR) /amit.tmp && ln -s ../../root. $( 1) rom_disk/fs.img && ln -s ../../../../../bzImage linux_src/arch/i386/boot && $( STAGING_DIR_HOST) /bin/amit_makebin && mv upgrade.img $( BIN_DIR) /openwrt- $( BOARD) - $( 1) -anas350.bin " || :
$( RM) -r $( KDIR) /amit.tmp