You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Tuan 3e109bafd1 updates 2 年之前
.circleci Ruby 3.0.2 Upgrade (#16982) 2 年之前
.github Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 2 年之前
app updates 2 年之前
bin Update Mastodon to Rails 6.1 (#15910) 3 年之前
chart Update Helm release elasticsearch to v15.10.3 (#16651) 3 年之前
config Merge Upstream 2 年之前
css-plugins@180c34df63 Changes & Adoptions made so far 3 年之前
db Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 3 年之前
dist templates/systemd/mastodon: update sandbox mode (#16235) 3 年之前
lib Merge Upstream 2 年之前
log Initial commit 8 年之前
nanobox Resync Nanobox files with the 2.9.0 release (#11083) 5 年之前
public updates 2 年之前
spec Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 3 年之前
streaming Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 3 年之前
vendor Increase files checked by ESLint (#9705) 5 年之前
.buildpacks Remove nodejs buildpack from buildpacks (#14364) 4 年之前
.codeclimate.yml Exclude locale files from Code Climate (#16863) 3 年之前
.deepsource.toml Update .deepsource.toml (#15753) 3 年之前
.dockerignore Ignore git related files from docker build (#16282) 3 年之前
.editorconfig Add final newline to locale files (#2890) 7 年之前
.env.nanobox New env variable: CAS_SECURITY_ASSUME_EMAIL_IS_VERIFIED (#16655) 3 年之前
.env.production.sample Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 3 年之前
.env.test Bump webpacker from 4.0.7 to 4.2.0 (#12416) 4 年之前
.env.vagrant Add a default DB_HOST to .env.vagrant for enable the streaming (#14030) 4 年之前
.eslintignore Increase files checked by ESLint (#9705) 5 年之前
.eslintrc.js Enable promise/catch-or-return allowFinally (#14289) 4 年之前
.foreman Replace sprockets/browserify with Webpack (#2617) 7 年之前
.gitattributes Add .gitattributes file to avoid unwanted CRLF (#3954) 7 年之前
.gitignore official app link 2 年之前
.gitmodules Rename themes -> flavours ? ? 6 年之前
.haml-lint.yml Added haml-lint and fix warnings (#2773) 7 年之前
.nanoignore Remove Storybook (#4397) 7 年之前
.nvmrc NodeJS 14 support - circleci/docker/.nvmrc (#16163) 3 年之前
.profile Add ffmpeg and dependent packages as well as LD_LIBRARY_PATHs (#3276) 7 年之前
.rspec Adding a Mention model, test stubs 8 年之前
.rubocop.yml Fix rubocop config and warnings (#15503) 3 年之前
.ruby-version Ruby 3.0.2 Upgrade (#16982) 2 年之前
.sass-lint.yml Fix sass-lint config (#10982) 5 年之前
.slugignore Remove Storybook (#4397) 7 年之前
.yarnclean Replace from scss-lint to sass-lint (#10958) 5 年之前 Change references to tootsuite/mastodon to mastodon/mastodon (#16491) 3 年之前
Aptfile Use libvpx >= 5 (#15591) 3 年之前 Forward port version bumps to 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 (#16945) 3 年之前 Change e-mail contact for CoC enforcement 5 年之前 Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 3 年之前
Capfile remove capistrano/faster_assets from Capfile (#2737) 7 年之前
Dockerfile Update Dockerfile (#16939) 2 年之前
Gemfile Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 2 年之前
Gemfile.lock Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 2 年之前
LICENSE Fix #49 - License changed from GPL-2.0 to AGPL-3.0 8 年之前
Procfile fix: make Procfile compatible with herokuish (#12685) 4 年之前 Set RAILS_ENV in (#15502) 3 年之前 add Vagrant short guide to readme (#13009) 3 年之前
Rakefile Initial commit 8 年之前 Fix security policy (#16248) 3 年之前
Vagrantfile Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream 3 年之前
app.json Change references to tootsuite/mastodon to mastodon/mastodon (#16491) 3 年之前
babel.config.js Remove dependency for @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties (#16155) 3 年之前
boxfile.yml Fix to isolate the sidekiq process that runs the scheduler job (#15314) 3 年之前 Fix rubocop issues, introduce usage of frozen literal to improve performance 8 年之前
crowdin.yml Update Crowdin configuration file 5 年之前
docker-compose.yml [Docker-Compose] [Breaking] Postgres 9.6 is EOL (11th Nov 2021) - Migrate to 14 Stable (#16947) 2 年之前
ide-helper.js Add JS IDE helper (#13012) 4 年之前
package.json Merge Upstream 2 年之前
postcss.config.js Increase files checked by ESLint (#9705) 5 年之前
priv-config TOR federation (#7875) 6 年之前
scalingo.json Change references to tootsuite/mastodon to mastodon/mastodon (#16491) 3 年之前
yarn.lock Merge Upstream 2 年之前; ActivityPub protokolü kullanan, Mastodon tabanlı bir glitch-soc çatalıdır ve yamaları barındırır.

ActivityPub protokolü; sadece ve Mastodon tabanlı diğer temsillerle değil, bu protokolü kullanan tüm diğer platformlarla (PixelFed, PeerTube, Pleroma vb.) iletişim kurabilmenizi sağlar., AGPLv3 lisanslı özgür bir yazılımdır.


Bu proje beta aşamasında olup geliştirilmeye devam edilmektedir.

Kurulum, Mastodon'un main dalı temelli olduğu için. Kurulum adımları Mastodon dökümantasyonunda belirtildiği gibi gerçekleştirilir. Kurulum rehberinden farklı olarak:

git clone live && cd live
git checkout $(git tag -l | grep -v 'rc[0-9]*$' | sort -V | tail -n 1)

Yukarıdaki adımlar yerine, aşağıdaki komutu kullanın.

git clone live && cd live

Var olan Mastodon kurulumunu güncellemek

Mastodon'u (veya eski versiyonunu) güncellemek, Mastodon versiyonları arasında güncellemekle aynı adımları izler. Genellikle aşağıdaki adımları gerektirir:

  1. Sunucunuzdaki "mastodon" kullanıcısındaki "live" dizinine geçiş yapın cd /home/mastodon/live

  2.'a geçiş yapın

    • Yeni bir uzak depo ekleyin git remote add
    • Depoyu çekin git fetch
    • master adındaki dala geçin git checkout
  3. Kaynak kodunu çekin (genellikle, git pull)

  4. Gerekli paketleri kurun: bundle install && yarn install

  5. Konuşlandırma öncesi veritabanı göçü gerçekleştirin: RAILS_ENV=production SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS=true bundle exec rails db:migrate

  6. Ön derleme yapınız: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:precompile

     Bu adım ana Mastodon'a göre daha uzun sürecektir.

  1. Hizmetleri tekrar başlatın: systemctl reload mastodon-web && systemctl restart mastodon-{sidekiq,streaming}
  2. Rails önbelleğini temizleyin: RAILS_ENV=production bin/tootctl cache clear
  3. Konuşlandırma sonrası veritabanı göçünü gerçekleştirin: RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails db:migrate