Also add a destroy-all action, which can be useful if you're flushing an old list entirely to start a new one.master
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
.fields-group |
= f.input :keyword |
= f.check_box :whole_word |
= f.label :whole_word, t('keyword_mutes.match_whole_word') |
.actions |
- if f.object.persisted? |
= f.button :button, t('generic.save_changes'), type: :submit |
= link_to t('keyword_mutes.remove'), settings_keyword_mute_path(f.object), class: 'negative button', method: :delete, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } |
- else |
= f.button :button, t('keyword_mutes.add_keyword'), type: :submit |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
- content_for :page_title do |
= t('keyword_mutes.edit_keyword') |
= simple_form_for @keyword_mute, url: settings_keyword_mute_path(@keyword_mute) do |f| |
= render 'shared/error_messages', object: @keyword_mute |
= render 'fields', f: f |
@ -1,19 +1,6 @@ |
- content_for :page_title do |
- content_for :page_title do |
= t('settings.keyword_mutes.add_keyword') |
= t('keyword_mutes.add_keyword') |
= simple_form_for @keyword_mute, url: settings_keyword_mutes_path do |f| |
= simple_form_for @keyword_mute, url: settings_keyword_mutes_path do |f| |
= render 'shared/error_messages', object: @keyword_mute |
= render 'shared/error_messages', object: @keyword_mute |
= render 'fields', f: f |
%p.muted-hint |
Keywords match word boundaries case-insensitively. For example: |
%ul |
%li |
<strong>alice</strong> matches <strong>alice</strong>, <strong>Alice</strong>, and <strong>Alice's</strong> |
%li |
<strong>bob</strong> matches <strong>bob</strong> and <strong>Bob</strong> but not <strong>bobcat</strong> |
.fields-group |
= f.input :keyword |
.actions |
= f.button :button, t('admin.keyword_mutes.add_keyword'), type: :submit |
Reference in new issue