Change followers page to relationships page in admin UI (#12927)
Allow browsing and filtering all relationships instead of just followers, unify the codebase with the user-facing relationship manager, add ability to see who the user invitedmaster
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
# frozen_string_literal: true |
module Admin |
class FollowersController < BaseController |
before_action :set_account |
PER_PAGE = 40 |
def index |
authorize :account, :index? |
@followers =[:page]).per(PER_PAGE) |
end |
def set_account |
@account = Account.find(params[:account_id]) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
# frozen_string_literal: true |
module Admin |
class RelationshipsController < BaseController |
before_action :set_account |
PER_PAGE = 40 |
def index |
authorize :account, :index? |
@accounts =, filter_params)[:page]).per(PER_PAGE) |
end |
private |
def set_account |
@account = Account.find(params[:account_id]) |
end |
def filter_params |
params.slice(RelationshipFilter::KEYS).permit(RelationshipFilter::KEYS) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
- content_for :page_title do |
= t('admin.followers.title', acct: @account.acct) |
.filters |
.filter-subset |
%strong= t('admin.accounts.location.title') |
%ul |
%li= link_to t('admin.accounts.location.local'), admin_account_followers_path(, class: 'selected' |
.back-link{ style: 'flex: 1 1 auto; text-align: right' } |
= link_to admin_account_path( do |
= fa_icon 'chevron-left fw' |
= t('admin.followers.back_to_account') |
%hr.spacer/ |
.table-wrapper |
%table.table |
%thead |
%tr |
%th= t('admin.accounts.username') |
%th= t('admin.accounts.role') |
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_ip') |
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_activity') |
%th |
%tbody |
= render partial: 'admin/accounts/account', collection: @followers |
= paginate @followers |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
- content_for :page_title do |
= t('admin.relationships.title', acct: @account.acct) |
.filters |
.filter-subset |
%strong= t 'relationships.relationship' |
%ul |
%li= filter_link_to t('relationships.following'), relationship: nil |
%li= filter_link_to t('relationships.followers'), relationship: 'followed_by' |
%li= filter_link_to t(''), relationship: 'mutual' |
%li= filter_link_to t('relationships.invited'), relationship: 'invited' |
.filter-subset |
%strong= t('admin.accounts.location.title') |
%ul |
%li= filter_link_to t('admin.accounts.moderation.all'), location: nil |
%li= filter_link_to t('admin.accounts.location.local'), location: 'local' |
%li= filter_link_to t('admin.accounts.location.remote'), location: 'remote' |
.back-link{ style: 'flex: 1 1 auto; text-align: right' } |
= link_to admin_account_path( do |
= fa_icon 'chevron-left fw' |
= t('admin.statuses.back_to_account') |
%hr.spacer/ |
.table-wrapper |
%table.table |
%thead |
%tr |
%th= t('admin.accounts.username') |
%th= t('admin.accounts.role') |
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_ip') |
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_activity') |
%th |
%tbody |
= render partial: 'admin/accounts/account', collection: @accounts |
= paginate @accounts |
Reference in new issue