domain:This domain will be able to fetch data from this server and incoming data from it will be processed and stored
domain:This domain will be able to fetch data from this server and incoming data from it will be processed and stored
domain:This can be the domain name that shows up in the e-mail address, the MX record that domain resolves to, or IP of the server that MX record resolves to. Those will be checked upon user sign-up and the sign-up will be rejected.
domain:This can be the domain name that shows up in the e-mail address, the MX record that domain resolves to, or IP of the server that MX record resolves to. Those will be checked upon user sign-up and the sign-up will be rejected.
with_dns_records:An attempt to resolve the given domain's DNS records will be made and the results will also be blacklisted
with_dns_records:An attempt to resolve the given domain's DNS records will be made and the results will also be blocked