@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
Mastodon |
======== |
Mastodon is a federated microblogging engine. An alternative implementation of the GNU Social project. Based on ActivityStreams, Webfinger, PubsubHubbub and Salmon. |
The core ideals of this project are: |
- Independence of legacy Twitter APIs - we don't want to be compatible with Twitter clients, we want our own clients |
- In that vein, a strong and clean REST API and OAuth2 |
- Minimalism. Just because you can do almost anything with ActivityStreams doesn't mean you should. Limit the set of possible functions to what makes sense in a microblogging engine. This will make federation as well as UI design a lot easier |
- Ease of deployment. The end-goal of this project is to be distributable as a Docker image. |
**Current status of the project is early development. Documentation, licensing information &co will be added later** |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the |
application up and running. |
Things you may want to cover: |
* Ruby version |
* System dependencies |
* Configuration |
* Database creation |
* Database initialization |
* How to run the test suite |
* Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.) |
* Deployment instructions |
* ... |
Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run |
<tt>rake doc:app</tt>. |
@ -1,5 +1,101 @@ |
module AtomHelper |
module AtomHelper |
def stream_updated_at |
def stream_updated_at |
@account.stream_entries.last ? @account.stream_entries.last.created_at.iso8601 : @account.updated_at.iso8601 |
@account.stream_entries.last ? @account.stream_entries.last.created_at : @account.updated_at |
end |
def entry(xml, is_root, &block) |
if is_root |
root_tag(xml, :entry, &block) |
else |
xml.entry &block |
end |
end |
def feed(xml, &block) |
root_tag(xml, :feed, &block) |
end |
def unique_id(xml, date, id, type) |
xml.id_ unique_tag(date, id, type) |
end |
def simple_id(xml, id) |
xml.id_ id |
end |
def published_at(xml, date) |
xml.published date.iso8601 |
end |
def updated_at(xml, date) |
xml.updated date.iso8601 |
end |
def verb(xml, verb) |
xml['activity'].send('verb', "{verb}") |
end |
def content(xml, content) |
xml.content({ type: 'html' }, content) |
end |
def title(xml, title) |
xml.title title |
end |
def author(xml, &block) |
| &block |
end |
def target(xml, &block) |
xml['activity'].object &block |
end |
def object_type(xml, type) |
xml['activity'].send('object-type', "{type}") |
end |
def uri(xml, uri) |
xml.uri uri |
end |
def name(xml, name) |
| name |
end |
def summary(xml, summary) |
xml.summary summary |
end |
def subtitle(xml, subtitle) |
xml.subtitle subtitle |
end |
def link_alternate(xml, url) |
| 'alternate', type: 'text/html', href: url) |
end |
def link_self(xml, url) |
| 'self', type: 'application/atom+xml', href: url) |
end |
def link_hub(xml, url) |
| 'hub', href: url) |
end |
def link_salmon(xml, url) |
| 'salmon', href: url) |
end |
def portable_contact(xml, account) |
xml['poco'].preferredUsername account.username |
xml['poco'].displayName account.display_name |
xml['poco'].note account.note |
end |
private |
def root_tag(xml, tag, &block) |
xml.send(tag, {xmlns: '', 'xmlns:thr': '', 'xmlns:activity': '', 'xmlns:poco': ''}, &block) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue