@ -22,285 +22,268 @@ class ProcessFeedService < BaseService |
class ProcessEntry |
class ProcessEntry |
def call(xml, account) |
def call(xml, account) |
@account = account |
@account = account |
@fetched = Activity.new(xml) |
@xml = xml |
return unless [:activity, :note, :comment].include?(@fetched.type) |
return if skip_unsupported_type? |
klass = case @fetched.verb |
case verb |
when :post |
when :post, :share |
PostActivity |
return create_status |
when :share |
when :delete |
ShareActivity |
return delete_status |
when :delete |
end |
DeletionActivity |
else |
return |
end |
@fetched = klass.new(xml, account) |
@fetched.perform |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e |
Rails.logger.debug "Nothing was saved for #{id} because: #{e}" |
Rails.logger.debug "Nothing was saved for #{id} because: #{e}" |
nil |
nil |
end |
end |
class Activity |
private |
def initialize(xml, account = nil) |
@xml = xml |
@account = account |
end |
def verb |
def create_status |
raw = @xml.at_xpath('./activity:verb', activity: TagManager::AS_XMLNS).content |
if redis.exists("delete_upon_arrival:#{@account.id}:#{id}") |
TagManager::VERBS.key(raw) |
Rails.logger.debug "Delete for status #{id} was queued, ignoring" |
rescue |
return |
:post |
end |
end |
def type |
status, just_created = nil |
raw = @xml.at_xpath('./activity:object-type', activity: TagManager::AS_XMLNS).content |
TagManager::TYPES.key(raw) |
rescue |
:activity |
end |
def id |
Rails.logger.debug "Creating remote status #{id}" |
@xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:id', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).content |
end |
def url |
if verb == :share |
link = @xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="alternate"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS) |
original_status = shared_status_from_xml(@xml.at_xpath('.//activity:object', activity: TagManager::AS_XMLNS)) |
link.nil? ? nil : link['href'] |
return nil if original_status.nil? |
end |
end |
private |
ApplicationRecord.transaction do |
status, just_created = status_from_xml(@xml) |
def find_status(uri) |
return if status.nil? |
if TagManager.instance.local_id?(uri) |
return status unless just_created |
local_id = TagManager.instance.unique_tag_to_local_id(uri, 'Status') |
return Status.find_by(id: local_id) |
if verb == :share |
status.reblog = original_status.reblog? ? original_status.reblog : original_status |
end |
end |
Status.find_by(uri: uri) |
status.save! |
end |
end |
def redis |
if thread?(@xml) && status.thread.nil? |
Redis.current |
Rails.logger.debug "Trying to attach #{status.id} (#{id(@xml)}) to #{thread(@xml).first}" |
ThreadResolveWorker.perform_async(status.id, thread(@xml).second) |
end |
end |
end |
class CreationActivity < Activity |
notify_about_mentions!(status) unless status.reblog? |
def perform |
notify_about_reblog!(status) if status.reblog? && status.reblog.account.local? |
if redis.exists("delete_upon_arrival:#{@account.id}:#{id}") |
Rails.logger.debug "Delete for status #{id} was queued, ignoring" |
return |
end |
Rails.logger.debug "Creating remote status #{id}" |
Rails.logger.debug "Queuing remote status #{status.id} (#{id}) for distribution" |
# Return early if status already exists in db |
status = find_status(id) |
return [status, false] unless status.nil? |
return [nil, false] if @account.suspended? |
status = Status.create!( |
uri: id, |
url: url, |
account: @account, |
reblog: reblog, |
text: content, |
spoiler_text: content_warning, |
created_at: published, |
reply: thread?, |
language: content_language, |
visibility: visibility_scope, |
conversation: converstation_to_persistent&.first, |
thread: thread? ? find_status(thread.first) : nil |
) |
save_mentions(status) |
save_hashtags(status) |
save_media(status) |
if thread? && status.thread.nil? |
Rails.logger.debug "Trying to attach #{status.id} (#{id}) to #{thread.first}" |
ThreadResolveWorker.perform_async(status.id, thread.second) |
end |
Rails.logger.debug "Queuing remote status #{status.id} (#{id}) for distribution" |
LinkCrawlWorker.perform_async(status.id) unless status.spoiler_text? |
DistributionWorker.perform_async(status.id) |
LinkCrawlWorker.perform_async(status.id) unless status.spoiler_text? |
status |
DistributionWorker.perform_async(status.id) |
end |
[status, true] |
def notify_about_mentions!(status) |
status.mentions.includes(:account).each do |mention| |
mentioned_account = mention.account |
next unless mentioned_account.local? |
NotifyService.new.call(mentioned_account, mention) |
end |
end |
end |
def content |
def notify_about_reblog!(status) |
@xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:content', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).content |
NotifyService.new.call(status.reblog.account, status) |
end |
end |
def content_language |
def delete_status |
@xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:content', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)['xml:lang']&.presence || 'en' |
Rails.logger.debug "Deleting remote status #{id}" |
end |
status = Status.find_by(uri: id, account: @account) |
def content_warning |
if status.nil? |
@xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:summary', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)&.content || '' |
redis.setex("delete_upon_arrival:#{@account.id}:#{id}", 6 * 3_600, id) |
end |
else |
RemoveStatusService.new.call(status) |
def visibility_scope |
@xml.at_xpath('./mastodon:scope', mastodon: TagManager::MTDN_XMLNS)&.content&.to_sym || :public |
end |
end |
end |
def published |
def skip_unsupported_type? |
@xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:published', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).content |
!([:post, :share, :delete].include?(verb) && [:activity, :note, :comment].include?(type)) |
end |
end |
def thread? |
def shared_status_from_xml(entry) |
!@xml.at_xpath('./thr:in-reply-to', thr: TagManager::THR_XMLNS).nil? |
status = find_status(id(entry)) |
end |
def thread |
return status unless status.nil? |
thr = @xml.at_xpath('./thr:in-reply-to', thr: TagManager::THR_XMLNS) |
[thr['ref'], thr['href']] |
end |
private |
FetchRemoteStatusService.new.call(url(entry)) |
end |
def converstation_to_persistent |
def status_from_xml(entry) |
uri = @xml.at_xpath('./ostatus:conversation', ostatus: TagManager::OS_XMLNS)&.attribute('ref')&.content |
# Return early if status already exists in db |
return if uri.nil? |
status = find_status(id(entry)) |
if TagManager.instance.local_id?(uri) |
return [status, false] unless status.nil? |
local_id = TagManager.instance.unique_tag_to_local_id(uri, 'Conversation') |
return Conversation.find_by(id: local_id) |
end |
found = Conversation.find_by(uri: uri) |
account = @account |
found ? [found, false] : [Conversation.create!(uri: uri), true] |
end |
def save_mentions(parent) |
return [nil, false] if account.suspended? |
processed_account_ids = [] |
@xml.xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="mentioned"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).each do |link| |
status = Status.create!( |
next if [TagManager::TYPES[:group], TagManager::TYPES[:collection]].include? link['ostatus:object-type'] |
uri: id(entry), |
url: url(entry), |
account: account, |
text: content(entry), |
spoiler_text: content_warning(entry), |
created_at: published(entry), |
reply: thread?(entry), |
language: content_language(entry), |
visibility: visibility_scope(entry), |
conversation: find_or_create_conversation(entry), |
thread: thread?(entry) ? find_status(thread(entry).first) : nil |
) |
mentioned_account = account_from_href(link['href']) |
mentions_from_xml(status, entry) |
hashtags_from_xml(status, entry) |
media_from_xml(status, entry) |
next if mentioned_account.nil? || processed_account_ids.include?(mentioned_account.id) |
[status, true] |
end |
mentioned_account.mentions.where(status: parent).first_or_create(status: parent) |
def find_or_create_conversation(xml) |
uri = xml.at_xpath('./ostatus:conversation', ostatus: TagManager::OS_XMLNS)&.attribute('ref')&.content |
return if uri.nil? |
# So we can skip duplicate mentions |
if TagManager.instance.local_id?(uri) |
processed_account_ids << mentioned_account.id |
local_id = TagManager.instance.unique_tag_to_local_id(uri, 'Conversation') |
end |
return Conversation.find_by(id: local_id) |
end |
end |
def save_hashtags(parent) |
Conversation.find_by(uri: uri) || Conversation.create!(uri: uri) |
tags = @xml.xpath('./xmlns:category', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).map { |category| category['term'] }.select(&:present?) |
end |
ProcessHashtagsService.new.call(parent, tags) |
def find_status(uri) |
if TagManager.instance.local_id?(uri) |
local_id = TagManager.instance.unique_tag_to_local_id(uri, 'Status') |
return Status.find_by(id: local_id) |
end |
end |
def save_media(parent) |
Status.find_by(uri: uri) |
do_not_download = DomainBlock.find_by(domain: parent.account.domain)&.reject_media? |
end |
@xml.xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="enclosure"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).each do |link| |
def mentions_from_xml(parent, xml) |
next unless link['href'] |
processed_account_ids = [] |
media = MediaAttachment.where(status: parent, remote_url: link['href']).first_or_initialize(account: parent.account, status: parent, remote_url: link['href']) |
xml.xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="mentioned"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).each do |link| |
parsed_url = Addressable::URI.parse(link['href']).normalize |
next if [TagManager::TYPES[:group], TagManager::TYPES[:collection]].include? link['ostatus:object-type'] |
next if !%w(http https).include?(parsed_url.scheme) || parsed_url.host.empty? |
mentioned_account = account_from_href(link['href']) |
media.save |
next if mentioned_account.nil? || processed_account_ids.include?(mentioned_account.id) |
next if do_not_download |
mentioned_account.mentions.where(status: parent).first_or_create(status: parent) |
begin |
# So we can skip duplicate mentions |
media.file_remote_url = link['href'] |
processed_account_ids << mentioned_account.id |
media.save! |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid |
next |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def account_from_href(href) |
def account_from_href(href) |
url = Addressable::URI.parse(href).normalize |
url = Addressable::URI.parse(href).normalize |
if TagManager.instance.web_domain?(url.host) |
if TagManager.instance.web_domain?(url.host) |
Account.find_local(url.path.gsub('/users/', '')) |
Account.find_local(url.path.gsub('/users/', '')) |
else |
else |
Account.where(uri: href).or(Account.where(url: href)).first || FetchRemoteAccountService.new.call(href) |
Account.where(uri: href).or(Account.where(url: href)).first || FetchRemoteAccountService.new.call(href) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
class ShareActivity < CreationActivity |
def hashtags_from_xml(parent, xml) |
def perform |
tags = xml.xpath('./xmlns:category', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).map { |category| category['term'] }.select(&:present?) |
status, just_created = super |
ProcessHashtagsService.new.call(parent, tags) |
NotifyService.new.call(reblog.account, status) if reblog&.account&.local? && just_created |
end |
status |
end |
def object |
def media_from_xml(parent, xml) |
@xml.at_xpath('.//activity:object', activity: TagManager::AS_XMLNS) |
do_not_download = DomainBlock.find_by(domain: parent.account.domain)&.reject_media? |
end |
private |
xml.xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="enclosure"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).each do |link| |
next unless link['href'] |
def status |
media = MediaAttachment.where(status: parent, remote_url: link['href']).first_or_initialize(account: parent.account, status: parent, remote_url: link['href']) |
reblog && super |
parsed_url = Addressable::URI.parse(link['href']).normalize |
end |
next if !%w(http https).include?(parsed_url.scheme) || parsed_url.host.empty? |
media.save |
def reblog |
next if do_not_download |
return @reblog if defined? @reblog |
original_status = RemoteActivity.new(object).perform |
begin |
@reblog = original_status.reblog? ? original_status.reblog : original_status |
media.file_remote_url = link['href'] |
media.save! |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid |
next |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
class PostActivity < CreationActivity |
def id(xml = @xml) |
def perform |
xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:id', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).content |
status, just_created = super |
end |
if just_created |
def verb(xml = @xml) |
status.mentions.includes(:account).each do |mention| |
raw = xml.at_xpath('./activity:verb', activity: TagManager::AS_XMLNS).content |
mentioned_account = mention.account |
TagManager::VERBS.key(raw) |
next unless mentioned_account.local? |
rescue |
NotifyService.new.call(mentioned_account, mention) |
:post |
end |
end |
end |
status |
def type(xml = @xml) |
end |
raw = xml.at_xpath('./activity:object-type', activity: TagManager::AS_XMLNS).content |
TagManager::TYPES.key(raw) |
rescue |
:activity |
end |
def url(xml = @xml) |
link = xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="alternate"]', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS) |
link.nil? ? nil : link['href'] |
end |
private |
def content(xml = @xml) |
xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:content', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).content |
end |
def reblog |
def content_language(xml = @xml) |
nil |
xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:content', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)['xml:lang']&.presence || 'en' |
end |
end |
end |
class DeletionActivity < Activity |
def content_warning(xml = @xml) |
def perform |
xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:summary', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS)&.content || '' |
Rails.logger.debug "Deleting remote status #{id}" |
end |
status = Status.find_by(uri: id, account: @account) |
if status.nil? |
def visibility_scope(xml = @xml) |
redis.setex("delete_upon_arrival:#{@account.id}:#{id}", 6 * 3_600, id) |
xml.at_xpath('./mastodon:scope', mastodon: TagManager::MTDN_XMLNS)&.content&.to_sym || :public |
else |
RemoveStatusService.new.call(status) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
class RemoteActivity < Activity |
def published(xml = @xml) |
def perform |
xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:published', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).content |
find_status(id) || FetchRemoteStatusService.new.call(url) |
end |
end |
def thread?(xml = @xml) |
!xml.at_xpath('./thr:in-reply-to', thr: TagManager::THR_XMLNS).nil? |
end |
def thread(xml = @xml) |
thr = xml.at_xpath('./thr:in-reply-to', thr: TagManager::THR_XMLNS) |
[thr['ref'], thr['href']] |
end |
def account?(xml = @xml) |
!xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:author', xmlns: TagManager::XMLNS).nil? |
end |
def redis |
Redis.current |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |