Add batch actions and categories to admin UI for custom emojis (#11793)
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
# frozen_string_literal: true |
class Form::CustomEmojiBatch |
include ActiveModel::Model |
include Authorization |
include AccountableConcern |
attr_accessor :custom_emoji_ids, :action, :current_account, |
:category_id, :category_name, :visible_in_picker |
def save |
case action |
when 'update' |
update! |
when 'list' |
list! |
when 'unlist' |
unlist! |
when 'enable' |
enable! |
when 'disable' |
disable! |
when 'copy' |
copy! |
when 'delete' |
delete! |
end |
end |
private |
def custom_emojis |
CustomEmoji.where(id: custom_emoji_ids) |
end |
def update! |
custom_emojis.each { |custom_emoji| authorize(custom_emoji, :update?) } |
category = begin |
if category_id.present? |
CustomEmojiCategory.find(category_id) |
elsif category_name.present? |
CustomEmojiCategory.create!(name: category_name) |
end |
end |
custom_emojis.each do |custom_emoji| |
custom_emoji.update(category_id: category&.id) |
log_action :update, custom_emoji |
end |
end |
def list! |
custom_emojis.each { |custom_emoji| authorize(custom_emoji, :update?) } |
custom_emojis.each do |custom_emoji| |
custom_emoji.update(visible_in_picker: true) |
log_action :update, custom_emoji |
end |
end |
def unlist! |
custom_emojis.each { |custom_emoji| authorize(custom_emoji, :update?) } |
custom_emojis.each do |custom_emoji| |
custom_emoji.update(visible_in_picker: false) |
log_action :update, custom_emoji |
end |
end |
def enable! |
custom_emojis.each { |custom_emoji| authorize(custom_emoji, :enable?) } |
custom_emojis.each do |custom_emoji| |
custom_emoji.update(disabled: false) |
log_action :enable, custom_emoji |
end |
end |
def disable! |
custom_emojis.each { |custom_emoji| authorize(custom_emoji, :disable?) } |
custom_emojis.each do |custom_emoji| |
custom_emoji.update(disabled: true) |
log_action :disable, custom_emoji |
end |
end |
def copy! |
custom_emojis.each { |custom_emoji| authorize(custom_emoji, :copy?) } |
custom_emojis.each do |custom_emoji| |
copied_custom_emoji = custom_emoji.copy! |
log_action :create, copied_custom_emoji |
end |
end |
def delete! |
custom_emojis.each { |custom_emoji| authorize(custom_emoji, :destroy?) } |
custom_emojis.each do |custom_emoji| |
custom_emoji.destroy |
log_action :destroy, custom_emoji |
end |
end |
end |
@ -1,28 +1,31 @@ |
%tr |
.batch-table__row |
%td |
%label.batch-table__row__select.batch-table__row__select--aligned.batch-checkbox |
= custom_emoji_tag(custom_emoji) |
= f.check_box :custom_emoji_ids, { multiple: true, include_hidden: false }, |
%td |
.batch-table__row__content.batch-table__row__content--with-image |
%samp= ":#{custom_emoji.shortcode}:" |
.batch-table__row__content__image |
%td |
= custom_emoji_tag(custom_emoji) |
- if custom_emoji.local? |
= t('admin.accounts.location.local') |
.batch-table__row__content__text |
- else |
%samp= ":#{custom_emoji.shortcode}:" |
= link_to custom_emoji.domain, admin_custom_emojis_path(by_domain: custom_emoji.domain) |
%td |
- if custom_emoji.local? |
- if custom_emoji.local? | custom_emoji.category&.name || t('admin.custom_emojis.uncategorized') |
- if custom_emoji.visible_in_picker |
= table_link_to 'eye', t('admin.custom_emojis.listed'), admin_custom_emoji_path(custom_emoji, custom_emoji: { visible_in_picker: false }, page: params[:page], **@filter_params), method: :patch |
.batch-table__row__content__extra |
- if custom_emoji.local? |
= t('admin.accounts.location.local') |
- else |
- else |
= table_link_to 'eye-slash', t('admin.custom_emojis.unlisted'), admin_custom_emoji_path(custom_emoji, custom_emoji: { visible_in_picker: true }, page: params[:page], **@filter_params), method: :patch |
= custom_emoji.domain |
- else |
- if custom_emoji.local_counterpart.present? |
%br/ |
= link_to safe_join([custom_emoji_tag(custom_emoji.local_counterpart), t('admin.custom_emojis.overwrite')]), copy_admin_custom_emoji_path(custom_emoji, page: params[:page], **@filter_params), method: :post, class: 'table-action-link' |
- if custom_emoji.disabled? |
= t('admin.custom_emojis.disabled') |
- else |
- else |
= table_link_to 'copy', t('admin.custom_emojis.copy'), copy_admin_custom_emoji_path(custom_emoji, page: params[:page], **@filter_params), method: :post |
= t('admin.custom_emojis.enabled') |
%td |
- if custom_emoji.local? |
- if custom_emoji.disabled? |
• |
= table_link_to 'power-off', t('admin.custom_emojis.enable'), enable_admin_custom_emoji_path(custom_emoji, page: params[:page], **@filter_params), method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } |
- if custom_emoji.visible_in_picker? |
- else |
= t('admin.custom_emojis.listed') |
= table_link_to 'power-off', t('admin.custom_emojis.disable'), disable_admin_custom_emoji_path(custom_emoji, page: params[:page], **@filter_params), method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } |
- else |
%td |
= t('admin.custom_emojis.unlisted') |
= table_link_to 'times', t('admin.custom_emojis.delete'), admin_custom_emoji_path(custom_emoji, page: params[:page], **@filter_params), method: :delete, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } |
Reference in new issue