res: use Pleroma-tan images by @Lighting_Nord
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<!-- Further (darker) leg --> |
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android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_dark_body_color_2" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M279.22,471.42c10.28,-2.2 31,-8.76 39.53,-13.88 15.54,-9.33 30.38,-26.6 38.56,-45.9 2.8,-6.6 4.07,-13.63 6.14,-20.42 1.6,8.36 -0.26,16.5 -1.88,24.6 -2.68,13.42 -6.86,26.16 -18.13,35.28 -1.77,1.43 -4.2,3.32 -2.35,6.14 1.8,2.72 4.05,0.22 6.67,-0.2 -0.63,14.65 -0.92,29.07 -5.2,43.06 -0.4,1.3 -1.17,2.33 -2.4,2.93 -4.9,2.4 -6.57,6.43 -6.3,11.65 0.1,1.32 0.52,3.26 -1.26,3.83 -1.5,0.48 -2.1,-1.28 -3.03,-2.1 -8.05,-6.85 -17.14,-3.58 -19.1,7.03 -0.4,2.23 -1.14,3.6 -3.45,3.97 -2.78,0.45 -2.6,-1.84 -3.18,-3.4 -2.16,-5.7 -6.1,-8.9 -12.32,-9.58 -6.35,-0.7 -9.8,2.8 -12.1,7.83 -1.3,2.84 -3.1,3.34 -5.83,2.87 -11.17,-1.92 -13.98,-5.16 -14.82,-16.36 -0.4,-5.35 -1.23,-10.68 -2.2,-15.95 -0.7,-4.03 0.65,-6.12 4.68,-6.8 5.2,-0.85 9.8,-3.38 14.57,-5.45 4.48,-1.94 5.6,-5.36 3.4,-9.13z" /> |
<!-- Closer (brighter) tusk --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_light_color_2" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M249.68,262.06c3.5,-0.82 4.93,1.67 5.86,4.97 3.6,12.78 10.14,23.67 20.14,32.58 14,12.5 30.04,16.68 48.3,13.13 2.23,-0.44 4.53,-0.58 6.8,-0.57 4.1,0.04 5.33,2.14 3,5.52 -4,5.78 -8.6,10.78 -15.63,13.23 -7.17,2.52 -13.93,5.86 -21.84,6.23 -16.13,0.74 -32.02,-1.26 -46.68,-7.43 -12,-5.05 -23.18,-12.57 -32.14,-22.42 -3.85,-4.23 -2.73,-10.12 -2.02,-15.4 2.15,-15.97 17.82,-29.77 34.22,-29.82z" /> |
<!-- Further (darker) tusk --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_light_color_1" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M386.24,295.4c-3.06,0.45 -4.2,-0.34 -5.38,-1.74 -8.34,-10 -11.94,-21.93 -14.35,-34.37 -0.4,-2.1 0.76,-2.4 2.2,-1.6 9.53,5.12 19.88,5.2 30.3,5.42 5.46,0.12 10.57,-1.34 15.8,-2.42 1.9,-0.4 3.78,-1.05 5.7,-1.24 6.18,-0.6 9.65,3.83 7.25,9.58 -3.34,8 -8.94,14.28 -16.45,18.6 -8.12,4.7 -17.02,7.06 -25.06,7.75z" /> |
<!-- Further (darker) hand --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_dark_body_color_2" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M415.42,367.63c3.53,7.75 3.7,14.84 -1.1,21.63 -1.47,2.08 -2.6,3.8 -4.82,0.34 -2.13,-3.3 -5.82,-5.17 -9.16,-7.13 -3.4,-2 -7.63,-0.44 -10.03,3.4 -3.4,5.4 -3.34,11.18 -0.97,16.85 1.1,2.62 0.66,3.87 -1.82,4.83 -3.94,1.53 -7.83,3.18 -11.77,4.7 -3.52,1.37 -4.58,-0.35 -3.97,-3.52 0.7,-3.68 1.24,-7.33 1.4,-11.1 0.43,-10.68 -0.85,-21.07 -3.92,-31.3 -1.53,-5.1 -0.83,-5.73 4.46,-5 1.3,0.2 2.6,0.54 3.87,0.44 4.14,-0.33 6.56,0.94 8.54,5.16 4.2,8.94 16.8,10.77 25.28,4.26 1.28,-1 2.43,-2.14 4.04,-3.57z" /> |
<!-- Shadow on the body under the head --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_dark_body_color_1" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M235.36,329.56c-4.9,2.3 -9.54,-0.06 -14.25,-0.8 -6.7,-1.02 -13.33,-2.44 -19.7,-4.93 -12,-4.72 -13.4,-7.95 -8.3,-19.3 2.5,-2.93 6.32,-0.56 9.12,-2.3 1.8,3.48 5.23,4.16 8.6,4.97 4.9,8.3 12.62,13.74 20.15,19.33 1.43,1.06 2.93,2.03 4.4,3.03z" /> |
<!-- Lil thing on the tail --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="#7F90A4" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M29.1,436.15c0.18,-2.77 -0.3,-6.05 1.6,-8.98 1.46,-2.3 2.84,-3.05 4.6,-0.17 3.4,5.6 1.73,11.95 -4,15.13 -5.14,2.86 -4.4,7.85 -4.28,12.5 0.12,4.1 -2.63,8.4 -6.48,9.67 -3.95,1.3 -5.53,0.05 -5.24,-4.04 0.23,-3.2 1.85,-5.46 4.5,-7.1 1.9,-1.16 2.7,-2.1 0.24,-3.82 -1.63,-1.15 -2.64,-3.12 -4.28,-4.5 -2.75,-2.34 -2.9,-7.88 -0.46,-9.67 3.34,-2.43 6.07,-1.22 8.24,1.92 0.37,0.52 2.8,4.4 4.6,3.72 2.06,-0.77 0.83,-2.63 0.96,-4.67z" /> |
<!-- Further (darker) eye whiteness--> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_light_color_2" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M352.32,197.8c-15.1,-5.94 -17.93,-25.7 -15.68,-37.5 1,-5.23 1.8,-10.65 5.4,-14.95 2.45,-2.9 5.87,-3.17 7.35,-0.58 0.72,1.27 1.88,3.03 -1.13,3.43 -2.77,0.37 -3.95,2.48 -4.73,4.95 -3.13,9.84 -1.9,26.38 2.35,32.03 1.93,2.58 3.1,4.33 6.02,7.17 2.7,2.62 2.47,2.93 0.4,5.46z" /> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_light_color_1" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M113.84,383.72c0.02,6.36 -0.75,6.95 -6.06,5.1 -2.14,-0.74 -4.16,-2.02 -6.35,-2.4 -4.78,-0.8 -3.77,-2.96 -1.96,-5.94 2.34,-3.86 5.7,-5.3 9.85,-4.28 4.17,1.03 4.24,4.8 4.52,7.52zM67.34,378.3c-2.27,-0.08 -0.84,-9.75 3.55,-11.8 4.3,-2 9.2,-0.32 11.33,3.1 1.98,3.2 1.1,11.72 -1.73,10.7 -2.27,-0.85 -7.85,-1.78 -13.16,-2zM393.28,396.27c0.18,-3.52 0.04,-7 3.72,-8.44 1.34,-0.52 8.55,7.1 8.54,8.64 -0.02,1.2 -8.14,7.03 -9.65,6.48 -3.38,-1.2 -1.88,-4.57 -2.62,-6.68zM137.77,397.7c-0.37,2.2 -1.43,4.63 -3.94,6.13 -0.57,0.34 -8.98,-6.25 -9,-6.88 -0.1,-2.22 5.47,-7.36 7.8,-7.23 2.6,0.14 5.22,3.88 5.14,7.98zM161.73,546.88c-2.15,-0.78 -6.73,1.67 -6.56,-3.93 0.13,-4.1 3.75,-7.33 7.26,-6.8 3.2,0.5 7.03,6.24 6.22,9.37 -0.4,1.56 -0.4,1.56 -6.92,1.36zM131.66,531.32c4.36,-0.1 8.77,6.83 6.85,10.74 -0.74,1.53 -1.95,0.9 -2.9,0.6 -2.02,-0.6 -3.97,-1.46 -5.94,-2.2 -2.3,-0.86 -5.52,-0.77 -4.6,-4.76 0.8,-3.6 3.42,-4.4 6.6,-4.38zM293.12,519.15c3.6,1.2 5.8,5.53 5.1,7.66 -0.8,2.48 -6.9,1.98 -8.64,1.9 -2.1,-0.13 -5.96,-1.66 -6.4,-3.37 -0.43,-1.6 0.95,-3.04 2.1,-4.16 1.38,-1.32 4.17,-3.24 7.84,-2.02zM320.45,517.26c2.46,0.8 5.4,1.4 5.67,4.47 0.25,3 -2.85,2.34 -4.63,3.04 -0.45,0.18 -0.92,0.35 -1.4,0.42 -1.84,0.28 -3.83,1.83 -5.5,0.35 -1.15,-1 -0.5,-2.84 0.3,-4.04 1.3,-2 2.78,-3.97 5.55,-4.24zM190.93,529.32c1.58,-0.08 2.62,0.53 2.2,2.25 -0.36,1.4 -0.93,2.77 -1.58,4.07 -1.38,2.76 -2.86,5.63 -6.32,6.02 -1.1,0.13 -0.9,-1.46 -0.83,-2.38 0.4,-4.83 3.67,-9.8 6.53,-9.96zM339.9,507.95c0.86,3.34 -0.14,4.58 -1.5,5.93 -1.1,-2.24 0.18,-3.46 1.5,-5.93z" /> |
<!-- Dots inside the speech bubble --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_light_color_2" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M449.67,120.45c-0.56,6.07 -4.03,9.7 -8.44,9.42 -4.9,-0.32 -7.8,-3.82 -7.27,-8.78 0.45,-4.3 5.1,-8.1 9.58,-7.8 4.93,0.3 6.04,3.64 6.13,7.15zM479.33,123.64c-0.57,6.07 -4.03,9.7 -8.44,9.42 -4.9,-0.32 -7.8,-3.82 -7.28,-8.78 0.45,-4.28 5.1,-8.08 9.58,-7.8 4.93,0.32 6.04,3.65 6.13,7.16zM416.6,116.9c-0.58,6.06 -4.04,9.7 -8.45,9.4 -4.9,-0.3 -7.8,-3.8 -7.27,-8.77 0.45,-4.28 5.1,-8.08 9.58,-7.8 4.93,0.32 6.03,3.65 6.13,7.16z" /> |
<!-- Closer eye border, fur on the chest, trunk inners --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_border_color" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M195.24,152.74c7.74,-11.83 18.38,-18.1 33.3,-15.86 16.5,2.5 27.95,10.5 30.4,25.3 3.8,22.83 -9.52,47.04 -37.8,49.3 -15,1.18 -27.8,-6.6 -33.2,-22.3 -5.08,-14.78 1.8,-28.04 7.3,-36.44zM233.13,336.23c-3.38,3.85 -4.73,8.13 -5.24,12.7 -0.2,1.73 -0.88,3.85 0.95,4.96 1.95,1.18 4.04,0.58 5.93,-0.66 2.84,-1.88 5.68,-3.77 8.6,-5.5 2.82,-1.66 4.3,-1.22 3.7,2.52 -1.02,6.47 0.4,12.64 2.83,18.6 2,4.88 6.94,5.66 10.4,1.6 2.55,-3 4.53,-6.36 6.14,-9.95 1.73,-3.87 4.12,-5.4 8.46,-3.1 4.98,2.6 6.83,1.5 8.35,-4.05 0.38,-1.4 0.65,-2.85 1,-4.27 0.34,-1.35 0,-3.3 1.95,-3.48 1.74,-0.15 3.12,1.1 3.77,2.64 2.08,4.84 1.66,9.83 -1.26,13.96 -2.9,4.1 -7.3,7 -12.64,5.4 -3.4,-1.03 -4.6,0.33 -6.08,2.78 -2.34,3.86 -4.54,8.03 -9.38,9.4 -9.73,2.77 -16.5,-1.07 -19.34,-10.9 -0.3,-1.1 -0.63,-2.2 -0.8,-3.33 -0.98,-6.03 -0.97,-6.04 -7.13,-4.43 -6.8,1.78 -11.85,-2.22 -11.2,-9.22 0.3,-3.02 1.43,-5.98 2.4,-8.9 0.54,-1.7 1.44,-3.3 2.33,-4.84 1.27,-2.2 3.04,-3.38 6.27,-1.93zM396.93,346.85c1.1,-8.24 4.9,-16.17 11.23,-22.87 1.35,-1.42 3.2,-2.32 5.2,-2.45 2.95,-0.2 4.2,1.35 3.64,4.25 -0.12,0.6 -0.54,1.17 -0.88,1.72 -3.8,6.24 -7.34,12.55 -6.02,20.32 0.07,0.45 -0.16,0.95 -0.25,1.43 -0.96,4.73 -3.7,7.37 -7.28,7 -3.46,-0.34 -5.76,-3.8 -5.64,-9.4z" /> |
<!-- Stripes on the body --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_dark_body_color_1" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M339.6,394.63c-2.8,5.76 -5.05,12.45 -11.24,16.56 -1.6,1.04 -3.35,1.4 -4.9,-0.13 -1.4,-1.35 -1.2,-3.02 -0.4,-4.5 2.6,-4.88 5.2,-9.75 8,-14.5 1.23,-2.06 3.3,-3.22 5.84,-2.32 1.9,0.67 2.56,2.35 2.7,4.88zM99.37,195.3c0,5.1 -0.74,9.43 -1.8,13.7 -0.7,2.8 -2.47,4.76 -5.65,4 -3.27,-0.8 -3.62,-3.4 -2.94,-6.2 0.95,-3.96 1.85,-7.93 3.04,-11.82 0.76,-2.5 1,-6.24 4.72,-5.75 4,0.53 2.55,4.16 2.63,6.07zM306.3,404.28c-0.4,0.8 -0.8,2.3 -1.68,3.38 -2.87,3.52 -5.74,7.07 -8.97,10.24 -1.6,1.6 -4,3.56 -6.38,1.17 -2.1,-2.1 -0.64,-4.1 0.9,-5.97 3.17,-3.88 5.07,-8.74 9.14,-11.93 1.47,-1.13 3,-2.12 4.9,-1.1 1.4,0.76 2.08,2 2.1,4.2z" /> |
<!-- Stripes on the trunk --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_border_color" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M348.56,246.42c0.34,0.05 1.82,0.1 3.2,0.53 1.93,0.6 2.9,2.2 2.56,4.15 -0.4,2.17 -2.1,2.8 -4.1,2.32 -5,-1.2 -9.1,1.4 -13.42,3.06 -1.2,0.47 -2.28,1.25 -3.46,1.75 -1.94,0.83 -3.96,1 -5.14,-1.1 -1.27,-2.24 0.28,-3.54 2.07,-4.67 5.27,-3.32 10.78,-5.92 18.3,-6.04z" /> |
<!-- Some stripes on the body --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_dark_body_color_1" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M93.92,356.84c0.62,-4.05 2.12,-7.92 4.52,-11.26 2.05,-2.86 13.07,-8.75 11,-0.02 -0.9,3.88 -13.95,23.17 -15.52,11.28 0.87,-5.7 0.2,1.54 0,0zM293.28,451.9c-2.74,-0.2 -4.53,-0.6 -5.22,-2.56 -0.7,-1.95 0.73,-2.94 2.15,-3.84 4.1,-2.6 7.46,-6.24 11.86,-8.45 2.12,-1.06 3.98,-1.3 5.73,0.54 1.98,2.07 0.75,3.87 -0.58,5.6 -3.77,4.85 -9.4,6.57 -13.94,8.7zM157.6,506.77c-0.1,0.93 -0.1,2.24 -0.4,3.5 -0.5,2.28 -1.95,3.8 -4.36,3.85 -2.33,0.07 -3.6,-1.68 -4,-3.62 -1.13,-5.65 0,-11.33 1.05,-16.8 0.6,-3.12 3.28,-2.43 4.95,0.03 2.62,3.85 2.18,8.37 2.76,13.04zM121.98,171.47c0,4.06 -1.3,8 -1.03,12.08 0.15,2.4 -1.83,3.8 -4.16,3.9 -2.48,0.1 -3.32,-1.92 -3.55,-3.9 -0.8,-6.62 1.78,-12.7 3.4,-18.92 0.26,-0.94 1.18,-1.55 2.28,-1.5 1.32,0.1 2.18,0.96 2.38,2.1 0.4,2.05 0.47,4.16 0.68,6.24zM127.7,234.96c-0.1,1.63 -0.28,4.04 -0.38,6.46 -0.1,2.66 -1.78,3.8 -4.1,3.78 -2.47,-0.03 -4.1,-1.8 -3.97,-4.06 0.28,-4.8 0.3,-9.73 3.2,-13.94 0.83,-1.2 1.7,-2.65 3.37,-2.32 2.14,0.43 1.78,2.4 1.85,3.96 0.1,1.77 0.02,3.55 0.02,6.12zM177.7,488.12c-0.52,3.22 0.87,8.16 -4.78,7.6 -5.6,-0.57 -4,-5.25 -3.75,-8.8 0.15,-2.08 0.56,-4.17 1.07,-6.2 0.4,-1.62 1.35,-3 3.28,-3.08 1.93,-0.07 2.9,1.24 3.5,2.83 0.92,2.47 1.26,5 0.7,7.65zM272.2,445.54c-0.3,0.63 -0.48,1.5 -1,2.03 -4.33,4.35 -10.06,5.68 -15.74,6.93 -1.43,0.32 -2.77,-0.9 -3.1,-2.53 -0.34,-1.53 0.66,-2.5 1.86,-3.07 4.22,-2.06 8.47,-3.98 12.57,-6.3 2.18,-1.24 4.85,-0.65 5.4,2.94zM102.32,145.58c1.64,-5.07 4.9,-9.88 8.67,-14.37 0.64,-0.77 1.66,-1 2.65,-0.48 1,0.53 1.38,1.55 1.1,2.5 -1.63,5.42 -3.5,10.8 -6.2,15.78 -0.85,1.57 -2.84,1.46 -4.45,0.88 -1.67,-0.62 -1.83,-2.1 -1.78,-4.3z" /> |
<!-- Stripes --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_dark_body_color_1" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M144.84,486.52c0,1.3 0.1,2.94 -0.03,4.55 -0.17,2.34 -1.25,4.17 -3.8,4.27 -2.65,0.1 -4.1,-2 -4,-4.07 0.23,-4.34 0,-8.8 1.37,-13.02 0.5,-1.5 1.36,-2.67 3.15,-2.47 1.52,0.17 2.25,1.36 2.45,2.68 0.4,2.56 0.57,5.15 0.87,8.06z" /> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_dark_body_color_1" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M81.02,341.44c1.3,-3.72 4.4,-17.26 11.34,-12.86 7.63,4.85 -12.85,22.17 -11.34,12.87 1.3,-3.7 -0.2,1.3 0,0zM107.94,313.03c0.88,-3.87 1.65,-7.9 4.5,-10.98 1.52,-1.63 3.36,-2.55 5.6,-1.08 2.35,1.54 1.9,3.58 0.87,5.53 -1.56,2.98 -3.24,5.9 -5.06,8.75 -0.9,1.44 -2.4,2.25 -4.18,1.52 -1.6,-0.66 -1.77,-2.14 -1.72,-3.74z" /> |
<!-- Some dark stripes --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_border_color" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M342.43,271.95c-1.83,0 -3.2,0 -3.8,-1.48 -0.53,-1.25 0.2,-2.2 1.04,-3 4.12,-3.8 9.28,-5.16 14.6,-5.7 2.03,-0.2 4.25,0.87 4.33,3.64 0.06,2.56 -1.9,2.55 -3.7,2.87 -4.44,0.8 -8.7,2.26 -12.47,3.68zM202.22,302.22c-1.4,7.32 -5.82,2.58 -9.13,2.3 -2.34,-1.72 -4.7,-3.4 -6.98,-5.2 -1.35,-1.07 -2.27,-2.5 -1.12,-4.2 1,-1.46 2.65,-1.47 3.9,-0.6 4.2,2.98 9.44,4.16 13.32,7.7z" /> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_border_color" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M356.13,286.15c-2.13,-0.24 -5.3,0.83 -5.03,-2.32 0.3,-3.4 3.6,-4.4 6.62,-4.34 2.07,0.03 4.6,0.8 4.2,3.6 -0.5,3.4 -3.13,3.7 -5.8,3.05z" /> |
<!-- Closer (brighter) eye whiteness--> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_light_color_2" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M249.37,187.45c-7.92,14.6 -25.8,23.77 -44.07,13.36 -8.45,-4.8 -11.9,-14.85 -11.95,-23.45 -0.1,-12.7 6.15,-22.22 16.36,-30.07 10.78,-8.3 34.38,-4.27 40.84,10.76 2.74,6.4 3.9,20.05 -1.17,29.4z" /> |
<!-- Closer eye pupil --> |
<path |
android:fillColor="@color/elephant_friend_border_color" |
android:fillType="evenOdd" |
android:pathData="M245.26,175.92c0.12,9.8 -6.64,19.24 -18.34,21.65 -12.87,2.66 -23.04,-5.27 -25.9,-15.54 -2.43,-8.64 3.8,-20.3 9.64,-25.97 6.9,-6.73 18.22,-7.67 25.9,-2.63 8.8,5.8 8.6,14.37 8.7,22.5z" /> |
</vector> |