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- title: Platinium
style: partner-pt
- name: Delair
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/Delair.png
- name: Continental
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-continental.png
- name: Airbus
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-airbus.png
- name: Toulouse Métropole
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/tls-metropole.png
- title: Gold
style: partner-au
- name: Stack Labs
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-stacklab.png
- name: Monkey Patch
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/Logo_MonkeyPatch_Bleu.png
- name: CS Systèmes d'information
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-cs.png
- name: Informatique Banque Populaire
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo_i-BP2.png
- name: Sigfox
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-sigfox.svg
- name: Cirruseo
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-cirruseo.png
- name: OnePoint
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-onepoint.png
- name: FullSave
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-fullsave.png
- name: JFrog
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-jfrog.svg
- name: Palo IT
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-paloit.png
- name: Lyra Network
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-lyra.png
- name: PROJIXI
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-projixi.png
- name: FittingBox
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-fittingbox.png
- name: Ippon
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-ippon.svg
- name: Capgemini
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-capgemini.svg
- name: Sogeti
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-sogeti.jpg
- title: Soutien
style: partner
- name: Commit42
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/commit42.png
- name: SQLI
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-sqli.png
- name: Gisaia
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-gisaia.png
- name: DocDoku
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/docdoku_inverse_web.png
- name: CNES
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-cnes.jpg
- name: VISEO
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-viseo.png
- name: Pierre Fabre
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-pierrefabre.png
- name: Étincelle Coworking
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-etincelle.gif
- name: SII
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-sii.png
- name: Morning
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/logo-morning.svg
- title: Média
style: partner
- name: Programmez
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/media/logo_programmez.svg
- title: Communautés
style: partner
- name: Toulouse Data Science
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/community/tds.png
- name: Toulouse JUG
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/community/toulouse_jug.png
- name: Duchess FR
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/community/duchess_fr.svg
- name: ToulouseJS
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/community/toulousejs.png
- name: Toulouse Devops
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/community/toulousedevops.jpg
- name: GDG Toulouse
url: ''
logoUrl: /images/partners/community/gdgtoulouse.jpeg