from flask_login import current_user
def parse_permission(string):
Parsing permission string
permission_type{read,delete,write,update,*(for all permissions)}::module_name{module name or for all modules *}::union_id{for all companies *}/item_id{for all items *}
example string:
read::collectors::union1id/* ->read union1 all collectors
read::collectors::union1id/collector1 ->read union1 collector1
*::users::union2/* -> read, write, update, delete all users for union2
*::users::union2/user1 -> read, write, update, delete for users1 in union2
*::*::union2/* -> all permissions for union2
*::*::*/* -> all permissions like a admin
:param string:
:return: dict
permission_type, module, extras = string.split("::")
union_id, item_id = extras.split('/')
read = False
write = False
update = False
delete = False
if permission_type == '*':
read = True
write = True
update = True
delete = True
if permission_type == 'read':
read = True
if permission_type == 'write':
write = True
if permission_type == 'update':
update = True
if permission_type == 'delete':
delete = True
return {
"delete": delete,
"write": write,
"read": read,
"update": update,
"module": module,
"union": union_id,
"item_id": item_id
def control_permission(group, module, perm_type, itemid, unionid):
for right_string in group.rights:
right = parse_permission(right_string.strip())
print(right, right_string, group, perm_type)
if right.get('module') in ["*", module]:
return True
elif right.get('union') in ['*', unionid]:
return True
elif right.get(perm_type):
return True
elif right.get('item_id') in ['*', itemid]:
return True
elif right.get('module') in ["*", module] and right.get('union') in ['*', unionid] and right.get(
perm_type) and right.get('item_id') in ['*', itemid]:
return True
return False
def read_permission(module, qs):
union_list = []
for right_string in current_user.group.rights:
right = parse_permission(right_string)
if right.get('module') in [module, '*']:
if right.get('read'):
if right.get('union') != "*":
if len(union_list) > 0:
if module == 'union':
qs.filter(id__in=union_list, deleted=False)
qs.filter(union__in=union_list, deleted=False)
return qs
def has_permission(module, obj, reqtype, oid):
if control_permission(current_user.group, module, reqtype, oid, obj.company):
return True
return False