diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ff7ff3e..26a1d8b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ * Sen ne dusunuyorsun ? * Uzak durmamizi istedigin herhangi bir konu var mi ? * Kendi adima siyasi ornek vereceksek Turkiye'den uzak durmak isteyebilirmisiz gibi geliyor. +* Theranos vakasindan ekmek cikar mi acaba ? (vaktim olursa arastirayim) ## Temalar * Culture Wars (detaylandirmaya calisayayim) @@ -14,13 +15,15 @@ * anti-SJW akim * teknik-siyasi ekseni ve yarattigi kimlik kargasasi * ozgur yazilim ne kadar teknik ne kadar siyasi - * Belki neden LKD varken OYD kuruldu bunun bir parcasi olabilir. + * ~~Belki neden LKD varken OYD kuruldu bunun bir parcasi olabilir.~~ * Topluluk yonetimi * Code of Conducts * Meritokrasi Elestirisi * Diversity and Intersectionality * Gamergate/alt-right baglantisi baglam olarak bence onemli ama girsek cok zaman harcatabilir. (dusuk oncelik) * Culture Fit +* Yeni bir Israil-Filistin cycle'inda kafamda iyice oturan soyle bir dusunce var. + * Sagcilarin cancel culture ile olan dertleri sadece statukoya yarattigi tehdit olsa gerek, ozellikle Filistin lehine konusan herkesi anti-semite ilan edip (Corbyn de bu yuzden gitmisti sanki) hep bir agizdan cancel etme cabalarini tekrar gordukten sonra. Sagci/asiri sagci figurler Filistin icin bagis toplayan herkesi Hamas destekcisi ilan ettiler, bir oyun sitesi Filistin yanlisi bir makale yayinlayinca sirket yonetimi dogrudan devreye girip kimseye haber vermeden makaleyi ucurdu, Filistin ofisi bombalanan AP bir muhabirini universitede Filistin yanlisi bir kurumla ilisigi yuzunden kovdu vs. Mesele ayrimcilik yapma hakki olunca ifade ozgurlugu diyip mangalda kul birakmayan kesimlerden ses yok. Filistin en net ornek ama nuyuk ihtimalle arasak egemenlerin hosuna gitmeyen soylemleri yuzunden cancel edilmis nice insan buluruz. Ama mesele egemenlerin ellerindeki gucu kotuye kullandiklari icin hesap vermesi olunca cancel culture cok tehlikeli diye milyon tane nutuk duyuyoruz. ## TODO @@ -86,6 +89,29 @@ Herhangi bir kategorizasyon yapmadim, FCFS siralanmis durumdalar. * Bu alt-right in internette kullandigi taktikleri aciklayan bir web serisi, puan kazanmak icin tartismak meselesini detaylandiriyor. Zamanin olursa butun seriyi izlemeni de oneririm. * http://jvns.ca/blog/2016/03/06/women-only-spaces-are-a-hack/ * Cozumler kisminda sadece kadinlara ayrilmis +* https://twitter.com/moorehn/status/1392789238710689794 + * Apple'in asiri derecede kadin dusmani oldugunu fark ettigi bir calisanini isten cikarmasi hakkinda, burada Google'da kadindan yazilimci olmaz manifestosu yazan adama da baglanabilir. + * https://twitter.com/_danilo/status/1392995609481814018 + * Paul Graham'in bu adami kollamasi +* https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-jeffrey-epstein-ties-melinda-divorce-2021-5 + * Bill Gates/Epstein baglantisi +* https://humanparts.medium.com/a-gentlemens-guide-to-rape-culture-7fc86c50dc4c + * Rape culture dogrudan konumuzla alakali degil diye dusunuyorum ama su argumani kesinlikle kullanabiliriz. + * "But don’t get hung up on the terminology. Don’t concentrate on the words that offend you and ignore what they’re pointing to — the words “rape culture” aren’t the problem. The reality they describe is the problem." + * Konuyla alakasi pek yok ama muhtesem bir anoloji olmus + * "Because when it comes to assessing a man, whatever one man is capable of, a woman must presume you are capable of. Unfortunately, that means all men must be judged by our worst example. If you think that sort of stereotyping is bullshit, how do you treat a snake you come across in the wild? You treat it like a snake, right? Well, that’s not stereotyping, that’s acknowledging an animal for what it’s capable of doing and the harm it can inflict. Simple rules of the jungle, man. Since you are a man, women must treat you as such. The completely reasonable and understandable fear of men is your responsibility. You didn’t create it. But you also didn’t build the freeways either. Some of the things you inherit from society are cool and some of them are rape culture." +* http://dashes.com/2015/02/24/not_a_good_guy/ + * Surekli "iyi erkeklerden biri" olarak anilan Anil Dash (NY'da meshur bir yazilim firmasinin CEO'suydu galiba en son) bu konuyla ilgili goruslerini yazmis + * Temel argumani ben iyi erkeklerden biri falan degilim, siradan bir erkegim ve tonla yanlisim/hatam var. Buna ragmen insanlar cozumun bir parcasi oldugumu dusunuyorlarsa, hepimiz sektorun iyilesmesi icin katkida bulunabiliriz. + * Bu benim de son zamanlarda dusunmeye basladigim bir seydi, bana kalirsa beni de ortalama bir erkekten ayiran cok fazla bir sey yok, ve erkeklerin toplandigi her turlu rezil idelojiye bulasmamin isten olmadigi alternatif gelecekler dusunebiliyorum. Buyuk resime bakinca bu eger sozumona duzgun erkekler birer exception olsalardi fikrinden daha iyimser geliyor + * Dunyanin butun iscileri birlesin tarzi tribunlere oynacak bir nokta bulursak kullanilabilir belki, ama disarida birakirsak da cok bir sey kaybetmeyiz gibi geliyor +* https://thebaffler.com/salvos/dads-tech + * Bu makale daha genel anlamda cinsiyet baglaminda bilgisayar/internet tarihini ozetliyor + * Erkeklerin internetteki problemleri hafife almasini elestirirken kullandigi soyle bir ifade var ilgimi cekti: "an Internet so simple even your Dad can understand" + * "In the end, an Internet built by Dads, for Dads, sells most of us short. The stereotypical Dad, insulated from divergent perspectives, lacks the necessary understanding of how social problems and power inequities persist—and how these problems get amplified in a networked society. When we don simple-explainer goggles to survey a stubbornly unequal digital culture, every problem becomes black and white. Combating harassment becomes equivalent to state censorship of free speech, and web anonymity becomes “naturally” a straightforward issue: everyone should use their real names and have one identity online, because you shouldn’t have anything to hide. After all, these Dads don’t need to worry about being outed since they aren’t sex workers or undocumented or disabled or vulnerable; nor are they activists or dissidents who need to worry about the NSA." + * "The men who tell women not to feed the trolls are thinking of an Internet so simple Dad can understand it. Though keenly attuned to one form of injustice—the potential suppression of free speech—they cannot see other power dynamics at play, including the harms that result from virtual harassment (potential victims declining to participate in public forums, passing up speaking engagements and other opportunities for fear violent ultimatums may not be empty threats, and so on). As they see it, women and others just need to “man up” and ignore the haters." + * Bu arguman benim surekli aklimda olan ifade ozgurlugunden bahsederken kimin ifade ozgurlugu noktasini vurgulamis + * "The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house," sozunden yola cikarak kadinlarin ciddiye alinmamasindan bahsederken soyle bir argumanda bulunmus "the master’s tools are kept off limits to women, who, in myriad ways, are discouraged and penalized for picking them up. The master has many tricks up his sleeve to prevent the dismantling of his domain, including planting seeds of self-doubt (If you don’t know how to whittle and forge a hammer, how can you talk about the effect of nailing things?), contending that women are actually holding the wrong tool (That’s not a hammer, it’s a hair curler!), or declaring women’s work inferior even when presented with a row of perfectly hammered nails (Let me show you how hammering is done, little lady!)." ## Ikincil kaynaklar Sunuma katkisi olur mu bilemeyip, hosuna gidebilecgini dusunduklerim.