Copyright (C) 2020 Masscollabs Services, hwpplayers, procyberian(procyberian-linux), amassivus Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". ## procyberian-Linux a platform for all which will be done during the procyberian hackathon The first organization was hwpplayers(hardworking philosophers players) hackerspace, and the second organization was Masscollabs Services Free Software, Hardware and Science services company project. And now it is needed to make it publicly available free as in freedom for all these three organizations. So it is decided to divide projects for their own native existences like hwpplayers is a hackerspace but not for production ready source code just for Research and Development and maybe Masscollabs Services is not appropriate for everyone because you don't have to agree with the company and it's community this is your freedom of choice. So it is decided to make a platform for all named procyberian. It has began as a kernel project with Coreboot, Linux/Linux-libre, GNU and a general distribution based on another R&D project Milis Linux. But then it is decided to volunteer to other projects and platforms like packaging for Debian, Trisquel, Guix or F-droid and other free platforms. In short "working together for free software". Our projects will be made during the procyberian hackathon project and you may anytime fork any project and also that's what we want. Our main goal is to help other people to make their own free services. ### Support or Contact Feel free to email to these addresses : * core at masscollabs dot com * security at masscollabs dot com * support at masscollabs dot com or join [procyberian Freenode channel]( to ask your questions. * Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds [(info)](