--- key: behlul name: Behlül Çalışkan id: D1UJEdrxhHQowlM2LoIusKF26ir2 feature: true company: '' city: 'Istanbul, Turkey' photoURL: /images/speakers/behlul.jpg socials: - icon: twitter link: 'https://twitter.com/BehlulCaliskan' name: BehlulCaliskan --- Behlül Çalışkan, born in 1982, received a Master’s Degree at Marmara University based on his research into user interactions in online newspapers. In 2016, he completed his PhD in journalism at the same university with a dissertation entitled “The Impact of Information Leaks on Journalism in a Networked Society”. In his academic works, he has mostly focused on theoretical and empirical studies on media, communication and culture in Turkey. His research has concentrated on topics such as new media, digital journalism and information leaks. Recently he finished his post-doctoral study on alternative minority media at the University of Macedonia in Greece.