--- id: 4528 title: Exploring reactive programming in Java language: English complexity: Confirmé tags: - Languages presentation: >- https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/devfesttoulouse-2018.appspot.com/o/presentation%2F4528-reactivejava-MiroCupak.zip?alt=media&token=09822fe0-47e7-401c-b5a9-165778bf0dc9 videoId: LxBn42ROcwg speakers: - miro_miro_cupak talkType: Conférence --- When Java 8 was first introduced, it revolutionized the way Java applications were written by providing the core constructs for asynchronous programming and handling data streams. With Java 9, 10, and 11, these capabilities were extended to the level that allows us to write truly modern, reactive applications with the JDK. In this live-coding session, we explore JDK 9-11 features enabling all the aspects of reactive programming - updates to the Stream and CompletableFuture APIs, Reactive Streams publish-subscribe framework, HTTP/2 client, and more.