Özgür Yazılım Derneği web sitesi https://oyd.org.tr
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
650 B

{{ define "main" }}
{{ $page := . }}
{{ $banner := ($page.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*-wd*" }}
<div class="page">
<h1 class="title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
<div class="article-header">
{{ with $.Params.photo }}<div class="photo" style="background-image: url('{{ .urlband }}');">{{ end }}</div>
{{ with $.Params.photo }}<div class="photoCredit">{{ i18n "gorsel" }}<a href="{{ .urlband }}">{{ .author }}</a></div>
{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
<aside class="sidebar">
5 years ago
<h2 class="title">{{ i18n "etkinlikler" }}</h2>
{{ partial "events" . }}
{{ end }}