
General information

Our projects on topics like free software, privacy, Internet freedom:

Hackerspace Istanbul
Hackerspace Istanbul

Hackerspace Istanbul is a workplace to have fun with the technical facilities gathered together by the contributers and a social environment to work together and creating events; for the people, who are interested in computers, electronics, technology, Internet, DIY and such kind of subjects.


Özgürleşin is a documentation project that aims end users exclusively.


Zarola (portmenteau word: zar + parola [Turk. dice + password]), is a technique to generate strong and secure passwords with dices.

CryptoParty Istanbul
CryptoParty Istanbul

CryptoParty is a decentralized world wide movement. The purpose of CryptoParties are to learn how to protect one's self in digital (partially physical) environments. Encrypted communication, protection from trackers while browsing the Web and Internet, account management, generating and protecting strong passwords are the main topics. Installation of GnuPG, Tor, OTR, OMEMO to computers and smartphones will be covered regarding those topics.