baseurl = "" relativeurls = true languageCode = "en-en" title = "Free Software Association in Turkey" description = "Use, study, share, improve!" googleAnalytics = "" disqusShortname = "" ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "_files$", "_cache$"] [permalinks] articles = "articles/:slug/" [[menu.main]] name = "Projects" url = "/projects/" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "Articles" url = "/articles/" weight = 2 # [[menu.main]] # name = "Events" # url = "/events/" # weight = 3 [[menu.main]] name = "About us" url = "/about/" weight = 4 #[[menu.main]] # name = "Statute" # url = "/statute/" # weight = 4 [[menu.main]] name = "Membership" url = "/membership/" weight = 6 [[menu.main]] name = "Support" url = "/support/" weight = 7 [[menu.main]] name = "Contact" url = "/contact/" weight = 8 [[menu.main]] name = "Donate" url = "" weight = 9 [[menu.main]] name = "TR" url = "" weight = 99 [[menu.categories]] name = "Association" url = "/categories/association" pre = "/css/images/dernek.svg" [[menu.categories]] name = "World" url = "/categories/world" pre = "/css/images/dunyadan.svg" [[menu.categories]] name = "Events" url = "/categories/events" pre = "/css/images/etkinlikler.svg" [[menu.categories]] name = "Freedom" url = "/categories/freedom" pre = "/css/images/felsefe.svg" [[menu.categories]] name = "Projects" url = "/categories/projects" pre = "/css/images/projeler.svg" [params] description = "Free Software Association in Turkey is a community of people defending the free software movement and the freedom of all people in the modern world." # options for highlight.js (version, additional languages, and theme) highlightjsVersion = "9.11.0" highlightjsCDN = "//" highlightjsLang = ["r", "yaml"] highlightjsTheme = "github" MathJaxCDN = "//" MathJaxVersion = "2.7.1"