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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
slashpath "path"
const (
// Part metadata file.
metadataFile = "part.json"
// Maximum erasure blocks.
maxErasureBlocks = 16
// XL layer structure.
type XL struct {
ReedSolomon reedsolomon.Encoder // Erasure encoder/decoder.
DataBlocks int
ParityBlocks int
storageDisks []StorageAPI
nameSpaceLockMap map[nameSpaceParam]*nameSpaceLock
nameSpaceLockMapMutex *sync.Mutex
readQuorum int
writeQuorum int
// lockNS - locks the given resource, using a previously allocated
// name space lock or initializing a new one.
func (xl XL) lockNS(volume, path string, readLock bool) {
defer xl.nameSpaceLockMapMutex.Unlock()
param := nameSpaceParam{volume, path}
nsLock, found := xl.nameSpaceLockMap[param]
if !found {
nsLock = newNSLock()
if readLock {
} else {
xl.nameSpaceLockMap[param] = nsLock
// unlockNS - unlocks any previously acquired read or write locks.
func (xl XL) unlockNS(volume, path string, readLock bool) {
defer xl.nameSpaceLockMapMutex.Unlock()
param := nameSpaceParam{volume, path}
if nsLock, found := xl.nameSpaceLockMap[param]; found {
if readLock {
} else {
if nsLock.InUse() {
xl.nameSpaceLockMap[param] = nsLock
// newXL instantiate a new XL.
func newXL(disks ...string) (StorageAPI, error) {
// Initialize XL.
xl := &XL{}
// Verify disks.
totalDisks := len(disks)
if totalDisks > maxErasureBlocks {
return nil, errMaxDisks
// isEven function to verify if a given number if even.
isEven := func(number int) bool {
return number%2 == 0
// TODO: verify if this makes sense in future.
if !isEven(totalDisks) {
return nil, errNumDisks
// Calculate data and parity blocks.
dataBlocks, parityBlocks := totalDisks/2, totalDisks/2
// Initialize reed solomon encoding.
rs, err := reedsolomon.New(dataBlocks, parityBlocks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Save the reedsolomon.
xl.DataBlocks = dataBlocks
xl.ParityBlocks = parityBlocks
xl.ReedSolomon = rs
// Initialize all storage disks.
storageDisks := make([]StorageAPI, len(disks))
for index, disk := range disks {
var err error
storageDisks[index], err = newFS(disk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Save all the initialized storage disks.
xl.storageDisks = storageDisks
// Initialize name space lock map.
xl.nameSpaceLockMap = make(map[nameSpaceParam]*nameSpaceLock)
xl.nameSpaceLockMapMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
// Figure out read and write quorum based on number of storage disks.
// Read quorum should be always N/2 + 1 (due to Vandermonde matrix
// erasure requirements)
xl.readQuorum = len(xl.storageDisks)/2 + 1
// Write quorum is assumed if we have total disks + 3
// parity. (Need to discuss this again)
xl.writeQuorum = len(xl.storageDisks)/2 + 3
if xl.writeQuorum > len(xl.storageDisks) {
xl.writeQuorum = len(xl.storageDisks)
// Return successfully initialized.
return xl, nil
// MakeVol - make a volume.
func (xl XL) MakeVol(volume string) error {
if !isValidVolname(volume) {
return errInvalidArgument
// Make a volume entry on all underlying storage disks.
for _, disk := range xl.storageDisks {
if err := disk.MakeVol(volume); err != nil {
// We ignore error if errVolumeExists and creating a volume again.
if err == errVolumeExists {
return err
return nil
// DeleteVol - delete a volume.
func (xl XL) DeleteVol(volume string) error {
if !isValidVolname(volume) {
return errInvalidArgument
for _, disk := range xl.storageDisks {
if err := disk.DeleteVol(volume); err != nil {
// We ignore error if errVolumeNotFound.
if err == errVolumeNotFound {
return err
return nil
// ListVols - list volumes.
func (xl XL) ListVols() (volsInfo []VolInfo, err error) {
emptyCount := 0
// Success vols map carries successful results of ListVols from
// each disks.
var successVolsMap = make(map[int][]VolInfo)
for index, disk := range xl.storageDisks {
var vlsInfo []VolInfo
vlsInfo, err = disk.ListVols()
if err == nil {
if len(vlsInfo) == 0 {
} else {
successVolsMap[index] = vlsInfo
// If all list operations resulted in an empty count which is same
// as your total storage disks, then it is a valid case return
// success with empty vols.
if emptyCount == len(xl.storageDisks) {
return []VolInfo{}, nil
} else if len(successVolsMap) < xl.readQuorum {
// If there is data and not empty, then we attempt quorum verification.
// Verify if we have enough quorum to list vols.
return nil, errReadQuorum
// Loop through success vols map and return the first value.
for index := range xl.storageDisks {
if _, ok := successVolsMap[index]; ok {
volsInfo = successVolsMap[index]
return volsInfo, nil
// StatVol - get volume stat info.
func (xl XL) StatVol(volume string) (volInfo VolInfo, err error) {
if !isValidVolname(volume) {
return VolInfo{}, errInvalidArgument
var statVols []VolInfo
volumeNotFoundErrCnt := 0
for _, disk := range xl.storageDisks {
volInfo, err = disk.StatVol(volume)
if err == nil {
// Collect all the successful attempts to verify quorum
// subsequently.
statVols = append(statVols, volInfo)
} else if err == errVolumeNotFound {
// Count total amount of volume not found errors.
// If volume not found err count is same as total storage disks, we
// really don't have the bucket, report a valid error.
if volumeNotFoundErrCnt == len(xl.storageDisks) {
return VolInfo{}, errVolumeNotFound
} else if len(statVols) < xl.readQuorum {
// If one of the disks have bucket we need to validate if we
// have read quorum, if not fail.
return VolInfo{}, errReadQuorum
// If successful remove all the duplicates and keep the latest one.
volInfo = removeDuplicateVols(statVols)[0]
return volInfo, nil
// isLeafDirectory - check if a given path is leaf directory. i.e
// there are no more directories inside it. Erasure code backend
// format it means that the parent directory is the actual object name.
func (xl XL) isLeafDirectory(volume, leafPath string) (isLeaf bool) {
var allFileInfos []FileInfo
var markerPath string
for {
fileInfos, eof, e := xl.storageDisks[0].ListFiles(volume, leafPath, markerPath, false, 1000)
if e != nil {
allFileInfos = append(allFileInfos, fileInfos...)
if eof {
// MarkerPath to get the next set of files.
markerPath = allFileInfos[len(allFileInfos)-1].Name
for _, fileInfo := range allFileInfos {
if fileInfo.Mode.IsDir() {
// Directory found, not a leaf directory, return right here.
isLeaf = false
return isLeaf
// Exhausted all the entries, no directories found must be leaf
// return right here.
isLeaf = true
return isLeaf
// extractMetadata - extract file metadata.
func (xl XL) extractMetadata(volume, path string) (fileMetadata, error) {
metadataFilePath := slashpath.Join(path, metadataFile)
// We are not going to read partial data from metadata file,
// read the whole file always.
offset := int64(0)
disk := xl.storageDisks[0]
metadataReader, err := disk.ReadFile(volume, metadataFilePath, offset)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Close metadata reader.
defer metadataReader.Close()
metadata, err := fileMetadataDecode(metadataReader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return metadata, nil
// Extract file info from paths.
func (xl XL) extractFileInfo(volume, path string) (FileInfo, error) {
fileInfo := FileInfo{}
fileInfo.Volume = volume
fileInfo.Name = path
metadata, err := xl.extractMetadata(volume, path)
if err != nil {
return FileInfo{}, err
fileSize, err := metadata.GetSize()
if err != nil {
return FileInfo{}, err
fileModTime, err := metadata.GetModTime()
if err != nil {
return FileInfo{}, err
fileInfo.Size = fileSize
fileInfo.Mode = os.FileMode(0644)
fileInfo.ModTime = fileModTime
return fileInfo, nil
// byFileInfoName is a collection satisfying sort.Interface.
type byFileInfoName []FileInfo
func (d byFileInfoName) Len() int { return len(d) }
func (d byFileInfoName) Swap(i, j int) { d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i] }
func (d byFileInfoName) Less(i, j int) bool { return d[i].Name < d[j].Name }
// ListFiles files at prefix.
func (xl XL) ListFiles(volume, prefix, marker string, recursive bool, count int) (filesInfo []FileInfo, eof bool, err error) {
if !isValidVolname(volume) {
return nil, true, errInvalidArgument
// Pick the first disk and list there always.
disk := xl.storageDisks[0]
var fsFilesInfo []FileInfo
var markerPath = marker
if marker != "" {
isLeaf := xl.isLeafDirectory(volume, retainSlash(marker))
if isLeaf {
// For leaf for now we just point to the first block, make it
// dynamic in future based on the availability of storage disks.
markerPath = slashpath.Join(marker, "part.0")
// List files.
fsFilesInfo, eof, err = disk.ListFiles(volume, prefix, markerPath, recursive, count)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
for _, fsFileInfo := range fsFilesInfo {
// Skip metadata files.
if strings.HasSuffix(fsFileInfo.Name, metadataFile) {
var fileInfo FileInfo
var isLeaf bool
if fsFileInfo.Mode.IsDir() {
isLeaf = xl.isLeafDirectory(volume, fsFileInfo.Name)
if isLeaf || !fsFileInfo.Mode.IsDir() {
// Extract the parent of leaf directory or file to get the
// actual name.
path := slashpath.Dir(fsFileInfo.Name)
fileInfo, err = xl.extractFileInfo(volume, path)
if err != nil {
// For a leaf directory, if err is FileNotFound then
// perhaps has a missing metadata. Ignore it and let
// healing finish its job it will become available soon.
if err == errFileNotFound {
// For any other errors return to the caller.
return nil, true, err
} else {
fileInfo = fsFileInfo
filesInfo = append(filesInfo, fileInfo)
return filesInfo, eof, nil
// Object API.
// StatFile - stat a file
func (xl XL) StatFile(volume, path string) (FileInfo, error) {
if !isValidVolname(volume) {
return FileInfo{}, errInvalidArgument
if !isValidPath(path) {
return FileInfo{}, errInvalidArgument
// Acquire read lock.
readLock := true
xl.lockNS(volume, path, readLock)
_, metadata, doSelfHeal, err := xl.getReadableDisks(volume, path)
xl.unlockNS(volume, path, readLock)
if err != nil {
return FileInfo{}, err
if doSelfHeal {
if err = xl.selfHeal(volume, path); err != nil {
return FileInfo{}, err
// Extract metadata.
size, err := metadata.GetSize()
if err != nil {
return FileInfo{}, err
modTime, err := metadata.GetModTime()
if err != nil {
return FileInfo{}, err
// Return file info.
return FileInfo{
Volume: volume,
Name: path,
Size: size,
ModTime: modTime,
Mode: os.FileMode(0644),
}, nil
// DeleteFile - delete a file
func (xl XL) DeleteFile(volume, path string) error {
if !isValidVolname(volume) {
return errInvalidArgument
if !isValidPath(path) {
return errInvalidArgument
// Loop through and delete each chunks.
for index, disk := range xl.storageDisks {
erasureFilePart := slashpath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("part.%d", index))
err := disk.DeleteFile(volume, erasureFilePart)
if err != nil {
return err
metadataFilePath := slashpath.Join(path, metadataFile)
err = disk.DeleteFile(volume, metadataFilePath)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil