You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

393 lines
10 KiB

package nsq
import (
type producerConn interface {
String() string
SetLogger(logger, LogLevel, string)
Connect() (*IdentifyResponse, error)
Close() error
WriteCommand(*Command) error
// Producer is a high-level type to publish to NSQ.
// A Producer instance is 1:1 with a destination `nsqd`
// and will lazily connect to that instance (and re-connect)
// when Publish commands are executed.
type Producer struct {
id int64
addr string
conn producerConn
config Config
logger logger
logLvl LogLevel
logGuard sync.RWMutex
responseChan chan []byte
errorChan chan []byte
closeChan chan int
transactionChan chan *ProducerTransaction
transactions []*ProducerTransaction
state int32
concurrentProducers int32
stopFlag int32
exitChan chan int
wg sync.WaitGroup
guard sync.Mutex
// ProducerTransaction is returned by the async publish methods
// to retrieve metadata about the command after the
// response is received.
type ProducerTransaction struct {
cmd *Command
doneChan chan *ProducerTransaction
Error error // the error (or nil) of the publish command
Args []interface{} // the slice of variadic arguments passed to PublishAsync or MultiPublishAsync
func (t *ProducerTransaction) finish() {
if t.doneChan != nil {
t.doneChan <- t
// NewProducer returns an instance of Producer for the specified address
// The only valid way to create a Config is via NewConfig, using a struct literal will panic.
// After Config is passed into NewProducer the values are no longer mutable (they are copied).
func NewProducer(addr string, config *Config) (*Producer, error) {
err := config.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := &Producer{
id: atomic.AddInt64(&instCount, 1),
addr: addr,
config: *config,
logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.Flags()),
logLvl: LogLevelInfo,
transactionChan: make(chan *ProducerTransaction),
exitChan: make(chan int),
responseChan: make(chan []byte),
errorChan: make(chan []byte),
return p, nil
// Ping causes the Producer to connect to it's configured nsqd (if not already
// connected) and send a `Nop` command, returning any error that might occur.
// This method can be used to verify that a newly-created Producer instance is
// configured correctly, rather than relying on the lazy "connect on Publish"
// behavior of a Producer.
func (w *Producer) Ping() error {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&w.state) != StateConnected {
err := w.connect()
if err != nil {
return err
return w.conn.WriteCommand(Nop())
// SetLogger assigns the logger to use as well as a level
// The logger parameter is an interface that requires the following
// method to be implemented (such as the the stdlib log.Logger):
// Output(calldepth int, s string)
func (w *Producer) SetLogger(l logger, lvl LogLevel) {
defer w.logGuard.Unlock()
w.logger = l
w.logLvl = lvl
func (w *Producer) getLogger() (logger, LogLevel) {
defer w.logGuard.RUnlock()
return w.logger, w.logLvl
// String returns the address of the Producer
func (w *Producer) String() string {
return w.addr
// Stop initiates a graceful stop of the Producer (permanent)
// NOTE: this blocks until completion
func (w *Producer) Stop() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&w.stopFlag, 0, 1) {
w.log(LogLevelInfo, "stopping")
// PublishAsync publishes a message body to the specified topic
// but does not wait for the response from `nsqd`.
// When the Producer eventually receives the response from `nsqd`,
// the supplied `doneChan` (if specified)
// will receive a `ProducerTransaction` instance with the supplied variadic arguments
// and the response error if present
func (w *Producer) PublishAsync(topic string, body []byte, doneChan chan *ProducerTransaction,
args ...interface{}) error {
return w.sendCommandAsync(Publish(topic, body), doneChan, args)
// MultiPublishAsync publishes a slice of message bodies to the specified topic
// but does not wait for the response from `nsqd`.
// When the Producer eventually receives the response from `nsqd`,
// the supplied `doneChan` (if specified)
// will receive a `ProducerTransaction` instance with the supplied variadic arguments
// and the response error if present
func (w *Producer) MultiPublishAsync(topic string, body [][]byte, doneChan chan *ProducerTransaction,
args ...interface{}) error {
cmd, err := MultiPublish(topic, body)
if err != nil {
return err
return w.sendCommandAsync(cmd, doneChan, args)
// Publish synchronously publishes a message body to the specified topic, returning
// an error if publish failed
func (w *Producer) Publish(topic string, body []byte) error {
return w.sendCommand(Publish(topic, body))
// MultiPublish synchronously publishes a slice of message bodies to the specified topic, returning
// an error if publish failed
func (w *Producer) MultiPublish(topic string, body [][]byte) error {
cmd, err := MultiPublish(topic, body)
if err != nil {
return err
return w.sendCommand(cmd)
// DeferredPublish synchronously publishes a message body to the specified topic
// where the message will queue at the channel level until the timeout expires, returning
// an error if publish failed
func (w *Producer) DeferredPublish(topic string, delay time.Duration, body []byte) error {
return w.sendCommand(DeferredPublish(topic, delay, body))
// DeferredPublishAsync publishes a message body to the specified topic
// where the message will queue at the channel level until the timeout expires
// but does not wait for the response from `nsqd`.
// When the Producer eventually receives the response from `nsqd`,
// the supplied `doneChan` (if specified)
// will receive a `ProducerTransaction` instance with the supplied variadic arguments
// and the response error if present
func (w *Producer) DeferredPublishAsync(topic string, delay time.Duration, body []byte,
doneChan chan *ProducerTransaction, args ...interface{}) error {
return w.sendCommandAsync(DeferredPublish(topic, delay, body), doneChan, args)
func (w *Producer) sendCommand(cmd *Command) error {
doneChan := make(chan *ProducerTransaction)
err := w.sendCommandAsync(cmd, doneChan, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
t := <-doneChan
return t.Error
func (w *Producer) sendCommandAsync(cmd *Command, doneChan chan *ProducerTransaction,
args []interface{}) error {
// keep track of how many outstanding producers we're dealing with
// in order to later ensure that we clean them all up...
atomic.AddInt32(&w.concurrentProducers, 1)
defer atomic.AddInt32(&w.concurrentProducers, -1)
if atomic.LoadInt32(&w.state) != StateConnected {
err := w.connect()
if err != nil {
return err
t := &ProducerTransaction{
cmd: cmd,
doneChan: doneChan,
Args: args,
select {
case w.transactionChan <- t:
case <-w.exitChan:
return ErrStopped
return nil
func (w *Producer) connect() error {
defer w.guard.Unlock()
if atomic.LoadInt32(&w.stopFlag) == 1 {
return ErrStopped
switch state := atomic.LoadInt32(&w.state); state {
case StateInit:
case StateConnected:
return nil
return ErrNotConnected
w.log(LogLevelInfo, "(%s) connecting to nsqd", w.addr)
logger, logLvl := w.getLogger()
w.conn = NewConn(w.addr, &w.config, &producerConnDelegate{w})
w.conn.SetLogger(logger, logLvl, fmt.Sprintf("%3d (%%s)",
_, err := w.conn.Connect()
if err != nil {
w.log(LogLevelError, "(%s) error connecting to nsqd - %s", w.addr, err)
return err
atomic.StoreInt32(&w.state, StateConnected)
w.closeChan = make(chan int)
go w.router()
return nil
func (w *Producer) close() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&w.state, StateConnected, StateDisconnected) {
go func() {
// we need to handle this in a goroutine so we don't
// block the caller from making progress
atomic.StoreInt32(&w.state, StateInit)
func (w *Producer) router() {
for {
select {
case t := <-w.transactionChan:
w.transactions = append(w.transactions, t)
err := w.conn.WriteCommand(t.cmd)
if err != nil {
w.log(LogLevelError, "(%s) sending command - %s", w.conn.String(), err)
case data := <-w.responseChan:
w.popTransaction(FrameTypeResponse, data)
case data := <-w.errorChan:
w.popTransaction(FrameTypeError, data)
case <-w.closeChan:
goto exit
case <-w.exitChan:
goto exit
w.log(LogLevelInfo, "exiting router")
func (w *Producer) popTransaction(frameType int32, data []byte) {
t := w.transactions[0]
w.transactions = w.transactions[1:]
if frameType == FrameTypeError {
t.Error = ErrProtocol{string(data)}
func (w *Producer) transactionCleanup() {
// clean up transactions we can easily account for
for _, t := range w.transactions {
t.Error = ErrNotConnected
w.transactions = w.transactions[:0]
// spin and free up any writes that might have raced
// with the cleanup process (blocked on writing
// to transactionChan)
for {
select {
case t := <-w.transactionChan:
t.Error = ErrNotConnected
// keep spinning until there are 0 concurrent producers
if atomic.LoadInt32(&w.concurrentProducers) == 0 {
// give the runtime a chance to schedule other racing goroutines
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
func (w *Producer) log(lvl LogLevel, line string, args ...interface{}) {
logger, logLvl := w.getLogger()
if logger == nil {
if logLvl > lvl {
logger.Output(2, fmt.Sprintf("%-4s %3d %s", lvl,, fmt.Sprintf(line, args...)))
func (w *Producer) onConnResponse(c *Conn, data []byte) { w.responseChan <- data }
func (w *Producer) onConnError(c *Conn, data []byte) { w.errorChan <- data }
func (w *Producer) onConnHeartbeat(c *Conn) {}
func (w *Producer) onConnIOError(c *Conn, err error) { w.close() }
func (w *Producer) onConnClose(c *Conn) {
defer w.guard.Unlock()