You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2016-2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
// commonTime returns a maximally occurring time from a list of time.
func commonTime(modTimes []time.Time) (modTime time.Time, count int) {
var maxima int // Counter for remembering max occurrence of elements.
timeOccurenceMap := make(map[time.Time]int)
// Ignore the uuid sentinel and count the rest.
for _, time := range modTimes {
if time.Equal(timeSentinel) {
// Find the common cardinality from previously collected
// occurrences of elements.
for time, count := range timeOccurenceMap {
if count > maxima || (count == maxima && time.After(modTime)) {
maxima = count
modTime = time
// Return the collected common uuid.
return modTime, maxima
// Beginning of unix time is treated as sentinel value here.
var timeSentinel = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()
// Boot modTimes up to disk count, setting the value to time sentinel.
func bootModtimes(diskCount int) []time.Time {
modTimes := make([]time.Time, diskCount)
// Boots up all the modtimes.
for i := range modTimes {
modTimes[i] = timeSentinel
return modTimes
// Extracts list of times from FileInfo slice and returns, skips
// slice elements which have errors.
func listObjectModtimes(partsMetadata []FileInfo, errs []error) (modTimes []time.Time) {
modTimes = bootModtimes(len(partsMetadata))
for index, metadata := range partsMetadata {
if errs[index] != nil {
// Once the file is found, save the uuid saved on disk.
modTimes[index] = metadata.ModTime
return modTimes
// Notes:
// There are 5 possible states a disk could be in,
// 1. __online__ - has the latest copy of xl.meta - returned by listOnlineDisks
// 2. __offline__ - err == errDiskNotFound
// 3. __availableWithParts__ - has the latest copy of xl.meta and has all
// parts with checksums matching; returned by disksWithAllParts
// 4. __outdated__ - returned by outDatedDisk, provided []StorageAPI
// returned by diskWithAllParts is passed for latestDisks.
// - has an old copy of xl.meta
// - doesn't have xl.meta (errFileNotFound)
// - has the latest xl.meta but one or more parts are corrupt
// 5. __missingParts__ - has the latest copy of xl.meta but has some parts
// missing. This is identified separately since this may need manual
// inspection to understand the root cause. E.g, this could be due to
// backend filesystem corruption.
// listOnlineDisks - returns
// - a slice of disks where disk having 'older' xl.meta (or nothing)
// are set to nil.
// - latest (in time) of the maximally occurring modTime(s).
func listOnlineDisks(disks []StorageAPI, partsMetadata []FileInfo, errs []error) (onlineDisks []StorageAPI, modTime time.Time) {
onlineDisks = make([]StorageAPI, len(disks))
// List all the file commit ids from parts metadata.
modTimes := listObjectModtimes(partsMetadata, errs)
// Reduce list of UUIDs to a single common value.
modTime, _ = commonTime(modTimes)
// Create a new online disks slice, which have common uuid.
for index, t := range modTimes {
if t.Equal(modTime) {
onlineDisks[index] = disks[index]
} else {
onlineDisks[index] = nil
return onlineDisks, modTime
// Returns the latest updated FileInfo files and error in case of failure.
func getLatestFileInfo(ctx context.Context, partsMetadata []FileInfo, errs []error) (FileInfo, error) {
// There should be atleast half correct entries, if not return failure
if reducedErr := reduceReadQuorumErrs(ctx, errs, objectOpIgnoredErrs, len(partsMetadata)/2); reducedErr != nil {
return FileInfo{}, reducedErr
// List all the file commit ids from parts metadata.
modTimes := listObjectModtimes(partsMetadata, errs)
// Count all latest updated FileInfo values
var count int
var latestFileInfo FileInfo
// Reduce list of UUIDs to a single common value - i.e. the last updated Time
modTime, _ := commonTime(modTimes)
// Interate through all the modTimes and count the FileInfo(s) with latest time.
for index, t := range modTimes {
if t.Equal(modTime) && partsMetadata[index].IsValid() {
latestFileInfo = partsMetadata[index]
if count < len(partsMetadata)/2 {
return FileInfo{}, errErasureReadQuorum
return latestFileInfo, nil
// disksWithAllParts - This function needs to be called with
// []StorageAPI returned by listOnlineDisks. Returns,
// - disks which have all parts specified in the latest xl.meta.
// - slice of errors about the state of data files on disk - can have
// a not-found error or a hash-mismatch error.
func disksWithAllParts(ctx context.Context, onlineDisks []StorageAPI, partsMetadata []FileInfo, errs []error, bucket,
object string, scanMode madmin.HealScanMode) ([]StorageAPI, []error) {
availableDisks := make([]StorageAPI, len(onlineDisks))
dataErrs := make([]error, len(onlineDisks))
inconsistent := 0
for i, meta := range partsMetadata {
if !meta.IsValid() {
// Since for majority of the cases erasure.Index matches with erasure.Distribution we can
// consider the offline disks as consistent.
if len(meta.Erasure.Distribution) != len(onlineDisks) {
// Erasure distribution seems to have lesser
// number of items than number of online disks.
if meta.Erasure.Distribution[i] != meta.Erasure.Index {
// Mismatch indexes with distribution order
erasureDistributionReliable := true
if inconsistent > len(partsMetadata)/2 {
// If there are too many inconsistent files, then we can't trust erasure.Distribution (most likely
// because of bugs found in CopyObject/PutObjectTags)
erasureDistributionReliable = false
for i, onlineDisk := range onlineDisks {
if errs[i] != nil {
dataErrs[i] = errs[i]
if onlineDisk == nil {
dataErrs[i] = errDiskNotFound
if erasureDistributionReliable {
meta := partsMetadata[i]
if !meta.IsValid() {
if len(meta.Erasure.Distribution) != len(onlineDisks) {
// Erasure distribution is not the same as onlineDisks
// attempt a fix if possible, assuming other entries
// might have the right erasure distribution.
partsMetadata[i] = FileInfo{}
dataErrs[i] = errFileCorrupt
// Since erasure.Distribution is trustable we can fix the mismatching erasure.Index
if meta.Erasure.Distribution[i] != meta.Erasure.Index {
partsMetadata[i] = FileInfo{}
dataErrs[i] = errFileCorrupt
switch scanMode {
case madmin.HealDeepScan:
// disk has a valid xl.meta but may not have all the
// parts. This is considered an outdated disk, since
// it needs healing too.
dataErrs[i] = onlineDisk.VerifyFile(ctx, bucket, object, partsMetadata[i])
case madmin.HealNormalScan:
dataErrs[i] = onlineDisk.CheckParts(ctx, bucket, object, partsMetadata[i])
if dataErrs[i] == nil {
// All parts verified, mark it as all data available.
availableDisks[i] = onlineDisk
return availableDisks, dataErrs