You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

698 lines
21 KiB

* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015, 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
router ""
// Tests should initNSLock only once.
func init() {
// Initialize name space lock.
// The Argument to TestServer should satidy the interface.
// Golang Testing.T and Testing.B, and gocheck.C satisfy the interface.
// This makes it easy to run the TestServer from any of the tests.
type TestErrHandler interface {
Error(args ...interface{})
Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
Failed() bool
Fatal(args ...interface{})
Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
const (
// singleNodeTestStr is the string which is used as notation for Single node ObjectLayer in the unit tests.
singleNodeTestStr string = "SingleNode"
// xLTestStr is the string which is used as notation for XL ObjectLayer in the unit tests.
xLTestStr string = "XL"
const letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234569"
const (
letterIdxBits = 6 // 6 bits to represent a letter index
letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits
// Random number state.
// We generate random temporary file names so that there's a good
// chance the file doesn't exist yet.
var randN uint32
var randmu sync.Mutex
// reseed - returns a new seed every time the function is called.
func reseed() uint32 {
return uint32(time.Now().UnixNano() + int64(os.Getpid()))
// nextSuffix - provides a new unique suffix every time the function is called.
func nextSuffix() string {
r := randN
// Initial seed required, generate one.
if r == 0 {
r = reseed()
// constants from Numerical Recipes
r = r*1664525 + 1013904223
randN = r
return strconv.Itoa(int(1e9 + r%1e9))[1:]
// TestServer encapsulates an instantiation of a Minio instance with a temporary backend.
// Example usage:
// s := StartTestServer(t,"XL")
// defer s.Stop()
type TestServer struct {
Root string
Disks []string
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Server *httptest.Server
// Starts the test server and returns the TestServer instance.
func StartTestServer(t TestErrHandler, instanceType string) TestServer {
// create an instance of TestServer.
testServer := TestServer{}
// create temporary backend for the test server.
_, erasureDisks, err := makeTestBackend(instanceType)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed obtaining Temp Backend: <ERROR> %s", err)
credentials, root, err := initTestConfig("us-east-1")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s", err)
testServer.Root = root
testServer.Disks = erasureDisks
testServer.AccessKey = credentials.AccessKeyID
testServer.SecretKey = credentials.SecretAccessKey
// Run TestServer.
testServer.Server = httptest.NewServer(configureServerHandler(serverCmdConfig{exportPaths: erasureDisks}))
return testServer
// Configure the server for the test run.
func initTestConfig(bucketLocation string) (credential, string, error) {
// Initialize server config.
// Get credential.
credentials := serverConfig.GetCredential()
// Set a default region.
rootPath, err := getTestRoot()
if err != nil {
return credential{}, "", err
// Do this only once here.
err = serverConfig.Save()
if err != nil {
return credential{}, "", err
return credentials, rootPath, nil
// Deleting the temporary backend and stopping the server.
func (testServer TestServer) Stop() {
for _, disk := range testServer.Disks {
// used to formulate HTTP v4 signed HTTP request.
func newTestRequest(method, urlStr string, contentLength int64, body io.ReadSeeker, accessKey, secretKey string) (*http.Request, error) {
if method == "" {
method = "POST"
t := time.Now().UTC()
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, urlStr, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("x-amz-date", t.Format(iso8601Format))
// Add Content-Length
req.ContentLength = contentLength
// Save for subsequent use
var hashedPayload string
switch {
case body == nil:
hashedPayload = hex.EncodeToString(sum256([]byte{}))
payloadBytes, e := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
hashedPayload = hex.EncodeToString(sum256(payloadBytes))
md5Base64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sumMD5(payloadBytes))
req.Header.Set("Content-Md5", md5Base64)
req.Header.Set("x-amz-content-sha256", hashedPayload)
// Seek back to beginning.
if body != nil {
body.Seek(0, 0)
// Add body
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(body)
} else {
// this is added to avoid panic during ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body).
// th stack trace can be found here .
// This is very similar to
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("")))
var headers []string
vals := make(map[string][]string)
for k, vv := range req.Header {
if _, ok := ignoredHeaders[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(k)]; ok {
continue // ignored header
headers = append(headers, strings.ToLower(k))
vals[strings.ToLower(k)] = vv
headers = append(headers, "host")
var canonicalHeaders bytes.Buffer
for _, k := range headers {
switch {
case k == "host":
for idx, v := range vals[k] {
if idx > 0 {
signedHeaders := strings.Join(headers, ";")
req.URL.RawQuery = strings.Replace(req.URL.Query().Encode(), "+", "%20", -1)
encodedPath := getURLEncodedName(req.URL.Path)
// convert any space strings back to "+"
encodedPath = strings.Replace(encodedPath, "+", "%20", -1)
// canonicalRequest =
// <HTTPMethod>\n
// <CanonicalURI>\n
// <CanonicalQueryString>\n
// <CanonicalHeaders>\n
// <SignedHeaders>\n
// <HashedPayload>
canonicalRequest := strings.Join([]string{
}, "\n")
scope := strings.Join([]string{
}, "/")
stringToSign := "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" + "\n" + t.Format(iso8601Format) + "\n"
stringToSign = stringToSign + scope + "\n"
stringToSign = stringToSign + hex.EncodeToString(sum256([]byte(canonicalRequest)))
date := sumHMAC([]byte("AWS4"+secretKey), []byte(t.Format(yyyymmdd)))
region := sumHMAC(date, []byte("us-east-1"))
service := sumHMAC(region, []byte("s3"))
signingKey := sumHMAC(service, []byte("aws4_request"))
signature := hex.EncodeToString(sumHMAC(signingKey, []byte(stringToSign)))
// final Authorization header
parts := []string{
"AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" + " Credential=" + accessKey + "/" + scope,
"SignedHeaders=" + signedHeaders,
"Signature=" + signature,
auth := strings.Join(parts, ", ")
req.Header.Set("Authorization", auth)
return req, nil
// creates the temp backend setup.
// if the option is
// FS: Returns a temp single disk setup initializes FS Backend.
// XL: Returns a 16 temp single disk setup and initializse XL Backend.
func makeTestBackend(instanceType string) (ObjectLayer, []string, error) {
switch instanceType {
case "FS":
objLayer, fsroot, err := getSingleNodeObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
return nil, []string{}, err
return objLayer, []string{fsroot}, err
case "XL":
objectLayer, erasureDisks, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
return nil, []string{}, err
return objectLayer, erasureDisks, err
errMsg := "Invalid instance type, Only FS and XL are valid options"
return nil, []string{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed obtaining Temp XL layer: <ERROR> %s", errMsg)
var src = rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())
// Function to generate random string for bucket/object names.
func randString(n int) string {
b := make([]byte, n)
// A rand.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax letters!
for i, cache, remain := n-1, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
if remain == 0 {
cache, remain = src.Int63(), letterIdxMax
if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
cache >>= letterIdxBits
return string(b)
// generate random bucket name.
func getRandomBucketName() string {
return randString(60)
// queryEncode - encodes query values in their URL encoded form.
func queryEncode(v url.Values) string {
if v == nil {
return ""
var buf bytes.Buffer
keys := make([]string, 0, len(v))
for k := range v {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
vs := v[k]
prefix := urlEncodePath(k) + "="
for _, v := range vs {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
return buf.String()
// urlEncodePath encode the strings from UTF-8 byte representations to HTML hex escape sequences
// This is necessary since regular url.Parse() and url.Encode() functions do not support UTF-8
// non english characters cannot be parsed due to the nature in which url.Encode() is written
// This function on the other hand is a direct replacement for url.Encode() technique to support
// pretty much every UTF-8 character.
func urlEncodePath(pathName string) string {
// if object matches reserved string, no need to encode them
reservedNames := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.~/]+$")
if reservedNames.MatchString(pathName) {
return pathName
var encodedPathname string
for _, s := range pathName {
if 'A' <= s && s <= 'Z' || 'a' <= s && s <= 'z' || '0' <= s && s <= '9' { // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
encodedPathname = encodedPathname + string(s)
switch s {
case '-', '_', '.', '~', '/': // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
encodedPathname = encodedPathname + string(s)
len := utf8.RuneLen(s)
if len < 0 {
// if utf8 cannot convert return the same string as is
return pathName
u := make([]byte, len)
utf8.EncodeRune(u, s)
for _, r := range u {
hex := hex.EncodeToString([]byte{r})
encodedPathname = encodedPathname + "%" + strings.ToUpper(hex)
return encodedPathname
// construct URL for http requests for bucket operations.
func makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string, queryValues url.Values) string {
urlStr := endPoint + "/"
if bucketName != "" {
urlStr = urlStr + bucketName + "/"
if objectName != "" {
urlStr = urlStr + urlEncodePath(objectName)
if len(queryValues) > 0 {
urlStr = urlStr + "?" + queryEncode(queryValues)
return urlStr
// return URL for uploading object into the bucket.
func getPutObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for fetching object from the bucket.
func getGetObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for deleting the object from the bucket.
func getDeleteObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for HEAD o nthe object.
func getHeadObjectURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, url.Values{})
// return URL for inserting bucket policy.
func getPutPolicyURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("policy", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for fetching bucket policy.
func getGetPolicyURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("policy", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for deleting bucket policy.
func getDeletePolicyURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("policy", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for creating the bucket.
func getMakeBucketURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", url.Values{})
// return URL for listing buckets.
func getListBucketURL(endPoint string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, "", "", url.Values{})
// return URL for HEAD on the bucket.
func getHEADBucketURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", url.Values{})
// return URL for deleting the bucket.
func getDeleteBucketURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", url.Values{})
// return URL for listing the bucket.
func getListObjectsURL(endPoint, bucketName string, maxKeys string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
if maxKeys != "" {
queryValue.Set("max-keys", maxKeys)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getNewMultipartURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploads", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getPartUploadURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID, partNumber string) string {
queryValues := url.Values{}
queryValues.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
queryValues.Set("partNumber", partNumber)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValues)
// return URL for aborting multipart upload.
func getAbortMultipartUploadURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getListMultipartURL(endPoint, bucketName string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploads", "")
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, "", queryValue)
// return URL for a new multipart upload.
func getListMultipartURLWithParams(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID, maxParts string) string {
queryValues := url.Values{}
queryValues.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
queryValues.Set("max-parts", maxParts)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValues)
// return URL for completing multipart upload.
// complete multipart upload request is sent after all parts are uploaded.
func getCompleteMultipartUploadURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, uploadID string) string {
queryValue := url.Values{}
queryValue.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
return makeTestTargetURL(endPoint, bucketName, objectName, queryValue)
// returns temp root directory. `
func getTestRoot() (string, error) {
return ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "api-")
// getXLObjectLayer - Instantiates XL object layer and returns it.
func getXLObjectLayer() (ObjectLayer, []string, error) {
var nDisks = 16 // Maximum disks.
var erasureDisks []string
for i := 0; i < nDisks; i++ {
path, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "minio-")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
erasureDisks = append(erasureDisks, path)
objLayer, err := newXLObjects(erasureDisks)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return objLayer, erasureDisks, nil
// getSingleNodeObjectLayer - Instantiates single node object layer and returns it.
func getSingleNodeObjectLayer() (ObjectLayer, string, error) {
// Make a temporary directory to use as the obj.
fsDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "minio-")
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Create the obj.
objLayer, err := newFSObjects(fsDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return objLayer, fsDir, nil
// removeRoots - Cleans up initialized directories during tests.
func removeRoots(roots []string) {
for _, root := range roots {
//removeDiskN - removes N disks from supplied disk slice.
func removeDiskN(disks []string, n int) {
if n > len(disks) {
n = len(disks)
for _, disk := range disks[:n] {
// Regular object test type.
type objTestType func(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler)
// Special object test type for disk not found situations.
type objTestDiskNotFoundType func(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, dirs []string, t *testing.T)
// ExecObjectLayerTest - executes object layer tests.
// Creates single node and XL ObjectLayer instance and runs test for both the layers.
func ExecObjectLayerTest(t TestErrHandler, objTest objTestType) {
objLayer, fsDir, err := getSingleNodeObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for single node setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for single node setup.
objTest(objLayer, singleNodeTestStr, t)
objLayer, fsDirs, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for XL setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for XL.
objTest(objLayer, xLTestStr, t)
defer removeRoots(append(fsDirs, fsDir))
// ExecObjectLayerDiskNotFoundTest - executes object layer tests while deleting
// disks in between tests. Creates XL ObjectLayer instance and runs test for XL layer.
func ExecObjectLayerDiskNotFoundTest(t *testing.T, objTest objTestDiskNotFoundType) {
objLayer, fsDirs, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for XL setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for XL.
objTest(objLayer, xLTestStr, fsDirs, t)
defer removeRoots(fsDirs)
// Special object test type for stale files situations.
type objTestStaleFilesType func(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, dirs []string, t *testing.T)
// ExecObjectLayerStaleFilesTest - executes object layer tests those leaves stale
// files/directories under .minio/tmp. Creates XL ObjectLayer instance and runs test for XL layer.
func ExecObjectLayerStaleFilesTest(t *testing.T, objTest objTestStaleFilesType) {
objLayer, fsDirs, err := getXLObjectLayer()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Initialization of object layer failed for XL setup: %s", err)
// Executing the object layer tests for XL.
objTest(objLayer, xLTestStr, fsDirs, t)
defer removeRoots(fsDirs)
// Takes in XL/FS object layer, and the list of API end points to be tested/required, registers the API end points and returns the HTTP handler.
// Need isolated registration of API end points while writing unit tests for end points.
// All the API end points are registered only for the default case.
func initTestAPIEndPoints(objLayer ObjectLayer, apiFunctions []string) http.Handler {
// initialize a new mux router.
// goriilla/mux is the library used to register all the routes and handle them.
muxRouter := router.NewRouter()
// All object storage operations are registered as HTTP handlers on `objectAPIHandlers`.
// When the handlers get a HTTP request they use the underlyting ObjectLayer to perform operations.
api := objectAPIHandlers{
ObjectAPI: objLayer,
// API Router.
apiRouter := muxRouter.NewRoute().PathPrefix("/").Subrouter()
// Bucket router.
bucket := apiRouter.PathPrefix("/{bucket}").Subrouter()
// Iterate the list of API functions requested for and register them in mux HTTP handler.
for _, apiFunction := range apiFunctions {
switch apiFunction {
// Register PutBucket Policy handler.
case "PutBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("PUT").HandlerFunc(api.PutBucketPolicyHandler).Queries("policy", "")
// Register Delete bucket HTTP policy handler.
case "DeleteBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("DELETE").HandlerFunc(api.DeleteBucketPolicyHandler).Queries("policy", "")
// Register Get Bucket policy HTTP Handler.
case "GetBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(api.GetBucketPolicyHandler).Queries("policy", "")
// Register Post Bucket policy function.
case "PostBucketPolicy":
bucket.Methods("POST").HeadersRegexp("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data*").HandlerFunc(api.PostPolicyBucketHandler)
// Register all api endpoints by default.
registerAPIRouter(muxRouter, api)
// No need to register any more end points, all the end points are registered.
return muxRouter