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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
type lockStateCase struct {
volume string
path string
lockOrigin string
opsID string
readLock bool // lock type.
setBlocked bool // initialize the initial state to blocked.
expectedErr error
// expected global lock stats.
expectedLockStatus string // Status of the lock Blocked/Running.
expectedGlobalLockCount int // Total number of locks held across the system, includes blocked + held locks.
expectedBlockedLockCount int // Total blocked lock across the system.
expectedRunningLockCount int // Total successfully held locks (non-blocking).
// expected lock statu for given <volume, path> pair.
expectedVolPathLockCount int // Total locks held for given <volume,path> pair, includes blocked locks.
expectedVolPathRunningCount int // Total succcesfully held locks for given <volume, path> pair.
expectedVolPathBlockCount int // Total locks blocked on the given <volume, path> pair.
// Used for validating the Lock info obtaining from contol RPC end point for obtaining lock related info.
func verifyRPCLockInfoResponse(l lockStateCase, rpcLockInfoResponse SystemLockState, t TestErrHandler, testNum int) {
// Assert the total number of locks (locked + acquired) in the system.
if rpcLockInfoResponse.TotalLocks != int64(l.expectedGlobalLockCount) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected the global lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedGlobalLockCount),
// verify the count for total blocked locks.
if rpcLockInfoResponse.TotalBlockedLocks != int64(l.expectedBlockedLockCount) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected the total blocked lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedBlockedLockCount),
// verify the count for total running locks.
if rpcLockInfoResponse.TotalAcquiredLocks != int64(l.expectedRunningLockCount) {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected the total running lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedRunningLockCount),
for _, locksInfoPerObject := range rpcLockInfoResponse.LocksInfoPerObject {
// See whether the entry for the <bucket, object> exists in the RPC response.
if locksInfoPerObject.Bucket == l.volume && locksInfoPerObject.Object == l.path {
// Assert the total number of locks (blocked + acquired) for the given <buckt, object> pair.
if locksInfoPerObject.LocksOnObject != int64(l.expectedVolPathLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total lock count for bucket: \"%s\", object: \"%s\" to be %v, but got %v", testNum,
l.volume, l.path, int64(l.expectedVolPathLockCount), locksInfoPerObject.LocksOnObject)
// Assert the total number of acquired locks for the given <buckt, object> pair.
if locksInfoPerObject.LocksAcquiredOnObject != int64(l.expectedVolPathRunningCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the acquired lock count for bucket: \"%s\", object: \"%s\" to be %v, but got %v", testNum,
l.volume, l.path, int64(l.expectedVolPathRunningCount), locksInfoPerObject.LocksAcquiredOnObject)
// Assert the total number of blocked locks for the given <buckt, object> pair.
if locksInfoPerObject.TotalBlockedLocks != int64(l.expectedVolPathBlockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the blocked lock count for bucket: \"%s\", object: \"%s\" to be %v, but got %v", testNum,
l.volume, l.path, int64(l.expectedVolPathBlockCount), locksInfoPerObject.TotalBlockedLocks)
// Flag to mark whether there's an entry in the RPC lock info response for given opsID.
var opsIDfound bool
for _, opsLockState := range locksInfoPerObject.LockDetailsOnObject {
// first check whether the entry for the given operation ID exists.
if opsLockState.OperationID == l.opsID {
opsIDfound = true
// asserting the type of lock (RLock/WLock) from the RPC lock info response.
if l.readLock {
if opsLockState.LockType != debugRLockStr {
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected the lock type to be \"%s\"", testNum, debugRLockStr)
} else {
if opsLockState.LockType != debugWLockStr {
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected the lock type to be \"%s\"", testNum, debugWLockStr)
if opsLockState.Status != l.expectedLockStatus {
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected the status of the operation to be \"%s\", got \"%s\"", testNum, l.expectedLockStatus, opsLockState.Status)
// if opsLockState.LockOrigin != l.lockOrigin {
// t.Fatalf("Test case %d: Expected the origin of the lock to be \"%s\", got \"%s\"", testNum, opsLockState.LockOrigin, l.lockOrigin)
// }
// all check satisfied, return here.
// Any mismatch in the earlier checks would have ended the tests due to `Fatalf`,
// control reaching here implies that all checks are satisfied.
// opsID not found.
// No entry for an operation with given operation ID exists.
if !opsIDfound {
t.Fatalf("Test case %d: Entry for OpsId: \"%s\" not found in <bucket>: \"%s\", <path>: \"%s\" doesn't exist in the RPC response", testNum, l.opsID, l.volume, l.path)
// No entry exists for given <bucket, object> pair in the RPC response.
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Entry for <bucket>: \"%s\", <object>: \"%s\" doesn't exist in the RPC response", testNum, l.volume, l.path)
// Asserts the lock counter from the global nsMutex inmemory lock with the expected one.
func verifyGlobalLockStats(l lockStateCase, t *testing.T, testNum int) {
// Verifying the lock stats.
if nsMutex.globalLockCounter != int64(l.expectedGlobalLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the global lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedGlobalLockCount),
// verify the count for total blocked locks.
if nsMutex.blockedCounter != int64(l.expectedBlockedLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total blocked lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedBlockedLockCount),
// verify the count for total running locks.
if nsMutex.runningLockCounter != int64(l.expectedRunningLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total running lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedRunningLockCount),
// Verifying again with the JSON response of the lock info.
// Verifying the lock stats.
sysLockState, err := generateSystemLockResponse()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Obtaining lock info failed with <ERROR> %s", err)
if sysLockState.TotalLocks != int64(l.expectedGlobalLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the global lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedGlobalLockCount),
// verify the count for total blocked locks.
if sysLockState.TotalBlockedLocks != int64(l.expectedBlockedLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total blocked lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedBlockedLockCount),
// verify the count for total running locks.
if sysLockState.TotalAcquiredLocks != int64(l.expectedRunningLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total running lock counter to be %v, but got %v", testNum, int64(l.expectedRunningLockCount),
// Verify the lock counter for entries of given <volume, path> pair.
func verifyLockStats(l lockStateCase, t *testing.T, testNum int) {
defer nsMutex.lockMapMutex.Unlock()
param := nsParam{l.volume, l.path}
// Verify the total locks (blocked+running) for given <vol,path> pair.
if nsMutex.debugLockMap[param].ref != int64(l.expectedVolPathLockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total lock count for volume: \"%s\", path: \"%s\" to be %v, but got %v", testNum,
param.volume, param.path, int64(l.expectedVolPathLockCount), nsMutex.debugLockMap[param].ref)
// Verify the total running locks for given <volume, path> pair.
if nsMutex.debugLockMap[param].running != int64(l.expectedVolPathRunningCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total running locks for volume: \"%s\", path: \"%s\" to be %v, but got %v", testNum, param.volume, param.path,
int64(l.expectedVolPathRunningCount), nsMutex.debugLockMap[param].running)
// Verify the total blocked locks for givne <volume, path> pair.
if nsMutex.debugLockMap[param].blocked != int64(l.expectedVolPathBlockCount) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the total blocked locks for volume: \"%s\", path: \"%s\" to be %v, but got %v", testNum, param.volume, param.path,
int64(l.expectedVolPathBlockCount), nsMutex.debugLockMap[param].blocked)
// verifyLockState - function which asserts the expected lock info in the system with the actual values in the nsMutex.
func verifyLockState(l lockStateCase, t *testing.T, testNum int) {
param := nsParam{l.volume, l.path}
verifyGlobalLockStats(l, t, testNum)
// Verifying the lock statuS fields.
if debugLockMap, ok := nsMutex.debugLockMap[param]; ok {
if lockInfo, ok := debugLockMap.lockInfo[l.opsID]; ok {
// Validating the lock type filed in the debug lock information.
if l.readLock {
if lockInfo.lockType != debugRLockStr {
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected the lock type in the lock debug info to be \"%s\"", testNum, debugRLockStr)
} else {
if lockInfo.lockType != debugWLockStr {
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected the lock type in the lock debug info to be \"%s\"", testNum, debugWLockStr)
// // validating the lock origin.
// if l.lockOrigin != lockInfo.lockOrigin {
// t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected the lock origin info to be \"%s\", but got \"%s\"", testNum, l.lockOrigin, lockInfo.lockOrigin)
// }
// validating the status of the lock.
if lockInfo.status != l.expectedLockStatus {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the status of the lock to be \"%s\", but got \"%s\"", testNum, l.expectedLockStatus, lockInfo.status)
} else {
// Stop the tests if lock debug entry for given <volume, path> pair is not found.
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected an debug lock entry for opsID \"%s\"", testNum, l.opsID)
} else {
// To change the status the entry for given <volume, path> should exist in the lock info struct.
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Debug lock entry for volume: %s, path: %s doesn't exist", testNum, param.volume, param.path)
// verifyLockStats holds its own lock.
// verify the lock count.
verifyLockStats(l, t, testNum)
// TestNewDebugLockInfoPerVolumePath - Validates the values initialized by newDebugLockInfoPerVolumePath().
func TestNewDebugLockInfoPerVolumePath(t *testing.T) {
lockInfo := newDebugLockInfoPerVolumePath()
if lockInfo.ref != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected initial reference value of total locks to be 0, got %d", lockInfo.ref)
if lockInfo.blocked != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected initial reference of blocked locks to be 0, got %d", lockInfo.blocked)
if lockInfo.running != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected initial reference value of held locks to be 0, got %d", lockInfo.running)
// TestNsLockMapStatusBlockedToRunning - Validates the function for changing the lock state from blocked to running.
func TestNsLockMapStatusBlockedToRunning(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
volume string
path string
lockOrigin string
opsID string
readLock bool // lock type.
setBlocked bool // initialize the initial state to blocked.
expectedErr error
// Test case - 1.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: true,
setBlocked: true,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: nil,
// Test case - 2.
// No entry for <volume, path> pair.
// So an attempt to change the state of the lock from `Blocked`->`Running` should fail.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object-2",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: false,
setBlocked: false,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: LockInfoVolPathMssing{"my-bucket", "my-object-2"},
// Test case - 3.
// Entry for the given operationID doesn't exist in the lock state info.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "ops-Id-not-registered",
readLock: true,
setBlocked: false,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: LockInfoOpsIDNotFound{"my-bucket", "my-object", "ops-Id-not-registered"},
// Test case - 4.
// Test case with non-existent lock origin.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "Bad Origin",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: true,
setBlocked: false,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: LockInfoOriginNotFound{"my-bucket", "my-object", "abcd1234", "Bad Origin"},
// Test case - 5.
// Test case with write lock.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: false,
setBlocked: true,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: nil,
param := nsParam{testCases[0].volume, testCases[0].path}
// Testing before the initialization done.
// Since the data structures for
actualErr := nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin,
testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
expectedNilErr := LockInfoNil{}
if actualErr != expectedNilErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedNilErr, actualErr)
nsMutex = &nsLockMap{
// entries of <volume,path> -> stateInfo of locks, for instrumentation purpose.
debugLockMap: make(map[nsParam]*debugLockInfoPerVolumePath),
lockMap: make(map[nsParam]*nsLock),
// Entry for <volume, path> pair is set to nil.
// Should fail with `LockInfoNil{}`.
nsMutex.debugLockMap[param] = nil
actualErr = nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin,
testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
expectedNilErr = LockInfoNil{}
if actualErr != expectedNilErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedNilErr, actualErr)
// Setting the lock info the be `nil`.
nsMutex.debugLockMap[param] = &debugLockInfoPerVolumePath{
lockInfo: nil, // setting the lockinfo to nil.
ref: 0,
blocked: 0,
running: 0,
actualErr = nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin,
testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
expectedOpsErr := LockInfoOpsIDNotFound{testCases[0].volume, testCases[0].path, testCases[0].opsID}
if actualErr != expectedOpsErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedOpsErr, actualErr)
// Next case: ase whether an attempt to change the state of the lock to "Running" done,
// but the initial state if already "Running". Such an attempt should fail
nsMutex.debugLockMap[param] = &debugLockInfoPerVolumePath{
lockInfo: make(map[string]debugLockInfo),
ref: 0,
blocked: 0,
running: 0,
// Setting the status of the lock to be "Running".
// The initial state of the lock should set to "Blocked", otherwise its not possible to change the state from "Blocked" -> "Running".
nsMutex.debugLockMap[param].lockInfo[testCases[0].opsID] = debugLockInfo{
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
status: "Running", // State set to "Running". Should fail with `LockInfoStateNotBlocked`.
since: time.Now().UTC(),
actualErr = nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin,
testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
expectedBlockErr := LockInfoStateNotBlocked{testCases[0].volume, testCases[0].path, testCases[0].opsID}
if actualErr != expectedBlockErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected: \"%s\", got: \"%s\"", expectedBlockErr, actualErr)
// initializing the locks.
// set debug lock info to `nil` so that the next tests have to initialize them again.
defer func() {
nsMutex.debugLockMap = nil
// Iterate over the cases and assert the result.
for i, testCase := range testCases {
param := nsParam{testCase.volume, testCase.path}
// status of the lock to be set to "Blocked", before setting Blocked->Running.
if testCase.setBlocked {
err := nsMutex.statusNoneToBlocked(param, testCase.lockOrigin, testCase.opsID, testCase.readLock)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Initializing the initial state to Blocked failed <ERROR> %s", i+1, err)
// invoking the method under test.
actualErr = nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCase.lockOrigin, testCase.opsID, testCase.readLock)
if actualErr != testCase.expectedErr {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Errors mismatch: Expected: \"%s\", got: \"%s\"", i+1, testCase.expectedErr, actualErr)
// In case of no error proceed with validating the lock state information.
if actualErr == nil {
// debug entry for given <volume, path> pair should exist.
if debugLockMap, ok := nsMutex.debugLockMap[param]; ok {
if lockInfo, ok := debugLockMap.lockInfo[testCase.opsID]; ok {
// Validating the lock type filed in the debug lock information.
if testCase.readLock {
if lockInfo.lockType != debugRLockStr {
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected the lock type in the lock debug info to be \"%s\"", i+1, debugRLockStr)
} else {
if lockInfo.lockType != debugWLockStr {
t.Errorf("Test case %d: Expected the lock type in the lock debug info to be \"%s\"", i+1, debugWLockStr)
// validating the lock origin.
if testCase.lockOrigin != lockInfo.lockOrigin {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the lock origin info to be \"%s\", but got \"%s\"", i+1, testCase.lockOrigin, lockInfo.lockOrigin)
// validating the status of the lock.
if lockInfo.status != "Running" {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the status of the lock to be \"%s\", but got \"%s\"", i+1, "Running", lockInfo.status)
} else {
// Stop the tests if lock debug entry for given <volume, path> pair is not found.
t.Fatalf("Test case %d: Expected an debug lock entry for opsID \"%s\"", i+1, testCase.opsID)
} else {
// To change the status the entry for given <volume, path> should exist in the lock info struct.
t.Fatalf("Test case %d: Debug lock entry for volume: %s, path: %s doesn't exist", i+1, param.volume, param.path)
// TestNsLockMapStatusNoneToBlocked - Validates the function for changing the lock state to blocked
func TestNsLockMapStatusNoneToBlocked(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []lockStateCase{
// Test case - 1.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: true,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: nil,
expectedLockStatus: "Blocked",
expectedGlobalLockCount: 1,
expectedRunningLockCount: 0,
expectedBlockedLockCount: 1,
expectedVolPathLockCount: 1,
expectedVolPathRunningCount: 0,
expectedVolPathBlockCount: 1,
// Test case - 2.
// No entry for <volume, path> pair.
// So an attempt to change the state of the lock from `Blocked`->`Running` should fail.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object-2",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: false,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: nil,
expectedLockStatus: "Blocked",
expectedGlobalLockCount: 2,
expectedRunningLockCount: 0,
expectedBlockedLockCount: 2,
expectedVolPathLockCount: 1,
expectedVolPathRunningCount: 0,
expectedVolPathBlockCount: 1,
// Test case - 3.
// Entry for the given operationID doesn't exist in the lock state info.
// The entry should be created and relevant counters should be set.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "ops-Id-not-registered",
readLock: true,
// expected metrics.
expectedErr: nil,
expectedLockStatus: "Blocked",
expectedGlobalLockCount: 3,
expectedRunningLockCount: 0,
expectedBlockedLockCount: 3,
expectedVolPathLockCount: 2,
expectedVolPathRunningCount: 0,
expectedVolPathBlockCount: 2,
param := nsParam{testCases[0].volume, testCases[0].path}
// Testing before the initialization done.
// Since the data structures for
actualErr := nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin,
testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
expectedNilErr := LockInfoNil{}
if actualErr != expectedNilErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedNilErr, actualErr)
// initializing the locks.
// set debug lock info to `nil` so that the next tests have to initialize them again.
defer func() {
nsMutex.debugLockMap = nil
// Iterate over the cases and assert the result.
for i, testCase := range testCases {
param := nsParam{testCase.volume, testCase.path}
actualErr := nsMutex.statusNoneToBlocked(param, testCase.lockOrigin, testCase.opsID, testCase.readLock)
if actualErr != testCase.expectedErr {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Errors mismatch: Expected: \"%s\", got: \"%s\"", i+1, testCase.expectedErr, actualErr)
if actualErr == nil {
verifyLockState(testCase, t, i+1)
// TestNsLockMapDeleteLockInfoEntryForOps - Validates the removal of entry for given Operational ID from the lock info.
func TestNsLockMapDeleteLockInfoEntryForOps(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []lockStateCase{
// Test case - 1.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: true,
// expected metrics.
// case - 1.
// Testing the case where delete lock info is attempted even before the lock is initialized.
param := nsParam{testCases[0].volume, testCases[0].path}
// Testing before the initialization done.
actualErr := nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForOps(param, testCases[0].opsID)
expectedNilErr := LockInfoNil{}
if actualErr != expectedNilErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedNilErr, actualErr)
// initializing the locks.
// set debug lock info to `nil` so that the next tests have to initialize them again.
defer func() {
nsMutex.debugLockMap = nil
// case - 2.
// Case where an attempt to delete the entry for non-existent <volume, path> pair is done.
// Set the status of the lock to blocked and then to running.
nonExistParam := nsParam{volume: "non-exist-volume", path: "non-exist-path"}
actualErr = nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForOps(nonExistParam, testCases[0].opsID)
expectedVolPathErr := LockInfoVolPathMssing{nonExistParam.volume, nonExistParam.path}
if actualErr != expectedVolPathErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedVolPathErr, actualErr)
// Case - 3.
// Lock state is set to Running and then an attempt to delete the info for non-existent opsID done.
err := nsMutex.statusNoneToBlocked(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin, testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Setting lock status to Blocked failed: <ERROR> %s", err)
err = nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin, testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Setting lock status to Running failed: <ERROR> %s", err)
actualErr = nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForOps(param, "non-existent-OpsID")
expectedOpsIDErr := LockInfoOpsIDNotFound{param.volume, param.path, "non-existent-OpsID"}
if actualErr != expectedOpsIDErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedOpsIDErr, actualErr)
// case - 4.
// Attempt to delete an registered entry is done.
// All metrics should be 0 after deleting the entry.
// Verify that the entry the opsID exists.
if debugLockMap, ok := nsMutex.debugLockMap[param]; ok {
if _, ok := debugLockMap.lockInfo[testCases[0].opsID]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("Entry for OpsID \"%s\" in <volume> %s, <path> %s should have existed. ", testCases[0].opsID, param.volume, param.path)
} else {
t.Fatalf("Entry for <volume> %s, <path> %s should have existed. ", param.volume, param.path)
actualErr = nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForOps(param, testCases[0].opsID)
if actualErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected the error to be <nil>, but got <ERROR> %s", actualErr)
// Verify that the entry for the opsId doesn't exists.
if debugLockMap, ok := nsMutex.debugLockMap[param]; ok {
if _, ok := debugLockMap.lockInfo[testCases[0].opsID]; ok {
t.Fatalf("The entry for opsID \"%s\" should have been deleted", testCases[0].opsID)
} else {
t.Fatalf("Entry for <volume> %s, <path> %s should have existed. ", param.volume, param.path)
if nsMutex.runningLockCounter != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Expected the count of total running locks to be %v, but got %v", int64(0), nsMutex.runningLockCounter)
if nsMutex.blockedCounter != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Expected the count of total blocked locks to be %v, but got %v", int64(0), nsMutex.blockedCounter)
if nsMutex.globalLockCounter != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Expected the count of all locks to be %v, but got %v", int64(0), nsMutex.globalLockCounter)
// TestNsLockMapDeleteLockInfoEntryForVolumePath - Tests validate the logic for removal
// of entry for given <volume, path> pair from lock info.
func TestNsLockMapDeleteLockInfoEntryForVolumePath(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []lockStateCase{
// Test case - 1.
volume: "my-bucket",
path: "my-object",
lockOrigin: "/home/vadmeste/work/go/src/ +0x2a",
opsID: "abcd1234",
readLock: true,
// expected metrics.
// case - 1.
// Testing the case where delete lock info is attempted even before the lock is initialized.
param := nsParam{testCases[0].volume, testCases[0].path}
// Testing before the initialization done.
actualErr := nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForVolumePath(param)
expectedNilErr := LockInfoNil{}
if actualErr != expectedNilErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedNilErr, actualErr)
// initializing the locks.
// set debug lock info to `nil` so that the next tests have to initialize them again.
defer func() {
nsMutex.debugLockMap = nil
// case - 2.
// Case where an attempt to delete the entry for non-existent <volume, path> pair is done.
// Set the status of the lock to blocked and then to running.
nonExistParam := nsParam{volume: "non-exist-volume", path: "non-exist-path"}
actualErr = nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForVolumePath(nonExistParam)
expectedVolPathErr := LockInfoVolPathMssing{nonExistParam.volume, nonExistParam.path}
if actualErr != expectedVolPathErr {
t.Fatalf("Errors mismatch: Expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"", expectedVolPathErr, actualErr)
// case - 3.
// Attempt to delete an registered entry is done.
// All metrics should be 0 after deleting the entry.
// Registering the entry first.
err := nsMutex.statusNoneToBlocked(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin, testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Setting lock status to Blocked failed: <ERROR> %s", err)
err = nsMutex.statusBlockedToRunning(param, testCases[0].lockOrigin, testCases[0].opsID, testCases[0].readLock)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Setting lock status to Running failed: <ERROR> %s", err)
// Verify that the entry the for given <volume, path> exists.
if _, ok := nsMutex.debugLockMap[param]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("Entry for <volume> %s, <path> %s should have existed.", param.volume, param.path)
// first delete the entry for the operation ID.
_ = nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForOps(param, testCases[0].opsID)
actualErr = nsMutex.deleteLockInfoEntryForVolumePath(param)
if actualErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected the error to be <nil>, but got <ERROR> %s", actualErr)
// Verify that the entry for the opsId doesn't exists.
if _, ok := nsMutex.debugLockMap[param]; ok {
t.Fatalf("Entry for <volume> %s, <path> %s should have been deleted. ", param.volume, param.path)
// The lock count values should be 0.
if nsMutex.runningLockCounter != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Expected the count of total running locks to be %v, but got %v", int64(0), nsMutex.runningLockCounter)
if nsMutex.blockedCounter != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Expected the count of total blocked locks to be %v, but got %v", int64(0), nsMutex.blockedCounter)
if nsMutex.globalLockCounter != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Expected the count of all locks to be %v, but got %v", int64(0), nsMutex.globalLockCounter)