You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

329 lines
9.7 KiB

* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015-2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fs
import (
// listObjectsParams - list objects input parameters.
type listObjectsParams struct {
// Bucket name to list the objects for.
Bucket string
// list all objects with this parameter as common prefix.
Prefix string
// list all objects starting with object after marker in
// lexicographical order.
Marker string
// list all objects until the first occurrence of the delimtier
// after the prefix.
Delimiter string
// maximum number of objects returned per listObjects()
// operation.
MaxKeys int
// listServiceReq
type listServiceReq struct {
reqParams listObjectsParams
respCh chan ListObjectsResult
type listWorkerReq struct {
respCh chan ListObjectsResult
// listObjects - list objects lists objects up to maxKeys for a given prefix.
func (fs Filesystem) listObjects(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (chan<- listWorkerReq, *probe.Error) {
quitWalker := make(chan bool)
reqCh := make(chan listWorkerReq)
walkerCh := make(chan ObjectMetadata, 2000)
go func() {
defer close(walkerCh)
var walkPath string
bucketPath := filepath.Join(fs.path, bucket)
// Bucket path prefix should always end with a separator.
bucketPathPrefix := bucketPath + string(os.PathSeparator)
prefixPath := bucketPathPrefix + prefix
st, e := os.Stat(prefixPath)
if e != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(e) {
walkPath = bucketPath
} else {
if st.IsDir() && !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, delimiter) {
walkPath = bucketPath
} else {
walkPath = prefixPath
ioutils.FTW(walkPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, e error) error {
// For any error return right here.
if e != nil {
return e
// Skip special temporary files, kept for multipart transaction.
if strings.Contains(path, "$multiparts") || strings.Contains(path, "$tmpobject") {
return nil
// We don't need to list the walk path if its a directory.
if path == walkPath && info.IsDir() {
return nil
// Skip all directories if there is no delimiter.
if info.IsDir() && delimiter == "" {
return nil
// For all incoming directories add a ending separator.
if info.IsDir() {
path = path + string(os.PathSeparator)
// Extract object name.
objectName := strings.TrimPrefix(path, bucketPathPrefix)
if strings.HasPrefix(objectName, prefix) {
object := ObjectMetadata{
Object: objectName,
LastModified: info.ModTime(),
Mode: info.Mode(),
Size: info.Size(),
select {
// Send object on walker channel.
case walkerCh <- object:
case <-quitWalker:
// Returning error ends the file tree Walk().
return errors.New("Quit list worker.")
// If delimiter is set, we stop if current path is a directory.
if delimiter != "" && info.IsDir() {
return ioutils.ErrSkipDir
return nil
go func() {
for {
select {
// Timeout after 30 seconds if request did not arrive for
// the given list parameters.
case <-time.After(30 * time.Second):
quitWalker <- true // Quit file path walk if running.
// Send back the hash for this request.
fs.timeoutReqCh <- fnvSum(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter)
case req, ok := <-reqCh:
if !ok {
// If the request channel is closed, no more
// requests return here.
resp := ListObjectsResult{}
var count int
for {
// We have read all the keys necessary by now. We
// cleanly break out.
if count == maxKeys {
if delimiter != "" {
// Set the next marker for the next request.
// This element is set only if you have delimiter set.
// If response does not include the NextMaker and it is
// truncated, you can use the value of the last Key in the
// response as the marker in the subsequent request to get the
// next set of object keys.
if len(resp.Objects) > 0 {
// NextMarker is only set when there
// are more than maxKeys worth of
// objects for a given prefix path.
resp.NextMarker = resp.Objects[len(resp.Objects)-1:][0].Object
resp.IsTruncated = len(walkerCh) > 0
object, walkerOK := <-walkerCh
// If the channel is closed return right here.
if !walkerOK {
// Verify if the object is lexically smaller than
// the marker, we will skip those objects.
if marker != "" {
if marker >= object.Object {
} else {
// Reset marker so that we avoid comparing
// again and again in a loop unecessarily.
marker = ""
if delimiter != "" {
// Prefixes are only valid wth delimiters, and
// for filesystem backend they are only valid
// if they are directories.
if object.Mode.IsDir() {
resp.Prefixes = append(resp.Prefixes, object.Object)
} else {
// Rest of them are treated as objects.
resp.Objects = append(resp.Objects, object)
} else {
// In-case of no delimiters, there are no
// prefixes - all are considered to be objects.
resp.Objects = append(resp.Objects, object)
count++ // Bump the number.
// Set the marker right here for the new set of the
// values coming in the from the client.
marker = resp.NextMarker
req.respCh <- resp
return reqCh, nil
// fnvSum calculates a hash for concatenation of all input strings.
func fnvSum(elements ...string) uint32 {
fnvHash := fnv.New32a()
for _, element := range elements {
return fnvHash.Sum32()
// listObjectsService - list objects service manages various incoming
// list object requests by delegating them to an existing listObjects
// routine or initializes a new listObjects routine.
func (fs *Filesystem) listObjectsService() *probe.Error {
// Initialize list service request channel.
listServiceReqCh := make(chan listServiceReq)
fs.listServiceReqCh = listServiceReqCh
// Initialize timeout request channel to receive request hashes of
// timed-out requests.
timeoutReqCh := make(chan uint32)
fs.timeoutReqCh = timeoutReqCh
// Initialize request hash to list worker map.
reqToListWorkerReqCh := make(map[uint32]chan<- listWorkerReq)
// Start service in a go routine.
go func() {
for {
select {
case reqHash := <-timeoutReqCh:
// For requests which have timed-out, close the worker
// channels proactively, this may happen for idle
// workers once in 10seconds.
listWorkerReqCh, ok := reqToListWorkerReqCh[reqHash]
if ok {
delete(reqToListWorkerReqCh, reqHash)
case srvReq := <-listServiceReqCh:
// Save the params for readability.
bucket := srvReq.reqParams.Bucket
prefix := srvReq.reqParams.Prefix
marker := srvReq.reqParams.Marker
delimiter := srvReq.reqParams.Delimiter
maxKeys := srvReq.reqParams.MaxKeys
// Generate hash.
reqHash := fnvSum(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter)
listWorkerReqCh, ok := reqToListWorkerReqCh[reqHash]
if !ok {
var err *probe.Error
listWorkerReqCh, err = fs.listObjects(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys)
if err != nil {
srvReq.respCh <- ListObjectsResult{}
reqToListWorkerReqCh[reqHash] = listWorkerReqCh
respCh := make(chan ListObjectsResult)
listWorkerReqCh <- listWorkerReq{respCh}
resp, ok := <-respCh
if !ok {
srvReq.respCh <- ListObjectsResult{}
delete(reqToListWorkerReqCh, reqHash)
if !resp.IsTruncated {
srvReq.respCh <- resp
return nil
// ListObjects - lists all objects for a given prefix, returns up to
// maxKeys number of objects per call.
func (fs Filesystem) ListObjects(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsResult, *probe.Error) {
// Input validation.
if !IsValidBucketName(bucket) {
return ListObjectsResult{}, probe.NewError(BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket})
bucket = fs.denormalizeBucket(bucket)
rootPrefix := filepath.Join(fs.path, bucket)
// Check bucket exists.
if _, e := os.Stat(rootPrefix); e != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(e) {
return ListObjectsResult{}, probe.NewError(BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket})
return ListObjectsResult{}, probe.NewError(e)
// Unescape the marker values.
markerUnescaped, e := url.QueryUnescape(marker)
if e != nil {
return ListObjectsResult{}, probe.NewError(e)
reqParams := listObjectsParams{}
reqParams.Bucket = bucket
reqParams.Prefix = filepath.FromSlash(prefix)
reqParams.Marker = filepath.FromSlash(markerUnescaped)
reqParams.Delimiter = filepath.FromSlash(delimiter)
reqParams.MaxKeys = maxKeys
respCh := make(chan ListObjectsResult)
fs.listServiceReqCh <- listServiceReq{reqParams, respCh}
resp := <-respCh
for i := range resp.Prefixes {
resp.Prefixes[i] = filepath.ToSlash(resp.Prefixes[i])
for i := range resp.Objects {
resp.Objects[i].Object = filepath.ToSlash(resp.Objects[i].Object)
return resp, nil