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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
var (
errArithMismatchedTypes = errors.New("cannot perform arithmetic on mismatched types")
errArithInvalidOperator = errors.New("invalid arithmetic operator")
errArithDivideByZero = errors.New("cannot divide by 0")
errCmpMismatchedTypes = errors.New("cannot compare values of different types")
errCmpInvalidBoolOperator = errors.New("invalid comparison operator for boolean arguments")
// vType represents the concrete type of a `Value`
type vType int
// Valid values for Type
const (
typeNull vType = iota + 1
// 64-bit signed integer
// 64-bit floating point
// timestamp type
// This type refers to untyped values, e.g. as read from CSV
// Value represents a value of restricted type reduced from an
// expression represented by an ASTNode. Only one of the fields is
// non-nil.
// In cases where we are fetching data from a data source (like csv),
// the type may not be determined yet. In these cases, a byte-slice is
// used.
type Value struct {
value interface{}
vType vType
// GetTypeString returns a string representation for vType
func (v *Value) GetTypeString() string {
switch v.vType {
case typeNull:
return "NULL"
case typeBool:
return "BOOL"
case typeString:
return "STRING"
case typeInt:
return "INT"
case typeFloat:
return "FLOAT"
case typeTimestamp:
return "TIMESTAMP"
case typeBytes:
return "BYTES"
return "--"
// Repr returns a string representation of value.
func (v *Value) Repr() string {
switch v.vType {
case typeNull:
return ":NULL"
case typeBool, typeInt, typeFloat:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%s", v.value, v.GetTypeString())
case typeTimestamp:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:TIMESTAMP", v.value.(*time.Time))
case typeString:
return fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\":%s", v.value.(string), v.GetTypeString())
case typeBytes:
return fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\":BYTES", string(v.value.([]byte)))
return fmt.Sprintf("%v:INVALID", v.value)
// FromFloat creates a Value from a number
func FromFloat(f float64) *Value {
return &Value{value: f, vType: typeFloat}
// FromInt creates a Value from an int
func FromInt(f int64) *Value {
return &Value{value: f, vType: typeInt}
// FromString creates a Value from a string
func FromString(str string) *Value {
return &Value{value: str, vType: typeString}
// FromBool creates a Value from a bool
func FromBool(b bool) *Value {
return &Value{value: b, vType: typeBool}
// FromTimestamp creates a Value from a timestamp
func FromTimestamp(t time.Time) *Value {
return &Value{value: t, vType: typeTimestamp}
// FromNull creates a Value with Null value
func FromNull() *Value {
return &Value{vType: typeNull}
// FromBytes creates a Value from a []byte
func FromBytes(b []byte) *Value {
return &Value{value: b, vType: typeBytes}
// ToFloat works for int and float values
func (v *Value) ToFloat() (val float64, ok bool) {
switch v.vType {
case typeFloat:
val, ok = v.value.(float64)
case typeInt:
var i int64
i, ok = v.value.(int64)
val = float64(i)
// ToInt converts value to int.
func (v *Value) ToInt() (val int64, ok bool) {
switch v.vType {
case typeInt:
val, ok = v.value.(int64)
// ToString converts value to string.
func (v *Value) ToString() (val string, ok bool) {
switch v.vType {
case typeString:
val, ok = v.value.(string)
// ToBool returns the bool value; second return value refers to if the bool
// conversion succeeded.
func (v *Value) ToBool() (val bool, ok bool) {
switch v.vType {
case typeBool:
return v.value.(bool), true
return false, false
// ToTimestamp returns the timestamp value if present.
func (v *Value) ToTimestamp() (t time.Time, ok bool) {
switch v.vType {
case typeTimestamp:
return v.value.(time.Time), true
return t, false
// ToBytes converts Value to byte-slice.
func (v *Value) ToBytes() ([]byte, bool) {
switch v.vType {
case typeBytes:
return v.value.([]byte), true
return nil, false
// IsNull - checks if value is missing.
func (v *Value) IsNull() bool {
return v.vType == typeNull
func (v *Value) isNumeric() bool {
return v.vType == typeInt || v.vType == typeFloat
// setters used internally to mutate values
func (v *Value) setInt(i int64) {
v.vType = typeInt
v.value = i
func (v *Value) setFloat(f float64) {
v.vType = typeFloat
v.value = f
func (v *Value) setString(s string) {
v.vType = typeString
v.value = s
func (v *Value) setBool(b bool) {
v.vType = typeBool
v.value = b
func (v *Value) setTimestamp(t time.Time) {
v.vType = typeTimestamp
v.value = t
// CSVString - convert to string for CSV serialization
func (v *Value) CSVString() string {
switch v.vType {
case typeNull:
return ""
case typeBool:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.value.(bool))
case typeString:
return v.value.(string)
case typeInt:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.value.(int64))
case typeFloat:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.value.(float64))
case typeTimestamp:
return FormatSQLTimestamp(v.value.(time.Time))
case typeBytes:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", string(v.value.([]byte)))
return "CSV serialization not implemented for this type"
// floatToValue converts a float into int representation if needed.
func floatToValue(f float64) *Value {
intPart, fracPart := math.Modf(f)
if fracPart == 0 {
return FromInt(int64(intPart))
return FromFloat(f)
// negate negates a numeric value
func (v *Value) negate() {
switch v.vType {
case typeFloat:
v.value = -(v.value.(float64))
case typeInt:
v.value = -(v.value.(int64))
// Value comparison functions: we do not expose them outside the
// module. Logical operators "<", ">", ">=", "<=" work on strings and
// numbers. Equality operators "=", "!=" work on strings,
// numbers and booleans.
// Supported comparison operators
const (
opLt = "<"
opLte = "<="
opGt = ">"
opGte = ">="
opEq = "="
opIneq = "!="
// When numeric types are compared, type promotions could happen. If
// values do not have types (e.g. when reading from CSV), for
// comparison operations, automatic type conversion happens by trying
// to check if the value is a number (first an integer, then a float),
// and falling back to string.
func (v *Value) compareOp(op string, a *Value) (res bool, err error) {
if !isValidComparisonOperator(op) {
return false, errArithInvalidOperator
// Check if type conversion/inference is needed - it is needed
// if the Value is a byte-slice.
err = inferTypesForCmp(v, a)
if err != nil {
return false, err
isNumeric := v.isNumeric() && a.isNumeric()
if isNumeric {
intV, ok1i := v.ToInt()
intA, ok2i := a.ToInt()
if ok1i && ok2i {
return intCompare(op, intV, intA), nil
// If both values are numeric, then at least one is
// float since we got here, so we convert.
flV, _ := v.ToFloat()
flA, _ := a.ToFloat()
return floatCompare(op, flV, flA), nil
strV, ok1s := v.ToString()
strA, ok2s := a.ToString()
if ok1s && ok2s {
return stringCompare(op, strV, strA), nil
boolV, ok1b := v.ToBool()
boolA, ok2b := v.ToBool()
if ok1b && ok2b {
return boolCompare(op, boolV, boolA)
return false, errCmpMismatchedTypes
func inferTypesForCmp(a *Value, b *Value) error {
_, okA := a.ToBytes()
_, okB := b.ToBytes()
switch {
case !okA && !okB:
// Both Values already have types
return nil
case okA && okB:
// Both Values are untyped so try the types in order:
// int, float, bool, string
// Check for numeric inference
iA, okAi := a.bytesToInt()
iB, okBi := b.bytesToInt()
if okAi && okBi {
return nil
fA, okAf := a.bytesToFloat()
fB, okBf := b.bytesToFloat()
if okAf && okBf {
return nil
// Check if they int and float combination.
if okAi && okBf {
return nil
if okBi && okAf {
return nil
// Not numeric types at this point.
// Check for bool inference
bA, okAb := a.bytesToBool()
bB, okBb := b.bytesToBool()
if okAb && okBb {
return nil
// Fallback to string
sA := a.bytesToString()
sB := b.bytesToString()
return nil
case okA && !okB:
// Here a has `a` is untyped, but `b` has a fixed
// type.
switch b.vType {
case typeString:
s := a.bytesToString()
case typeInt, typeFloat:
if iA, ok := a.bytesToInt(); ok {
} else if fA, ok := a.bytesToFloat(); ok {
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not convert %s to a number", string(a.value.([]byte)))
case typeBool:
if bA, ok := a.bytesToBool(); ok {
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not convert %s to a boolean", string(a.value.([]byte)))
return errCmpMismatchedTypes
return nil
case !okA && okB:
// swap arguments to avoid repeating code
return inferTypesForCmp(b, a)
// Does not happen
return nil
// Value arithmetic functions: we do not expose them outside the
// module. All arithmetic works only on numeric values with automatic
// promotion to the "larger" type that can represent the value. TODO:
// Add support for large number arithmetic.
// Supported arithmetic operators
const (
opPlus = "+"
opMinus = "-"
opDivide = "/"
opMultiply = "*"
opModulo = "%"
// For arithmetic operations, if both values are numeric then the
// operation shall succeed. If the types are unknown automatic type
// conversion to a number is attempted.
func (v *Value) arithOp(op string, a *Value) error {
err := inferTypeForArithOp(v)
if err != nil {
return err
err = inferTypeForArithOp(a)
if err != nil {
return err
if !v.isNumeric() || !a.isNumeric() {
return errInvalidDataType(errArithMismatchedTypes)
if !isValidArithOperator(op) {
return errInvalidDataType(errArithMismatchedTypes)
intV, ok1i := v.ToInt()
intA, ok2i := a.ToInt()
switch {
case ok1i && ok2i:
res, err := intArithOp(op, intV, intA)
return err
// Convert arguments to float
flV, _ := v.ToFloat()
flA, _ := a.ToFloat()
res, err := floatArithOp(op, flV, flA)
return err
func inferTypeForArithOp(a *Value) error {
if _, ok := a.ToBytes(); !ok {
return nil
if i, ok := a.bytesToInt(); ok {
return nil
if f, ok := a.bytesToFloat(); ok {
return nil
err := fmt.Errorf("Could not convert %s to a number", string(a.value.([]byte)))
return errInvalidDataType(err)
// All the bytesTo* functions defined below assume the value is a byte-slice.
// Converts untyped value into int. The bool return implies success -
// it returns false only if there is a conversion failure.
func (v *Value) bytesToInt() (int64, bool) {
bytes, _ := v.ToBytes()
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(bytes), 10, 64)
return i, err == nil
// Converts untyped value into float. The bool return implies success
// - it returns false only if there is a conversion failure.
func (v *Value) bytesToFloat() (float64, bool) {
bytes, _ := v.ToBytes()
i, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(bytes), 64)
return i, err == nil
// Converts untyped value into bool. The second bool return implies
// success - it returns false in case of a conversion failure.
func (v *Value) bytesToBool() (val bool, ok bool) {
bytes, _ := v.ToBytes()
ok = true
switch strings.ToLower(string(bytes)) {
case "t", "true":
val = true
case "f", "false":
val = false
ok = false
return val, ok
// bytesToString - never fails
func (v *Value) bytesToString() string {
bytes, _ := v.ToBytes()
return string(bytes)
// Calculates minimum or maximum of v and a and assigns the result to
// v - it works only on numeric arguments, where `v` is already
// assumed to be numeric. Attempts conversion to numeric type for `a`
// (first int, then float) only if the underlying values do not have a
// type.
func (v *Value) minmax(a *Value, isMax, isFirstRow bool) error {
err := inferTypeForArithOp(a)
if err != nil {
return err
if !a.isNumeric() {
return errArithMismatchedTypes
// In case of first row, set v to a.
if isFirstRow {
intA, okI := a.ToInt()
if okI {
return nil
floatA, _ := a.ToFloat()
return nil
intV, ok1i := v.ToInt()
intA, ok2i := a.ToInt()
if ok1i && ok2i {
result := intV
if !isMax {
if intA < result {
result = intA
} else {
if intA > result {
result = intA
return nil
floatV, _ := v.ToFloat()
floatA, _ := a.ToFloat()
var result float64
if !isMax {
result = math.Min(floatV, floatA)
} else {
result = math.Max(floatV, floatA)
return nil
func inferTypeAsTimestamp(v *Value) error {
if s, ok := v.ToString(); ok {
t, err := parseSQLTimestamp(s)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if b, ok := v.ToBytes(); ok {
s := string(b)
t, err := parseSQLTimestamp(s)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// inferTypeAsString is used to convert untyped values to string - it
// is called when the caller requires a string context to proceed.
func inferTypeAsString(v *Value) {
b, ok := v.ToBytes()
if !ok {
func isValidComparisonOperator(op string) bool {
switch op {
case opLt:
case opLte:
case opGt:
case opGte:
case opEq:
case opIneq:
return false
return true
func intCompare(op string, left, right int64) bool {
switch op {
case opLt:
return left < right
case opLte:
return left <= right
case opGt:
return left > right
case opGte:
return left >= right
case opEq:
return left == right
case opIneq:
return left != right
// This case does not happen
return false
func floatCompare(op string, left, right float64) bool {
switch op {
case opLt:
return left < right
case opLte:
return left <= right
case opGt:
return left > right
case opGte:
return left >= right
case opEq:
return left == right
case opIneq:
return left != right
// This case does not happen
return false
func stringCompare(op string, left, right string) bool {
switch op {
case opLt:
return left < right
case opLte:
return left <= right
case opGt:
return left > right
case opGte:
return left >= right
case opEq:
return left == right
case opIneq:
return left != right
// This case does not happen
return false
func boolCompare(op string, left, right bool) (bool, error) {
switch op {
case opEq:
return left == right, nil
case opIneq:
return left != right, nil
return false, errCmpInvalidBoolOperator
func isValidArithOperator(op string) bool {
switch op {
case opPlus:
case opMinus:
case opDivide:
case opMultiply:
case opModulo:
return false
return true
// Overflow errors are ignored.
func intArithOp(op string, left, right int64) (int64, error) {
switch op {
case opPlus:
return left + right, nil
case opMinus:
return left - right, nil
case opDivide:
if right == 0 {
return 0, errArithDivideByZero
return left / right, nil
case opMultiply:
return left * right, nil
case opModulo:
if right == 0 {
return 0, errArithDivideByZero
return left % right, nil
// This does not happen
return 0, nil
// Overflow errors are ignored.
func floatArithOp(op string, left, right float64) (float64, error) {
switch op {
case opPlus:
return left + right, nil
case opMinus:
return left - right, nil
case opDivide:
if right == 0 {
return 0, errArithDivideByZero
return left / right, nil
case opMultiply:
return left * right, nil
case opModulo:
if right == 0 {
return 0, errArithDivideByZero
return math.Mod(left, right), nil
// This does not happen
return 0, nil