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package main
import (
// Get the highest integer from a given integer slice.
func highestInt(intSlice []int64) (highestInteger int64) {
highestInteger = int64(1)
for _, integer := range intSlice {
if highestInteger < integer {
highestInteger = integer
return highestInteger
// Extracts objects versions from xlMetaV1 slice and returns version slice.
func listObjectVersions(partsMetadata []xlMetaV1, errs []error) (versions []int64) {
versions = make([]int64, len(partsMetadata))
for index, metadata := range partsMetadata {
if errs[index] == nil {
versions[index] = metadata.Stat.Version
} else {
versions[index] = -1
return versions
// Reads all `xl.json` metadata as a xlMetaV1 slice.
// Returns error slice indicating the failed metadata reads.
func (xl xlObjects) readAllXLMetadata(bucket, object string) ([]xlMetaV1, []error) {
errs := make([]error, len(xl.storageDisks))
metadataArray := make([]xlMetaV1, len(xl.storageDisks))
xlMetaPath := path.Join(object, xlMetaJSONFile)
var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
for index, disk := range xl.storageDisks {
if disk == nil {
errs[index] = errDiskNotFound
go func(index int, disk StorageAPI) {
defer wg.Done()
buffer, err := readAll(disk, bucket, xlMetaPath)
if err != nil {
errs[index] = err
err = json.Unmarshal(buffer, &metadataArray[index])
if err != nil {
// Unable to parse xl.json, set error.
errs[index] = err
// Relinquish buffer.
buffer = nil
errs[index] = nil
}(index, disk)
// Wait for all the routines to finish.
// Return all the metadata.
return metadataArray, errs
// error based on total errors and quorum.
func reduceError(errs []error, quorum int) error {
fileNotFoundCount := 0
longNameCount := 0
diskNotFoundCount := 0
volumeNotFoundCount := 0
diskAccessDeniedCount := 0
for _, err := range errs {
if err == errFileNotFound {
} else if err == errFileNameTooLong {
} else if err == errDiskNotFound {
} else if err == errVolumeAccessDenied {
} else if err == errVolumeNotFound {
// If we have errors with 'file not found' greater than
// quorum, return as errFileNotFound.
// else if we have errors with 'volume not found'
// greater than quorum, return as errVolumeNotFound.
if fileNotFoundCount > len(errs)-quorum {
return errFileNotFound
} else if longNameCount > len(errs)-quorum {
return errFileNameTooLong
} else if volumeNotFoundCount > len(errs)-quorum {
return errVolumeNotFound
// If we have errors with disk not found equal to the
// number of disks, return as errDiskNotFound.
if diskNotFoundCount == len(errs) {
return errDiskNotFound
} else if diskNotFoundCount > len(errs)-quorum {
// If we have errors with 'disk not found'
// greater than quorum, return as errFileNotFound.
return errFileNotFound
// If we have errors with disk not found equal to the
// number of disks, return as errDiskNotFound.
if diskAccessDeniedCount == len(errs) {
return errVolumeAccessDenied
return nil
// Similar to 'len(slice)' but returns the actualelements count
// skipping the unallocated elements.
func diskCount(disks []StorageAPI) int {
diskCount := 0
for _, disk := range disks {
if disk == nil {
return diskCount
func (xl xlObjects) shouldHeal(onlineDisks []StorageAPI) (heal bool) {
onlineDiskCount := diskCount(onlineDisks)
// If online disks count is lesser than configured disks, most
// probably we need to heal the file, additionally verify if the
// count is lesser than readQuorum, if not we throw an error.
if onlineDiskCount < len(xl.storageDisks) {
// Online disks lesser than total storage disks, needs to be
// healed. unless we do not have readQuorum.
heal = true
// Verify if online disks count are lesser than readQuorum
// threshold, return an error.
if onlineDiskCount < xl.readQuorum {
errorIf(errXLReadQuorum, "Unable to establish read quorum, disks are offline.")
return false
return heal
// Returns slice of online disks needed.
// - slice returing readable disks.
// - xlMetaV1
// - bool value indicating if healing is needed.
// - error if any.
func (xl xlObjects) listOnlineDisks(partsMetadata []xlMetaV1, errs []error) (onlineDisks []StorageAPI, version int64, err error) {
onlineDisks = make([]StorageAPI, len(xl.storageDisks))
if err = reduceError(errs, xl.readQuorum); err != nil {
if err == errFileNotFound {
// For file not found, treat as if disks are available
// return all the configured ones.
onlineDisks = xl.storageDisks
return onlineDisks, 1, nil
return nil, 0, err
highestVersion := int64(0)
// List all the file versions from partsMetadata list.
versions := listObjectVersions(partsMetadata, errs)
// Get highest object version.
highestVersion = highestInt(versions)
// Pick online disks with version set to highestVersion.
for index, version := range versions {
if version == highestVersion {
onlineDisks[index] = xl.storageDisks[index]
} else {
onlineDisks[index] = nil
return onlineDisks, highestVersion, nil