You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package storage
import (
// FileServiceClient contains operations for Microsoft Azure File Service.
type FileServiceClient struct {
client Client
auth authentication
// ListSharesParameters defines the set of customizable parameters to make a
// List Shares call.
// See
type ListSharesParameters struct {
Prefix string
Marker string
Include string
MaxResults uint
Timeout uint
// ShareListResponse contains the response fields from
// ListShares call.
// See
type ShareListResponse struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EnumerationResults"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"`
Marker string `xml:"Marker"`
NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"`
MaxResults int64 `xml:"MaxResults"`
Shares []Share `xml:"Shares>Share"`
type compType string
const (
compNone compType = ""
compList compType = "list"
compMetadata compType = "metadata"
compProperties compType = "properties"
compRangeList compType = "rangelist"
func (ct compType) String() string {
return string(ct)
type resourceType string
const (
resourceDirectory resourceType = "directory"
resourceFile resourceType = ""
resourceShare resourceType = "share"
func (rt resourceType) String() string {
return string(rt)
func (p ListSharesParameters) getParameters() url.Values {
out := url.Values{}
if p.Prefix != "" {
out.Set("prefix", p.Prefix)
if p.Marker != "" {
out.Set("marker", p.Marker)
if p.Include != "" {
out.Set("include", p.Include)
if p.MaxResults != 0 {
out.Set("maxresults", fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.MaxResults))
if p.Timeout != 0 {
out.Set("timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.Timeout))
return out
func (p ListDirsAndFilesParameters) getParameters() url.Values {
out := url.Values{}
if p.Marker != "" {
out.Set("marker", p.Marker)
if p.MaxResults != 0 {
out.Set("maxresults", fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.MaxResults))
if p.Timeout != 0 {
out.Set("timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.Timeout))
return out
// returns url.Values for the specified types
func getURLInitValues(comp compType, res resourceType) url.Values {
values := url.Values{}
if comp != compNone {
values.Set("comp", comp.String())
if res != resourceFile {
values.Set("restype", res.String())
return values
// GetShareReference returns a Share object for the specified share name.
func (f FileServiceClient) GetShareReference(name string) Share {
return Share{
fsc: &f,
Name: name,
Properties: ShareProperties{
Quota: -1,
// ListShares returns the list of shares in a storage account along with
// pagination token and other response details.
// See
func (f FileServiceClient) ListShares(params ListSharesParameters) (*ShareListResponse, error) {
q := mergeParams(params.getParameters(), url.Values{"comp": {"list"}})
var out ShareListResponse
resp, err := f.listContent("", q, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.body.Close()
err = xmlUnmarshal(resp.body, &out)
// assign our client to the newly created Share objects
for i := range out.Shares {
out.Shares[i].fsc = &f
return &out, err
// retrieves directory or share content
func (f FileServiceClient) listContent(path string, params url.Values, extraHeaders map[string]string) (*storageResponse, error) {
if err := f.checkForStorageEmulator(); err != nil {
return nil, err
uri := f.client.getEndpoint(fileServiceName, path, params)
extraHeaders = f.client.protectUserAgent(extraHeaders)
headers := mergeHeaders(f.client.getStandardHeaders(), extraHeaders)
resp, err := f.client.exec(http.MethodGet, uri, headers, nil, f.auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// returns true if the specified resource exists
func (f FileServiceClient) resourceExists(path string, res resourceType) (bool, http.Header, error) {
if err := f.checkForStorageEmulator(); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
uri := f.client.getEndpoint(fileServiceName, path, getURLInitValues(compNone, res))
headers := f.client.getStandardHeaders()
resp, err := f.client.exec(http.MethodHead, uri, headers, nil, f.auth)
if resp != nil {
defer resp.body.Close()
if resp.statusCode == http.StatusOK || resp.statusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return resp.statusCode == http.StatusOK, resp.headers, nil
return false, nil, err
// creates a resource depending on the specified resource type
func (f FileServiceClient) createResource(path string, res resourceType, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Header, error) {
resp, err := f.createResourceNoClose(path, res, extraHeaders)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.body.Close()
return resp.headers, checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusCreated})
// creates a resource depending on the specified resource type, doesn't close the response body
func (f FileServiceClient) createResourceNoClose(path string, res resourceType, extraHeaders map[string]string) (*storageResponse, error) {
if err := f.checkForStorageEmulator(); err != nil {
return nil, err
values := getURLInitValues(compNone, res)
uri := f.client.getEndpoint(fileServiceName, path, values)
extraHeaders = f.client.protectUserAgent(extraHeaders)
headers := mergeHeaders(f.client.getStandardHeaders(), extraHeaders)
return f.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, f.auth)
// returns HTTP header data for the specified directory or share
func (f FileServiceClient) getResourceHeaders(path string, comp compType, res resourceType, verb string) (http.Header, error) {
resp, err := f.getResourceNoClose(path, comp, res, verb, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.body.Close()
if err = checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.headers, nil
// gets the specified resource, doesn't close the response body
func (f FileServiceClient) getResourceNoClose(path string, comp compType, res resourceType, verb string, extraHeaders map[string]string) (*storageResponse, error) {
if err := f.checkForStorageEmulator(); err != nil {
return nil, err
params := getURLInitValues(comp, res)
uri := f.client.getEndpoint(fileServiceName, path, params)
extraHeaders = f.client.protectUserAgent(extraHeaders)
headers := mergeHeaders(f.client.getStandardHeaders(), extraHeaders)
return f.client.exec(verb, uri, headers, nil, f.auth)
// deletes the resource and returns the response
func (f FileServiceClient) deleteResource(path string, res resourceType) error {
resp, err := f.deleteResourceNoClose(path, res)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.body.Close()
return checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusAccepted})
// deletes the resource and returns the response, doesn't close the response body
func (f FileServiceClient) deleteResourceNoClose(path string, res resourceType) (*storageResponse, error) {
if err := f.checkForStorageEmulator(); err != nil {
return nil, err
values := getURLInitValues(compNone, res)
uri := f.client.getEndpoint(fileServiceName, path, values)
return f.client.exec(http.MethodDelete, uri, f.client.getStandardHeaders(), nil, f.auth)
// merges metadata into extraHeaders and returns extraHeaders
func mergeMDIntoExtraHeaders(metadata, extraHeaders map[string]string) map[string]string {
if metadata == nil && extraHeaders == nil {
return nil
if extraHeaders == nil {
extraHeaders = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range metadata {
extraHeaders[userDefinedMetadataHeaderPrefix+k] = v
return extraHeaders
// merges extraHeaders into headers and returns headers
func mergeHeaders(headers, extraHeaders map[string]string) map[string]string {
for k, v := range extraHeaders {
headers[k] = v
return headers
// sets extra header data for the specified resource
func (f FileServiceClient) setResourceHeaders(path string, comp compType, res resourceType, extraHeaders map[string]string) (http.Header, error) {
if err := f.checkForStorageEmulator(); err != nil {
return nil, err
params := getURLInitValues(comp, res)
uri := f.client.getEndpoint(fileServiceName, path, params)
extraHeaders = f.client.protectUserAgent(extraHeaders)
headers := mergeHeaders(f.client.getStandardHeaders(), extraHeaders)
resp, err := f.client.exec(http.MethodPut, uri, headers, nil, f.auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.body.Close()
return resp.headers, checkRespCode(resp.statusCode, []int{http.StatusOK})
// gets metadata for the specified resource
func (f FileServiceClient) getMetadata(path string, res resourceType) (map[string]string, error) {
if err := f.checkForStorageEmulator(); err != nil {
return nil, err
headers, err := f.getResourceHeaders(path, compMetadata, res, http.MethodGet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return getMetadataFromHeaders(headers), nil
// returns a map of custom metadata values from the specified HTTP header
func getMetadataFromHeaders(header http.Header) map[string]string {
metadata := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range header {
// Can't trust CanonicalHeaderKey() to munge case
// reliably. "_" is allowed in identifiers:
// ...but "_" is considered invalid by
// CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey in
// so k can be "X-Ms-Meta-Foo" or "x-ms-meta-foo_bar".
k = strings.ToLower(k)
if len(v) == 0 || !strings.HasPrefix(k, strings.ToLower(userDefinedMetadataHeaderPrefix)) {
// metadata["foo"] = content of the last X-Ms-Meta-Foo header
k = k[len(userDefinedMetadataHeaderPrefix):]
metadata[k] = v[len(v)-1]
if len(metadata) == 0 {
return nil
return metadata
//checkForStorageEmulator determines if the client is setup for use with
//Azure Storage Emulator, and returns a relevant error
func (f FileServiceClient) checkForStorageEmulator() error {
if f.client.accountName == StorageEmulatorAccountName {
return fmt.Errorf("Error: File service is not currently supported by Azure Storage Emulator")
return nil