You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
6.4 KiB

* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
func listDirHealFactory(disks ...StorageAPI) listDirFunc {
// Returns sorted merged entries from all the disks.
listDir := func(bucket, prefixDir, prefixEntry string) (mergedentries []string, delayIsLeaf bool, err error) {
for _, disk := range disks {
var entries []string
var newEntries []string
entries, err = disk.ListDir(bucket, prefixDir)
if err != nil {
// Skip the disk of listDir returns error.
for i, entry := range entries {
if strings.HasSuffix(entry, slashSeparator) {
if _, err = disk.StatFile(bucket, path.Join(prefixDir, entry, xlMetaJSONFile)); err == nil {
// If it is an object trim the trailing "/"
entries[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(entry, slashSeparator)
if len(mergedentries) == 0 {
// For the first successful disk.ListDir()
mergedentries = entries
// find elements in entries which are not in mergedentries
for _, entry := range entries {
idx := sort.SearchStrings(mergedentries, entry)
if mergedentries[idx] == entry {
newEntries = append(newEntries, entry)
if len(newEntries) > 0 {
// Merge the entries and sort it.
mergedentries = append(mergedentries, newEntries...)
return mergedentries, false, nil
return listDir
// listObjectsHeal - wrapper function implemented over file tree walk.
func (xl xlObjects) listObjectsHeal(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, error) {
// Default is recursive, if delimiter is set then list non recursive.
recursive := true
if delimiter == slashSeparator {
recursive = false
// "heal" true for listObjectsHeal() and false for listObjects()
heal := true
walkResultCh, endWalkCh := xl.listPool.Release(listParams{bucket, recursive, marker, prefix, heal})
if walkResultCh == nil {
endWalkCh = make(chan struct{})
listDir := listDirHealFactory(xl.storageDisks...)
walkResultCh = startTreeWalk(bucket, prefix, marker, recursive, listDir, nil, endWalkCh)
var objInfos []ObjectInfo
var eof bool
var nextMarker string
for i := 0; i < maxKeys; {
walkResult, ok := <-walkResultCh
if !ok {
// Closed channel.
eof = true
// For any walk error return right away.
if walkResult.err != nil {
// File not found is a valid case.
if walkResult.err == errFileNotFound {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, nil
return ListObjectsInfo{}, toObjectErr(walkResult.err, bucket, prefix)
entry := walkResult.entry
var objInfo ObjectInfo
if strings.HasSuffix(entry, slashSeparator) {
// Object name needs to be full path.
objInfo.Bucket = bucket
objInfo.Name = entry
objInfo.IsDir = true
} else {
objInfo.Bucket = bucket
objInfo.Name = entry
nextMarker = objInfo.Name
objInfos = append(objInfos, objInfo)
if walkResult.end == true {
eof = true
params := listParams{bucket, recursive, nextMarker, prefix, heal}
if !eof {
xl.listPool.Set(params, walkResultCh, endWalkCh)
result := ListObjectsInfo{IsTruncated: !eof}
for _, objInfo := range objInfos {
result.NextMarker = objInfo.Name
if objInfo.IsDir {
result.Prefixes = append(result.Prefixes, objInfo.Name)
// generates random string on setting MINIO_DEBUG=lock, else returns empty string.
// used for instrumentation on locks.
opsID := getOpsID()
// Check if the current object needs healing
nsMutex.RLock(bucket, objInfo.Name, opsID)
partsMetadata, errs := readAllXLMetadata(xl.storageDisks, bucket, objInfo.Name)
if xlShouldHeal(partsMetadata, errs) {
result.Objects = append(result.Objects, ObjectInfo{
Name: objInfo.Name,
ModTime: objInfo.ModTime,
Size: objInfo.Size,
IsDir: false,
nsMutex.RUnlock(bucket, objInfo.Name, opsID)
return result, nil
// ListObjects - list all objects at prefix, delimited by '/'.
func (xl xlObjects) ListObjectsHeal(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (ListObjectsInfo, error) {
// Verify if bucket is valid.
if !IsValidBucketName(bucket) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket}
// Verify if bucket exists.
if !xl.isBucketExist(bucket) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: bucket}
if !IsValidObjectPrefix(prefix) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket, Object: prefix}
// Verify if delimiter is anything other than '/', which we do not support.
if delimiter != "" && delimiter != slashSeparator {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, UnsupportedDelimiter{
Delimiter: delimiter,
// Verify if marker has prefix.
if marker != "" {
if !strings.HasPrefix(marker, prefix) {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, InvalidMarkerPrefixCombination{
Marker: marker,
Prefix: prefix,
// With max keys of zero we have reached eof, return right here.
if maxKeys == 0 {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, nil
// For delimiter and prefix as '/' we do not list anything at all
// since according to s3 spec we stop at the 'delimiter' along
// with the prefix. On a flat namespace with 'prefix' as '/'
// we don't have any entries, since all the keys are of form 'keyName/...'
if delimiter == slashSeparator && prefix == slashSeparator {
return ListObjectsInfo{}, nil
// Over flowing count - reset to maxObjectList.
if maxKeys < 0 || maxKeys > maxObjectList {
maxKeys = maxObjectList
// Initiate a list operation, if successful filter and return quickly.
listObjInfo, err := xl.listObjectsHeal(bucket, prefix, marker, delimiter, maxKeys)
if err == nil {
// We got the entries successfully return.
return listObjInfo, nil
// Return error at the end.
return ListObjectsInfo{}, toObjectErr(err, bucket, prefix)