You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
// Channel where minioctl heal handler would notify if it were successful. This
// would be used by waitForFormattingDisks routine to check if it's worth
// retrying loadAllFormats.
var globalWakeupCh chan struct{}
func init() {
globalWakeupCh = make(chan struct{}, 1)
Following table lists different possible states the backend could be in.
* In a single-node, multi-disk setup, "Online" would refer to disks' status.
* In a multi-node setup, it could refer to disks' or network connectivity
between the nodes, or both.
| Online | Format status | Course of action |
| | | |
| All | All Formatted | |
+----------+--------------------------+ initObjectLayer |
| Quorum | Quorum Formatted | |
| All | Quorum | Print message saying |
| | Formatted, | "Heal via minioctl" |
| | some unformatted | and initObjectLayer |
| All | None Formatted | FormatDisks |
| | | and initObjectLayer |
| | | |
| | | Wait for notify from |
| Quorum | | "Heal via minioctl" |
| | Quorum UnFormatted | |
| No | | Wait till enough |
| Quorum | _ | nodes are online and |
| | | one of the above |
| | | sections apply |
N B A disk can be in one of the following states.
- Unformatted
- Formatted
- Corrupted
- Offline
// InitActions - a type synonym for enumerating initialization activities.
type InitActions int
const (
// FormatDisks - see above table for disk states where it is applicable.
FormatDisks InitActions = iota
// WaitForHeal - Wait for disks to heal.
// WaitForQuorum - Wait for quorum number of disks to be online.
// WaitForAll - Wait for all disks to be online.
// WaitForFormatting - Wait for formatting to be triggered from the '1st' server in the cluster.
// InitObjectLayer - Initialize object layer.
// Abort initialization of object layer since there aren't enough good
// copies of format.json to recover.
func prepForInit(disks []string, sErrs []error, diskCount int) InitActions {
// Count errors by error value.
errMap := make(map[error]int)
// If loadAllFormats returned successfully
if sErrs == nil {
errMap[nil] = diskCount
} else {
for _, err := range sErrs {
quorum := diskCount/2 + 1
disksOffline := errMap[errDiskNotFound]
disksFormatted := errMap[nil]
disksUnformatted := errMap[errUnformattedDisk]
disksCorrupted := errMap[errCorruptedFormat]
// All disks are unformatted, proceed to formatting disks.
if disksUnformatted == diskCount {
// Only the first server formats an uninitialized setup, others wait for notification.
if isLocalStorage(disks[0]) {
return FormatDisks
return WaitForFormatting
} else if (disksUnformatted >= quorum) && (disksUnformatted+disksOffline == diskCount) {
return WaitForAll
// Already formatted, proceed to initialization of object layer.
if disksFormatted == diskCount {
return InitObjectLayer
} else if disksFormatted > quorum && disksFormatted+disksOffline == diskCount {
return InitObjectLayer
} else if disksFormatted > quorum {
// TODO: Print minioctl heal command
return InitObjectLayer
// No Quorum.
if disksOffline > quorum {
return WaitForQuorum
// There is quorum or more corrupted disks, there is not enough good
// disks to reconstruct format.json.
if disksCorrupted >= quorum {
return Abort
// Some of the formatted disks are possibly offline.
return WaitForHeal
func retryFormattingDisks(disks []string, storageDisks []StorageAPI) ([]StorageAPI, error) {
nextBackoff := time.Duration(0)
var err error
done := false
for !done {
select {
case <-time.After(nextBackoff * time.Second):
// Attempt to load all `format.json`.
_, sErrs := loadAllFormats(storageDisks)
switch prepForInit(disks, sErrs, len(storageDisks)) {
case Abort:
err = errCorruptedFormat
done = true
case FormatDisks:
err = initFormatXL(storageDisks)
done = true
case InitObjectLayer:
err = nil
done = true
case <-globalWakeupCh:
// Reset nextBackoff to reduce the subsequent wait and re-read
// format.json from all disks again.
nextBackoff = 0
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return storageDisks, nil
func waitForFormattingDisks(disks, ignoredDisks []string) ([]StorageAPI, error) {
// FS Setup
if len(disks) == 1 {
storage, err := newStorageAPI(disks[0])
if err != nil && err != errDiskNotFound {
return nil, err
return []StorageAPI{storage}, nil
// XL Setup
if err := checkSufficientDisks(disks); err != nil {
return nil, err
disksSet := set.NewStringSet()
if len(ignoredDisks) > 0 {
disksSet = set.CreateStringSet(ignoredDisks...)
// Bootstrap disks.
storageDisks := make([]StorageAPI, len(disks))
for index, disk := range disks {
// Check if disk is ignored.
if disksSet.Contains(disk) {
storageDisks[index] = nil
// Intentionally ignore disk not found errors. XL is designed
// to handle these errors internally.
storage, err := newStorageAPI(disk)
if err != nil && err != errDiskNotFound {
return nil, err
storageDisks[index] = storage
return retryFormattingDisks(disks, storageDisks)