/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cmd import ( "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "sync" "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/logger" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/auth" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/event" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/event/target" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/quick" ) // Steps to move from version N to version N+1 // 1. Add new struct serverConfigVN+1 in config-versions.go // 2. Set serverConfigVersion to "N+1" // 3. Set serverConfig to serverConfigVN+1 // 4. Add new migration function (ex. func migrateVNToVN+1()) in config-migrate.go // 5. Call migrateVNToVN+1() from migrateConfig() in config-migrate.go // 6. Make changes in config-current_test.go for any test change // Config version const serverConfigVersion = "25" type serverConfig = serverConfigV25 var ( // globalServerConfig server config. globalServerConfig *serverConfig globalServerConfigMu sync.RWMutex ) // GetVersion get current config version. func (s *serverConfig) GetVersion() string { return s.Version } // SetRegion set a new region. func (s *serverConfig) SetRegion(region string) { // Save new region. s.Region = region } // GetRegion get current region. func (s *serverConfig) GetRegion() string { return s.Region } // SetCredential sets new credential and returns the previous credential. func (s *serverConfig) SetCredential(creds auth.Credentials) (prevCred auth.Credentials) { // Save previous credential. prevCred = s.Credential // Set updated credential. s.Credential = creds // Return previous credential. return prevCred } // GetCredentials get current credentials. func (s *serverConfig) GetCredential() auth.Credentials { return s.Credential } // SetBrowser set if browser is enabled. func (s *serverConfig) SetBrowser(b bool) { // Set the new value. s.Browser = BoolFlag(b) } // SetWorm set if worm is enabled. func (s *serverConfig) SetWorm(b bool) { // Set the new value. s.Worm = BoolFlag(b) } func (s *serverConfig) SetStorageClass(standardClass, rrsClass storageClass) { s.StorageClass.Standard = standardClass s.StorageClass.RRS = rrsClass } // GetStorageClass reads storage class fields from current config. // It returns the standard and reduced redundancy storage class struct func (s *serverConfig) GetStorageClass() (storageClass, storageClass) { return s.StorageClass.Standard, s.StorageClass.RRS } // GetBrowser get current credentials. func (s *serverConfig) GetBrowser() bool { return bool(s.Browser) } // GetWorm get current credentials. func (s *serverConfig) GetWorm() bool { return bool(s.Worm) } // SetCacheConfig sets the current cache config func (s *serverConfig) SetCacheConfig(drives, exclude []string, expiry int) { s.Cache.Drives = drives s.Cache.Exclude = exclude s.Cache.Expiry = expiry } // GetCacheConfig gets the current cache config func (s *serverConfig) GetCacheConfig() CacheConfig { return s.Cache } // Save config file to corresponding backend func Save(configFile string, data interface{}) error { return quick.SaveConfig(data, configFile, globalEtcdClient) } // Load config from backend func Load(configFile string, data interface{}) (quick.Config, error) { return quick.LoadConfig(configFile, globalEtcdClient, data) } // GetVersion gets config version from backend func GetVersion(configFile string) (string, error) { return quick.GetVersion(configFile, globalEtcdClient) } // Returns the string describing a difference with the given // configuration object. If the given configuration object is // identical, an empty string is returned. func (s *serverConfig) ConfigDiff(t *serverConfig) string { switch { case t == nil: return "Given configuration is empty" case s.Credential != t.Credential: return "Credential configuration differs" case s.Region != t.Region: return "Region configuration differs" case s.Browser != t.Browser: return "Browser configuration differs" case s.Domain != t.Domain: return "Domain configuration differs" case s.StorageClass != t.StorageClass: return "StorageClass configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Cache, t.Cache): return "Cache configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.AMQP, t.Notify.AMQP): return "AMQP Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.NATS, t.Notify.NATS): return "NATS Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.Elasticsearch, t.Notify.Elasticsearch): return "ElasticSearch Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.Redis, t.Notify.Redis): return "Redis Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.PostgreSQL, t.Notify.PostgreSQL): return "PostgreSQL Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.Kafka, t.Notify.Kafka): return "Kafka Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.Webhook, t.Notify.Webhook): return "Webhook Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.MySQL, t.Notify.MySQL): return "MySQL Notification configuration differs" case !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Notify.MQTT, t.Notify.MQTT): return "MQTT Notification configuration differs" case reflect.DeepEqual(s, t): return "" default: // This case will not happen unless this comparison // function has become stale. return "Configuration differs" } } func newServerConfig() *serverConfig { cred, err := auth.GetNewCredentials() logger.FatalIf(err, "") srvCfg := &serverConfig{ Version: serverConfigVersion, Credential: cred, Region: globalMinioDefaultRegion, Browser: true, StorageClass: storageClassConfig{ Standard: storageClass{}, RRS: storageClass{}, }, Cache: CacheConfig{ Drives: []string{}, Exclude: []string{}, Expiry: globalCacheExpiry, }, Notify: notifier{}, } // Make sure to initialize notification configs. srvCfg.Notify.AMQP = make(map[string]target.AMQPArgs) srvCfg.Notify.AMQP["1"] = target.AMQPArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.MQTT = make(map[string]target.MQTTArgs) srvCfg.Notify.MQTT["1"] = target.MQTTArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.Elasticsearch = make(map[string]target.ElasticsearchArgs) srvCfg.Notify.Elasticsearch["1"] = target.ElasticsearchArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.Redis = make(map[string]target.RedisArgs) srvCfg.Notify.Redis["1"] = target.RedisArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.NATS = make(map[string]target.NATSArgs) srvCfg.Notify.NATS["1"] = target.NATSArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.PostgreSQL = make(map[string]target.PostgreSQLArgs) srvCfg.Notify.PostgreSQL["1"] = target.PostgreSQLArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.MySQL = make(map[string]target.MySQLArgs) srvCfg.Notify.MySQL["1"] = target.MySQLArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.Kafka = make(map[string]target.KafkaArgs) srvCfg.Notify.Kafka["1"] = target.KafkaArgs{} srvCfg.Notify.Webhook = make(map[string]target.WebhookArgs) srvCfg.Notify.Webhook["1"] = target.WebhookArgs{} srvCfg.Cache.Drives = make([]string, 0) srvCfg.Cache.Exclude = make([]string, 0) srvCfg.Cache.Expiry = globalCacheExpiry return srvCfg } // newConfig - initialize a new server config, saves env parameters if // found, otherwise use default parameters func newConfig() error { // Initialize server config. srvCfg, err := newQuickConfig(newServerConfig()) if err != nil { return err } // If env is set override the credentials from config file. if globalIsEnvCreds { srvCfg.SetCredential(globalActiveCred) } if globalIsEnvBrowser { srvCfg.SetBrowser(globalIsBrowserEnabled) } if globalIsEnvWORM { srvCfg.SetWorm(globalWORMEnabled) } if globalIsEnvRegion { srvCfg.SetRegion(globalServerRegion) } if globalIsEnvDomainName { srvCfg.Domain = globalDomainName } if globalIsStorageClass { srvCfg.SetStorageClass(globalStandardStorageClass, globalRRStorageClass) } if globalIsDiskCacheEnabled { srvCfg.SetCacheConfig(globalCacheDrives, globalCacheExcludes, globalCacheExpiry) } // hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned. // Save the new config globally. // unlock the mutex. globalServerConfigMu.Lock() globalServerConfig = srvCfg globalServerConfigMu.Unlock() // Save config into file. return Save(getConfigFile(), globalServerConfig) } // newQuickConfig - initialize a new server config, with an allocated // quick.Config interface. func newQuickConfig(srvCfg *serverConfig) (*serverConfig, error) { qcfg, err := quick.NewConfig(srvCfg, globalEtcdClient) if err != nil { return nil, err } srvCfg.Config = qcfg return srvCfg, nil } // getValidConfig - returns valid server configuration func getValidConfig() (*serverConfig, error) { srvCfg := &serverConfig{ Region: globalMinioDefaultRegion, Browser: true, } var err error srvCfg, err = newQuickConfig(srvCfg) if err != nil { return nil, err } configFile := getConfigFile() if err = srvCfg.Load(configFile); err != nil { return nil, err } if srvCfg.Version != serverConfigVersion { return nil, fmt.Errorf("configuration version mismatch. Expected: ā€˜%sā€™, Got: ā€˜%sā€™", serverConfigVersion, srvCfg.Version) } // Validate credential fields only when // they are not set via the environment // Error out if global is env credential is not set and config has invalid credential if !globalIsEnvCreds && !srvCfg.Credential.IsValid() { return nil, errors.New("invalid credential in config file " + getConfigFile()) } return srvCfg, nil } // loadConfig - loads a new config from disk, overrides params from env // if found and valid func loadConfig() error { srvCfg, err := getValidConfig() if err != nil { return uiErrInvalidConfig(nil).Msg(err.Error()) } // If env is set override the credentials from config file. if globalIsEnvCreds { srvCfg.SetCredential(globalActiveCred) } if globalIsEnvBrowser { srvCfg.SetBrowser(globalIsBrowserEnabled) } if globalIsEnvRegion { srvCfg.SetRegion(globalServerRegion) } if globalIsEnvDomainName { srvCfg.Domain = globalDomainName } if globalIsStorageClass { srvCfg.SetStorageClass(globalStandardStorageClass, globalRRStorageClass) } if globalIsDiskCacheEnabled { srvCfg.SetCacheConfig(globalCacheDrives, globalCacheExcludes, globalCacheExpiry) } // hold the mutex lock before a new config is assigned. globalServerConfigMu.Lock() globalServerConfig = srvCfg if !globalIsEnvCreds { globalActiveCred = globalServerConfig.GetCredential() } if !globalIsEnvBrowser { globalIsBrowserEnabled = globalServerConfig.GetBrowser() } if !globalIsEnvWORM { globalWORMEnabled = globalServerConfig.GetWorm() } if !globalIsEnvRegion { globalServerRegion = globalServerConfig.GetRegion() } if !globalIsEnvDomainName { globalDomainName = globalServerConfig.Domain } if !globalIsStorageClass { globalStandardStorageClass, globalRRStorageClass = globalServerConfig.GetStorageClass() } if !globalIsDiskCacheEnabled { cacheConf := globalServerConfig.GetCacheConfig() globalCacheDrives = cacheConf.Drives globalCacheExcludes = cacheConf.Exclude globalCacheExpiry = cacheConf.Expiry } globalServerConfigMu.Unlock() return nil } // getNotificationTargets - returns TargetList which contains enabled targets in serverConfig. // A new notification target is added like below // * Add a new target in pkg/event/target package. // * Add newly added target configuration to serverConfig.Notify.. // * Handle the configuration in this function to create/add into TargetList. func getNotificationTargets(config *serverConfig) (*event.TargetList, error) { targetList := event.NewTargetList() for id, args := range config.Notify.AMQP { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewAMQPTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.Elasticsearch { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewElasticsearchTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.Kafka { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewKafkaTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.MQTT { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewMQTTTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.MySQL { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewMySQLTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.NATS { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewNATSTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.PostgreSQL { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewPostgreSQLTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.Redis { if args.Enable { newTarget, err := target.NewRedisTarget(id, args) if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } for id, args := range config.Notify.Webhook { if args.Enable { newTarget := target.NewWebhookTarget(id, args) if err := targetList.Add(newTarget); err != nil { return nil, err } } } return targetList, nil }