# Minio Environmental varaibles #### MINIO_ENABLE_FSMETA When enabled, minio-FS saves the HTTP headers that start with `X-Amz-Meta-` and `X-Minio-Meta`. These header meta data can be retrieved on HEAD and GET requests on the object. #### MINIO_PROFILER Used for Go profiling. Supported values are: `cpu` - for CPU profiling `mem` - for memory profiling `block` - for block profiling #### MINIO_PROFILE_DIR Path where cpu/mem/block profiling files are dumped #### MINIO_BROWSER setting this to `off` disables the minio browser. #### MINIO_ACCESS_KEY Minio access key. #### MINIO_SECRET_KEY Minio secret key. #### MINIO_CACHE_SIZE Set total cache size in NN[GB|MB|KB]. Defaults to 8GB Ex: MINIO_CACHE_SIZE=2GB #### MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY Set the object cache expiration duration in NN[h|m|s]. Defaults to 72 hours. Ex. MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY=24h #### MINIO_MAXCONN Limit of the number of concurrent http requests. Ex. MINIO_MAXCONN=500