// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license. // See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details. package elastic import ( "fmt" "net/url" "strings" "golang.org/x/net/context" ) // -- Actions -- // AliasAction is an action to apply to an alias, e.g. "add" or "remove". type AliasAction interface { Source() (interface{}, error) } // AliasAddAction is an action to add to an alias. type AliasAddAction struct { index []string // index name(s) alias string // alias name filter Query routing string searchRouting string indexRouting string } // NewAliasAddAction returns an action to add an alias. func NewAliasAddAction(alias string) *AliasAddAction { return &AliasAddAction{ alias: alias, } } // Index associates one or more indices to the alias. func (a *AliasAddAction) Index(index ...string) *AliasAddAction { a.index = append(a.index, index...) return a } func (a *AliasAddAction) removeBlankIndexNames() { var indices []string for _, index := range a.index { if len(index) > 0 { indices = append(indices, index) } } a.index = indices } // Filter associates a filter to the alias. func (a *AliasAddAction) Filter(filter Query) *AliasAddAction { a.filter = filter return a } // Routing associates a routing value to the alias. // This basically sets index and search routing to the same value. func (a *AliasAddAction) Routing(routing string) *AliasAddAction { a.routing = routing return a } // IndexRouting associates an index routing value to the alias. func (a *AliasAddAction) IndexRouting(routing string) *AliasAddAction { a.indexRouting = routing return a } // SearchRouting associates a search routing value to the alias. func (a *AliasAddAction) SearchRouting(routing ...string) *AliasAddAction { a.searchRouting = strings.Join(routing, ",") return a } // Validate checks if the operation is valid. func (a *AliasAddAction) Validate() error { var invalid []string if len(a.alias) == 0 { invalid = append(invalid, "Alias") } if len(a.index) == 0 { invalid = append(invalid, "Index") } if len(invalid) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("missing required fields: %v", invalid) } return nil } // Source returns the JSON-serializable data. func (a *AliasAddAction) Source() (interface{}, error) { a.removeBlankIndexNames() if err := a.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } src := make(map[string]interface{}) act := make(map[string]interface{}) src["add"] = act act["alias"] = a.alias switch len(a.index) { case 1: act["index"] = a.index[0] default: act["indices"] = a.index } if a.filter != nil { f, err := a.filter.Source() if err != nil { return nil, err } act["filter"] = f } if len(a.routing) > 0 { act["routing"] = a.routing } if len(a.indexRouting) > 0 { act["index_routing"] = a.indexRouting } if len(a.searchRouting) > 0 { act["search_routing"] = a.searchRouting } return src, nil } // AliasRemoveAction is an action to remove an alias. type AliasRemoveAction struct { index []string // index name(s) alias string // alias name } // NewAliasRemoveAction returns an action to remove an alias. func NewAliasRemoveAction(alias string) *AliasRemoveAction { return &AliasRemoveAction{ alias: alias, } } // Index associates one or more indices to the alias. func (a *AliasRemoveAction) Index(index ...string) *AliasRemoveAction { a.index = append(a.index, index...) return a } func (a *AliasRemoveAction) removeBlankIndexNames() { var indices []string for _, index := range a.index { if len(index) > 0 { indices = append(indices, index) } } a.index = indices } // Validate checks if the operation is valid. func (a *AliasRemoveAction) Validate() error { var invalid []string if len(a.alias) == 0 { invalid = append(invalid, "Alias") } if len(a.index) == 0 { invalid = append(invalid, "Index") } if len(invalid) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("missing required fields: %v", invalid) } return nil } // Source returns the JSON-serializable data. func (a *AliasRemoveAction) Source() (interface{}, error) { a.removeBlankIndexNames() if err := a.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, err } src := make(map[string]interface{}) act := make(map[string]interface{}) src["remove"] = act act["alias"] = a.alias switch len(a.index) { case 1: act["index"] = a.index[0] default: act["indices"] = a.index } return src, nil } // -- Service -- // AliasService enables users to add or remove an alias. // See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/indices-aliases.html // for details. type AliasService struct { client *Client actions []AliasAction pretty bool } // NewAliasService implements a service to manage aliases. func NewAliasService(client *Client) *AliasService { builder := &AliasService{ client: client, } return builder } // Pretty asks Elasticsearch to indent the HTTP response. func (s *AliasService) Pretty(pretty bool) *AliasService { s.pretty = pretty return s } // Add adds an alias to an index. func (s *AliasService) Add(indexName string, aliasName string) *AliasService { action := NewAliasAddAction(aliasName).Index(indexName) s.actions = append(s.actions, action) return s } // Add adds an alias to an index and associates a filter to the alias. func (s *AliasService) AddWithFilter(indexName string, aliasName string, filter Query) *AliasService { action := NewAliasAddAction(aliasName).Index(indexName).Filter(filter) s.actions = append(s.actions, action) return s } // Remove removes an alias. func (s *AliasService) Remove(indexName string, aliasName string) *AliasService { action := NewAliasRemoveAction(aliasName).Index(indexName) s.actions = append(s.actions, action) return s } // Action accepts one or more AliasAction instances which can be // of type AliasAddAction or AliasRemoveAction. func (s *AliasService) Action(action ...AliasAction) *AliasService { s.actions = append(s.actions, action...) return s } // buildURL builds the URL for the operation. func (s *AliasService) buildURL() (string, url.Values, error) { path := "/_aliases" // Add query string parameters params := url.Values{} if s.pretty { params.Set("pretty", fmt.Sprintf("%v", s.pretty)) } return path, params, nil } // Do executes the command. func (s *AliasService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*AliasResult, error) { path, params, err := s.buildURL() if err != nil { return nil, err } // Body with actions body := make(map[string]interface{}) var actions []interface{} for _, action := range s.actions { src, err := action.Source() if err != nil { return nil, err } actions = append(actions, src) } body["actions"] = actions // Get response res, err := s.client.PerformRequest(ctx, "POST", path, params, body) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Return results ret := new(AliasResult) if err := s.client.decoder.Decode(res.Body, ret); err != nil { return nil, err } return ret, nil } // -- Result of an alias request. // AliasResult is the outcome of calling Do on AliasService. type AliasResult struct { Acknowledged bool `json:"acknowledged"` }