/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2014-2016 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cmd import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/url" "path" "sync" ) // s3Peer structs contains the address of a peer in the cluster, and // its BucketMetaState interface objects. type s3Peer struct { // address in `host:port` format addr string // BucketMetaState client interface bmsClient BucketMetaState } // type representing all peers in the cluster type s3Peers []s3Peer // makeS3Peers makes an s3Peers struct value from the given urls // slice. The urls slice is assumed to be non-empty and free of nil // values. func makeS3Peers(eps []*url.URL) s3Peers { var ret []s3Peer // map to store peers that are already added to ret seenAddr := make(map[string]bool) // add local (self) as peer in the array ret = append(ret, s3Peer{ globalMinioAddr, &localBucketMetaState{ObjectAPI: newObjectLayerFn}, }) seenAddr[globalMinioAddr] = true // iterate over endpoints to find new remote peers and add // them to ret. for _, ep := range eps { if ep.Host == "" { continue } // Check if the remote host has been added already if !seenAddr[ep.Host] { cfg := authConfig{ accessKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().AccessKeyID, secretKey: serverConfig.GetCredential().SecretAccessKey, address: ep.Host, secureConn: isSSL(), path: path.Join(reservedBucket, s3Path), loginMethod: "S3.LoginHandler", } ret = append(ret, s3Peer{ ep.Host, &remoteBucketMetaState{newAuthClient(&cfg)}, }) seenAddr[ep.Host] = true } } return ret } // initGlobalS3Peers - initialize globalS3Peers by passing in // endpoints - intended to be called early in program start-up. func initGlobalS3Peers(eps []*url.URL) { globalS3Peers = makeS3Peers(eps) } // GetPeerClient - fetch BucketMetaState interface by peer address func (s3p s3Peers) GetPeerClient(peer string) BucketMetaState { for _, p := range s3p { if p.addr == peer { return p.bmsClient } } return nil } // SendUpdate sends bucket metadata updates to all given peer // indices. The update calls are sent in parallel, and errors are // returned per peer in an array. The returned error arrayslice is // always as long as s3p.peers.addr. // // The input peerIndex slice can be nil if the update is to be sent to // all peers. This is the common case. // // The updates are sent via a type implementing the BucketMetaState // interface. This makes sure that the local node is directly updated, // and remote nodes are updated via RPC calls. func (s3p s3Peers) SendUpdate(peerIndex []int, args interface{}) []error { // peer error array errs := make([]error, len(s3p)) // Start a wait group and make RPC requests to peers. var wg sync.WaitGroup // Function that sends update to peer at `index` sendUpdateToPeer := func(index int) { defer wg.Done() var err error // Get BMS client for peer at `index`. The index is // already checked for being within array bounds. client := s3p[index].bmsClient // Make the appropriate bucket metadata update // according to the argument type switch v := args.(type) { case *SetBucketNotificationPeerArgs: err = client.UpdateBucketNotification(v) case *SetBucketListenerPeerArgs: err = client.UpdateBucketListener(v) case *SetBucketPolicyPeerArgs: err = client.UpdateBucketPolicy(v) default: err = fmt.Errorf("Unknown arg in BucketMetaState updater - %v", args) } errs[index] = err } // Special (but common) case of peerIndex == nil, implies send // update to all peers. if peerIndex == nil { for idx := 0; idx < len(s3p); idx++ { wg.Add(1) go sendUpdateToPeer(idx) } } else { // Send update only to given peer indices. for _, idx := range peerIndex { // check idx is in array bounds. if !(idx >= 0 && idx < len(s3p)) { errorIf( fmt.Errorf("Bad peer index %d input to SendUpdate()", idx), "peerIndex out of bounds", ) continue } wg.Add(1) go sendUpdateToPeer(idx) } } // Wait for requests to complete and return wg.Wait() return errs } // S3PeersUpdateBucketNotification - Sends Update Bucket notification // request to all peers. Currently we log an error and continue. func S3PeersUpdateBucketNotification(bucket string, ncfg *notificationConfig) { setBNPArgs := &SetBucketNotificationPeerArgs{Bucket: bucket, NCfg: ncfg} errs := globalS3Peers.SendUpdate(nil, setBNPArgs) for idx, err := range errs { errorIf( err, "Error sending update bucket notification to %s - %v", globalS3Peers[idx].addr, err, ) } } // S3PeersUpdateBucketListener - Sends Update Bucket listeners request // to all peers. Currently we log an error and continue. func S3PeersUpdateBucketListener(bucket string, lcfg []listenerConfig) { setBLPArgs := &SetBucketListenerPeerArgs{Bucket: bucket, LCfg: lcfg} errs := globalS3Peers.SendUpdate(nil, setBLPArgs) for idx, err := range errs { errorIf( err, "Error sending update bucket listener to %s - %v", globalS3Peers[idx].addr, err, ) } } // S3PeersUpdateBucketPolicy - Sends update bucket policy request to // all peers. Currently we log an error and continue. func S3PeersUpdateBucketPolicy(bucket string, pCh policyChange) { byts, err := json.Marshal(pCh) if err != nil { errorIf(err, "Failed to marshal policyChange - this is a BUG!") return } setBPPArgs := &SetBucketPolicyPeerArgs{Bucket: bucket, PChBytes: byts} errs := globalS3Peers.SendUpdate(nil, setBPPArgs) for idx, err := range errs { errorIf( err, "Error sending update bucket policy to %s - %v", globalS3Peers[idx].addr, err, ) } }