/* * Minio Browser (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import url from 'url' import Moment from 'moment' import browserHistory from 'react-router/lib/browserHistory' import web from './web' import * as utils from './utils' import storage from 'local-storage-fallback' import { minioBrowserPrefix } from './constants' export const SET_WEB = 'SET_WEB' export const SET_CURRENT_BUCKET = 'SET_CURRENT_BUCKET' export const SET_CURRENT_PATH = 'SET_CURRENT_PATH' export const SET_BUCKETS = 'SET_BUCKETS' export const ADD_BUCKET = 'ADD_BUCKET' export const ADD_OBJECT = 'ADD_OBJECT' export const SET_VISIBLE_BUCKETS = 'SET_VISIBLE_BUCKETS' export const SET_OBJECTS = 'SET_OBJECTS' export const SET_STORAGE_INFO = 'SET_STORAGE_INFO' export const SET_SERVER_INFO = 'SET_SERVER_INFO' export const SHOW_MAKEBUCKET_MODAL = 'SHOW_MAKEBUCKET_MODAL' export const ADD_UPLOAD = 'ADD_UPLOAD' export const STOP_UPLOAD = 'STOP_UPLOAD' export const UPLOAD_PROGRESS = 'UPLOAD_PROGRESS' export const SET_ALERT = 'SET_ALERT' export const SET_LOGIN_ERROR = 'SET_LOGIN_ERROR' export const SET_SHOW_ABORT_MODAL = 'SET_SHOW_ABORT_MODAL' export const SHOW_ABOUT = 'SHOW_ABOUT' export const SET_SORT_NAME_ORDER = 'SET_SORT_NAME_ORDER' export const SET_SORT_SIZE_ORDER = 'SET_SORT_SIZE_ORDER' export const SET_SORT_DATE_ORDER = 'SET_SORT_DATE_ORDER' export const SET_LATEST_UI_VERSION = 'SET_LATEST_UI_VERSION' export const SET_SIDEBAR_STATUS = 'SET_SIDEBAR_STATUS' export const SET_LOGIN_REDIRECT_PATH = 'SET_LOGIN_REDIRECT_PATH' export const SET_LOAD_BUCKET = 'SET_LOAD_BUCKET' export const SET_LOAD_PATH = 'SET_LOAD_PATH' export const SHOW_SETTINGS = 'SHOW_SETTINGS' export const SET_SETTINGS = 'SET_SETTINGS' export const SHOW_BUCKET_POLICY = 'SHOW_BUCKET_POLICY' export const SET_POLICIES = 'SET_POLICIES' export const SET_SHARE_OBJECT = 'SET_SHARE_OBJECT' export const DELETE_CONFIRMATION = 'DELETE_CONFIRMATION' export const SET_PREFIX_WRITABLE = 'SET_PREFIX_WRITABLE' export const REMOVE_OBJECT = 'REMOVE_OBJECT' export const showDeleteConfirmation = (object) => { return { type: DELETE_CONFIRMATION, payload: { object, show: true } } } export const hideDeleteConfirmation = () => { return { type: DELETE_CONFIRMATION, payload: { object: '', show: false } } } export const showShareObject = url => { return { type: SET_SHARE_OBJECT, shareObject: { url: url, show: true } } } export const hideShareObject = () => { return { type: SET_SHARE_OBJECT, shareObject: { url: '', show: false } } } export const shareObject = (object, expiry) => (dispatch, getState) => { const {currentBucket, web} = getState() let host = location.host let bucket = currentBucket if (!web.LoggedIn()) { dispatch(showShareObject(`${host}/${bucket}/${object}`)) return } web.PresignedGet({ host, bucket, object, expiry }) .then(obj => { dispatch(showShareObject(obj.url)) }) .catch(err => { dispatch(showAlert({ type: 'danger', message: err.message })) }) } export const setLoginRedirectPath = (path) => { return { type: SET_LOGIN_REDIRECT_PATH, path } } export const setLoadPath = (loadPath) => { return { type: SET_LOAD_PATH, loadPath } } export const setLoadBucket = (loadBucket) => { return { type: SET_LOAD_BUCKET, loadBucket } } export const setWeb = web => { return { type: SET_WEB, web } } export const setBuckets = buckets => { return { type: SET_BUCKETS, buckets } } export const addBucket = bucket => { return { type: ADD_BUCKET, bucket } } export const showMakeBucketModal = () => { return { type: SHOW_MAKEBUCKET_MODAL, showMakeBucketModal: true } } export const hideAlert = () => { return { type: SET_ALERT, alert: { show: false, message: '', type: '' } } } export const showAlert = alert => { return (dispatch, getState) => { let alertTimeout = null if (alert.type !== 'danger') { alertTimeout = setTimeout(() => { dispatch({ type: SET_ALERT, alert: { show: false } }) }, 5000) } dispatch({ type: SET_ALERT, alert: Object.assign({}, alert, { show: true, alertTimeout }) }) } } export const removeObject = object => { return { type: REMOVE_OBJECT, object } } export const setSidebarStatus = (status) => { return { type: SET_SIDEBAR_STATUS, sidebarStatus: status } } export const hideMakeBucketModal = () => { return { type: SHOW_MAKEBUCKET_MODAL, showMakeBucketModal: false } } export const setVisibleBuckets = visibleBuckets => { return { type: SET_VISIBLE_BUCKETS, visibleBuckets } } export const setObjects = (objects, marker, istruncated) => { return { type: SET_OBJECTS, objects, marker, istruncated } } export const setCurrentBucket = currentBucket => { return { type: SET_CURRENT_BUCKET, currentBucket } } export const setCurrentPath = currentPath => { return { type: SET_CURRENT_PATH, currentPath } } export const setStorageInfo = storageInfo => { return { type: SET_STORAGE_INFO, storageInfo } } export const setServerInfo = serverInfo => { return { type: SET_SERVER_INFO, serverInfo } } const setPrefixWritable = prefixWritable => { return { type: SET_PREFIX_WRITABLE, prefixWritable, } } export const selectBucket = (newCurrentBucket, prefix) => { if (!prefix) prefix = '' return (dispatch, getState) => { let web = getState().web let currentBucket = getState().currentBucket if (currentBucket !== newCurrentBucket) dispatch(setLoadBucket(newCurrentBucket)) dispatch(setCurrentBucket(newCurrentBucket)) dispatch(selectPrefix(prefix)) return } } export const listObjects = () => { return (dispatch, getState) => { const {currentBucket, currentPath, marker, objects, istruncated, web} = getState() if (!istruncated) return web.ListObjects({ bucketName: currentBucket, prefix: currentPath, marker: marker }) .then(res => { let objects = res.objects if (!objects) objects = [] objects = objects.map(object => { object.name = object.name.replace(`${currentPath}`, ''); return object }) dispatch(setObjects(objects, res.nextmarker, res.istruncated)) dispatch(setPrefixWritable(res.writable)) dispatch(setLoadBucket('')) dispatch(setLoadPath('')) }) .catch(err => { dispatch(showAlert({ type: 'danger', message: err.message })) dispatch(setLoadBucket('')) dispatch(setLoadPath('')) // Use browserHistory.replace instead of push so that browser back button works fine. browserHistory.replace(`${minioBrowserPrefix}/login`) }) } } export const selectPrefix = prefix => { return (dispatch, getState) => { const {currentBucket, web} = getState() dispatch(setObjects([], "", false)) dispatch(setLoadPath(prefix)) web.ListObjects({ bucketName: currentBucket, prefix, marker: "" }) .then(res => { let objects = res.objects if (!objects) objects = [] objects = objects.map(object => { object.name = object.name.replace(`${prefix}`, ''); return object }) dispatch(setObjects( objects, res.nextmarker, res.istruncated )) dispatch(setPrefixWritable(res.writable)) dispatch(setSortNameOrder(false)) dispatch(setCurrentPath(prefix)) dispatch(setLoadBucket('')) dispatch(setLoadPath('')) }) .catch(err => { dispatch(showAlert({ type: 'danger', message: err.message })) dispatch(setLoadBucket('')) dispatch(setLoadPath('')) // Use browserHistory.replace instead of push so that browser back button works fine. browserHistory.replace(`${minioBrowserPrefix}/login`) }) } } export const addUpload = options => { return { type: ADD_UPLOAD, slug: options.slug, size: options.size, xhr: options.xhr, name: options.name } } export const stopUpload = options => { return { type: STOP_UPLOAD, slug: options.slug } } export const uploadProgress = options => { return { type: UPLOAD_PROGRESS, slug: options.slug, loaded: options.loaded } } export const setShowAbortModal = showAbortModal => { return { type: SET_SHOW_ABORT_MODAL, showAbortModal } } export const setLoginError = () => { return { type: SET_LOGIN_ERROR, loginError: true } } export const uploadFile = (file, xhr) => { return (dispatch, getState) => { const {currentBucket, currentPath} = getState() const objectName = `${currentPath}${file.name}` const uploadUrl = `${window.location.origin}/minio/upload/${currentBucket}/${objectName}` // The slug is a unique identifer for the file upload. const slug = `${currentBucket}-${currentPath}-${file.name}` xhr.open('PUT', uploadUrl, true) xhr.withCredentials = false const token = storage.getItem('token') if (token) xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer ' + storage.getItem('token')) xhr.setRequestHeader('x-amz-date', Moment().utc().format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmss') + 'Z') dispatch(addUpload({ slug, xhr, size: file.size, name: file.name })) xhr.onload = function(event) { if (xhr.status == 401 || xhr.status == 403 || xhr.status == 500) { setShowAbortModal(false) dispatch(stopUpload({ slug })) dispatch(showAlert({ type: 'danger', message: 'Unauthorized request.' })) } if (xhr.status == 200) { setShowAbortModal(false) dispatch(stopUpload({ slug })) dispatch(showAlert({ type: 'success', message: 'File \'' + file.name + '\' uploaded successfully.' })) dispatch(selectPrefix(currentPath)) } } xhr.upload.addEventListener('error', event => { dispatch(showAlert({ type: 'danger', message: 'Error occurred uploading \'' + file.name + '\'.' })) dispatch(stopUpload({ slug })) }) xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', event => { if (event.lengthComputable) { let loaded = event.loaded let total = event.total // Update the counter. dispatch(uploadProgress({ slug, loaded })) } }) xhr.send(file) } } export const showAbout = () => { return { type: SHOW_ABOUT, showAbout: true } } export const hideAbout = () => { return { type: SHOW_ABOUT, showAbout: false } } export const setSortNameOrder = (sortNameOrder) => { return { type: SET_SORT_NAME_ORDER, sortNameOrder } } export const setSortSizeOrder = (sortSizeOrder) => { return { type: SET_SORT_SIZE_ORDER, sortSizeOrder } } export const setSortDateOrder = (sortDateOrder) => { return { type: SET_SORT_DATE_ORDER, sortDateOrder } } export const setLatestUIVersion = (latestUiVersion) => { return { type: SET_LATEST_UI_VERSION, latestUiVersion } } export const showSettings = () => { return { type: SHOW_SETTINGS, showSettings: true } } export const hideSettings = () => { return { type: SHOW_SETTINGS, showSettings: false } } export const setSettings = (settings) => { return { type: SET_SETTINGS, settings } } export const showBucketPolicy = () => { return { type: SHOW_BUCKET_POLICY, showBucketPolicy: true } } export const hideBucketPolicy = () => { return { type: SHOW_BUCKET_POLICY, showBucketPolicy: false } } export const setPolicies = (policies) => { return { type: SET_POLICIES, policies } }