/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2018 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package s3 import ( "bytes" "context" "io" "net/http" "path" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/minio/minio-go/pkg/encrypt" minio "github.com/minio/minio/cmd" "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/logger" ) const ( // name of custom multipart metadata file for s3 backend. gwdareMetaJSON string = "dare.meta" // name of temporary per part metadata file gwpartMetaJSON string = "part.meta" // custom multipart files are stored under the defaultMinioGWPrefix defaultMinioGWPrefix = ".minio" defaultGWContentFileName = "data" slashSeparator = "/" ) // s3EncObjects is a wrapper around s3Objects and implements gateway calls for // custom large objects encrypted at the gateway type s3EncObjects struct { s3Objects } /* NOTE: Custom gateway encrypted objects are stored on backend as follows: obj/.minio/data <= encrypted content obj/.minio/dare.meta <= metadata When a multipart upload operation is in progress, the metadata set during NewMultipartUpload is stored in obj/.minio/uploadID/dare.meta and each UploadPart operation saves additional state of the part's encrypted ETag and encrypted size in obj/.minio/uploadID/part1/part.meta All the part metadata and temp dare.meta are cleaned up when upload completes */ // ListObjects lists all blobs in S3 bucket filtered by prefix func (l *s3EncObjects) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string, prefix string, marker string, delimiter string, maxKeys int) (loi minio.ListObjectsInfo, e error) { var continuationToken, startAfter string res, err := l.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter, maxKeys, false, startAfter) if err != nil { return loi, err } loi.IsTruncated = res.IsTruncated loi.NextMarker = res.NextContinuationToken loi.Objects = res.Objects loi.Prefixes = res.Prefixes return loi, nil } // ListObjectsV2 lists all blobs in S3 bucket filtered by prefix func (l *s3EncObjects) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter string, maxKeys int, fetchOwner bool, startAfter string) (loi minio.ListObjectsV2Info, e error) { var objects []minio.ObjectInfo var prefixes []string var isTruncated bool // filter out objects that contain a .minio prefix, but is not a dare.meta metadata file. for { loi, e = l.s3Objects.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter, 1000, fetchOwner, startAfter) if e != nil { return loi, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(e, bucket) } for _, obj := range loi.Objects { startAfter = obj.Name continuationToken = loi.NextContinuationToken isTruncated = loi.IsTruncated if !isGWObject(obj.Name) { continue } // get objectname and ObjectInfo from the custom metadata file if strings.HasSuffix(obj.Name, gwdareMetaJSON) { objSlice := strings.Split(obj.Name, slashSeparator+defaultMinioGWPrefix) gwMeta, e := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(objSlice[0])) if e != nil { continue } oInfo := gwMeta.ToObjectInfo(bucket, objSlice[0]) objects = append(objects, oInfo) } else { objects = append(objects, obj) } if len(objects) > maxKeys { break } } for _, p := range loi.Prefixes { objName := strings.TrimSuffix(p, slashSeparator) gm, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(objName)) // if prefix is actually a custom multi-part object, append it to objects if err == nil { objects = append(objects, gm.ToObjectInfo(bucket, objName)) continue } isPrefix := l.isPrefix(ctx, bucket, p, fetchOwner, startAfter) if isPrefix { prefixes = append(prefixes, p) } } if (len(objects) > maxKeys) || !loi.IsTruncated { break } } loi.IsTruncated = isTruncated loi.ContinuationToken = continuationToken loi.Objects = make([]minio.ObjectInfo, 0) loi.Prefixes = make([]string, 0) for _, obj := range objects { loi.NextContinuationToken = obj.Name loi.Objects = append(loi.Objects, obj) } for _, pfx := range prefixes { if pfx != prefix { loi.Prefixes = append(loi.Prefixes, pfx) } } return loi, nil } // isGWObject returns true if it is a custom object func isGWObject(objName string) bool { isEncrypted := strings.Contains(objName, defaultMinioGWPrefix) if !isEncrypted { return true } // ignore temp part.meta files if strings.Contains(objName, gwpartMetaJSON) { return false } pfxSlice := strings.Split(objName, slashSeparator) var i1, i2 int for i := len(pfxSlice) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { p := pfxSlice[i] if p == defaultMinioGWPrefix { i1 = i } if p == gwdareMetaJSON { i2 = i } if i1 > 0 && i2 > 0 { break } } // incomplete uploads would have a uploadID between defaultMinioGWPrefix and gwdareMetaJSON return i2 > 0 && i1 > 0 && i2-i1 == 1 } // isPrefix returns true if prefix exists and is not an incomplete multipart upload entry func (l *s3EncObjects) isPrefix(ctx context.Context, bucket, prefix string, fetchOwner bool, startAfter string) bool { var continuationToken, delimiter string for { loi, e := l.s3Objects.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter, 1000, fetchOwner, startAfter) if e != nil { return false } for _, obj := range loi.Objects { if isGWObject(obj.Name) { return true } } continuationToken = loi.NextContinuationToken if !loi.IsTruncated { break } } return false } // GetObject reads an object from S3. Supports additional // parameters like offset and length which are synonymous with // HTTP Range requests. func (l *s3EncObjects) GetObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, key string, startOffset int64, length int64, writer io.Writer, etag string, opts minio.ObjectOptions) error { return l.getObject(ctx, bucket, key, startOffset, length, writer, etag, opts) } func (l *s3EncObjects) isGWEncrypted(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string) bool { _, err := l.s3Objects.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object), minio.ObjectOptions{}) return err == nil } // getDaremetadata fetches dare.meta from s3 backend and marshals into a structured format. func (l *s3EncObjects) getGWMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, metaFileName string) (m gwMetaV1, err error) { oi, err1 := l.s3Objects.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, metaFileName, minio.ObjectOptions{}) if err1 != nil { return m, err1 } var buffer bytes.Buffer err = l.s3Objects.GetObject(ctx, bucket, metaFileName, 0, oi.Size, &buffer, oi.ETag, minio.ObjectOptions{}) if err != nil { return m, err } return readGWMetadata(ctx, buffer) } // writes dare metadata to the s3 backend func (l *s3EncObjects) writeGWMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, metaFileName string, m gwMetaV1, o minio.ObjectOptions) error { reader, err := getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, metaFileName, m) if err != nil { logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return err } _, err = l.s3Objects.PutObject(ctx, bucket, metaFileName, reader, o) return err } // returns path of temporary metadata json file for the upload func getTmpDareMetaPath(object, uploadID string) string { return path.Join(getGWMetaPath(object), uploadID, gwdareMetaJSON) } // returns path of metadata json file for encrypted objects func getDareMetaPath(object string) string { return path.Join(getGWMetaPath(object), gwdareMetaJSON) } // returns path of temporary part metadata file for multipart uploads func getPartMetaPath(object, uploadID string, partID int) string { return path.Join(object, defaultMinioGWPrefix, uploadID, strconv.Itoa(partID), gwpartMetaJSON) } // deletes the custom dare metadata file saved at the backend func (l *s3EncObjects) deleteGWMetadata(ctx context.Context, bucket, metaFileName string) error { return l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, metaFileName) } func (l *s3EncObjects) getObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, key string, startOffset int64, length int64, writer io.Writer, etag string, opts minio.ObjectOptions) error { var o minio.ObjectOptions if minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSEC() { o = opts } dmeta, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(key)) if err != nil { // unencrypted content return l.s3Objects.GetObject(ctx, bucket, key, startOffset, length, writer, etag, o) } if startOffset < 0 { logger.LogIf(ctx, minio.InvalidRange{}) } // For negative length read everything. if length < 0 { length = dmeta.Stat.Size - startOffset } // Reply back invalid range if the input offset and length fall out of range. if startOffset > dmeta.Stat.Size || startOffset+length > dmeta.Stat.Size { logger.LogIf(ctx, minio.InvalidRange{OffsetBegin: startOffset, OffsetEnd: length, ResourceSize: dmeta.Stat.Size}) return minio.InvalidRange{OffsetBegin: startOffset, OffsetEnd: length, ResourceSize: dmeta.Stat.Size} } // Get start part index and offset. _, partOffset, err := dmeta.ObjectToPartOffset(ctx, startOffset) if err != nil { return minio.InvalidRange{OffsetBegin: startOffset, OffsetEnd: length, ResourceSize: dmeta.Stat.Size} } // Calculate endOffset according to length endOffset := startOffset if length > 0 { endOffset += length - 1 } // Get last part index to read given length. if _, _, err := dmeta.ObjectToPartOffset(ctx, endOffset); err != nil { return minio.InvalidRange{OffsetBegin: startOffset, OffsetEnd: length, ResourceSize: dmeta.Stat.Size} } return l.s3Objects.GetObject(ctx, bucket, key, partOffset, endOffset, writer, dmeta.ETag, o) } // GetObjectNInfo - returns object info and locked object ReadCloser func (l *s3EncObjects) GetObjectNInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket, object string, rs *minio.HTTPRangeSpec, h http.Header, lockType minio.LockType, o minio.ObjectOptions) (gr *minio.GetObjectReader, err error) { var opts minio.ObjectOptions if minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSEC() { opts = o } objInfo, err := l.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, opts) if err != nil { return l.s3Objects.GetObjectNInfo(ctx, bucket, object, rs, h, lockType, opts) } objInfo.UserDefined = minio.CleanMinioInternalMetadataKeys(objInfo.UserDefined) fn, off, length, err := minio.NewGetObjectReader(rs, objInfo) if err != nil { return nil, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } if l.isGWEncrypted(ctx, bucket, object) { object = getGWContentPath(object) } pr, pw := io.Pipe() go func() { err := l.getObject(ctx, bucket, object, off, length, pw, objInfo.ETag, opts) pw.CloseWithError(err) }() // Setup cleanup function to cause the above go-routine to // exit in case of partial read pipeCloser := func() { pr.Close() } return fn(pr, h, pipeCloser) } // GetObjectInfo reads object info and replies back ObjectInfo // For custom gateway encrypted large objects, the ObjectInfo is retrieved from the dare.meta file. func (l *s3EncObjects) GetObjectInfo(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, o minio.ObjectOptions) (objInfo minio.ObjectInfo, err error) { var opts minio.ObjectOptions if minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSEC() { opts = o } gwMeta, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object)) if err != nil { return l.s3Objects.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, object, opts) } return gwMeta.ToObjectInfo(bucket, object), nil } // CopyObject copies an object from source bucket to a destination bucket. func (l *s3EncObjects) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, srcBucket string, srcObject string, dstBucket string, dstObject string, srcInfo minio.ObjectInfo, s, d minio.ObjectOptions) (objInfo minio.ObjectInfo, err error) { cpSrcDstSame := strings.EqualFold(path.Join(srcBucket, srcObject), path.Join(dstBucket, dstObject)) if cpSrcDstSame { var gwMeta gwMetaV1 if s.ServerSideEncryption != nil && d.ServerSideEncryption != nil && ((s.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.SSEC && d.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.SSEC) || (s.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.S3 && d.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.S3)) { gwMeta, err = l.getGWMetadata(ctx, srcBucket, getDareMetaPath(srcObject)) if err != nil { return } header := make(http.Header) if d.ServerSideEncryption != nil { d.ServerSideEncryption.Marshal(header) } for k, v := range header { srcInfo.UserDefined[k] = v[0] } gwMeta.Meta = srcInfo.UserDefined if err = l.writeGWMetadata(ctx, dstBucket, getDareMetaPath(dstObject), gwMeta, minio.ObjectOptions{}); err != nil { return objInfo, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } return gwMeta.ToObjectInfo(dstBucket, dstObject), nil } } dstOpts := minio.ObjectOptions{ServerSideEncryption: d.ServerSideEncryption, UserDefined: srcInfo.UserDefined} return l.PutObject(ctx, dstBucket, dstObject, srcInfo.PutObjReader, dstOpts) } // DeleteObject deletes a blob in bucket // For custom gateway encrypted large objects, cleans up encrypted content and metadata files // from the backend. func (l *s3EncObjects) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string) error { // Get dare meta json if _, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object)); err != nil { return l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object) } // delete encrypted object l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object)) return l.deleteGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object)) } // ListMultipartUploads lists all multipart uploads. func (l *s3EncObjects) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, bucket string, prefix string, keyMarker string, uploadIDMarker string, delimiter string, maxUploads int) (lmi minio.ListMultipartsInfo, e error) { lmi, e = l.s3Objects.ListMultipartUploads(ctx, bucket, prefix, keyMarker, uploadIDMarker, delimiter, maxUploads) if e != nil { return } lmi.KeyMarker = strings.TrimSuffix(lmi.KeyMarker, getGWContentPath("/")) lmi.NextKeyMarker = strings.TrimSuffix(lmi.NextKeyMarker, getGWContentPath("/")) for i := range lmi.Uploads { lmi.Uploads[i].Object = strings.TrimSuffix(lmi.Uploads[i].Object, getGWContentPath("/")) } return } // NewMultipartUpload uploads object in multiple parts func (l *s3EncObjects) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, o minio.ObjectOptions) (uploadID string, err error) { var sseOpts encrypt.ServerSide if o.ServerSideEncryption == nil { return l.s3Objects.NewMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, minio.ObjectOptions{UserDefined: o.UserDefined}) } // Decide if sse options needed to be passed to backend if (minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSEC() && o.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.SSEC) || (minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSES3() && o.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.S3) { sseOpts = o.ServerSideEncryption } uploadID, err = l.s3Objects.NewMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object), minio.ObjectOptions{ServerSideEncryption: sseOpts}) if err != nil { return } // Create uploadID and write a temporary dare.meta object under object/uploadID prefix gwmeta := newGWMetaV1() gwmeta.Meta = o.UserDefined gwmeta.Stat.ModTime = time.Now().UTC() err = l.writeGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getTmpDareMetaPath(object, uploadID), gwmeta, minio.ObjectOptions{}) if err != nil { return uploadID, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } return uploadID, nil } // PutObject creates a new object with the incoming data, func (l *s3EncObjects) PutObject(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, data *minio.PutObjReader, opts minio.ObjectOptions) (objInfo minio.ObjectInfo, err error) { var sseOpts encrypt.ServerSide // Decide if sse options needed to be passed to backend if opts.ServerSideEncryption != nil && ((minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSEC() && opts.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.SSEC) || (minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSES3() && opts.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.S3)) { sseOpts = opts.ServerSideEncryption } if opts.ServerSideEncryption == nil { defer l.deleteGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object)) defer l.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object)) return l.s3Objects.PutObject(ctx, bucket, object, data, minio.ObjectOptions{UserDefined: opts.UserDefined}) } oi, err := l.s3Objects.PutObject(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object), data, minio.ObjectOptions{ServerSideEncryption: sseOpts}) if err != nil { return objInfo, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } gwMeta := newGWMetaV1() gwMeta.Meta = make(map[string]string) for k, v := range opts.UserDefined { gwMeta.Meta[k] = v } encMD5 := data.MD5CurrentHexString() gwMeta.ETag = encMD5 gwMeta.Stat.Size = oi.Size gwMeta.Stat.ModTime = time.Now().UTC() if err = l.writeGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object), gwMeta, minio.ObjectOptions{}); err != nil { return objInfo, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } objInfo = gwMeta.ToObjectInfo(bucket, object) // delete any unencrypted content of the same name created previously l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object) return objInfo, nil } // PutObjectPart puts a part of object in bucket func (l *s3EncObjects) PutObjectPart(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, partID int, data *minio.PutObjReader, opts minio.ObjectOptions) (pi minio.PartInfo, e error) { if opts.ServerSideEncryption == nil { return l.s3Objects.PutObjectPart(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partID, data, opts) } var s3Opts minio.ObjectOptions // for sse-s3 encryption options should not be passed to backend if opts.ServerSideEncryption != nil && opts.ServerSideEncryption.Type() == encrypt.SSEC && minio.GlobalGatewaySSE.SSEC() { s3Opts = opts } uploadPath := getTmpGWMetaPath(object, uploadID) tmpDareMeta := path.Join(uploadPath, gwdareMetaJSON) _, err := l.s3Objects.GetObjectInfo(ctx, bucket, tmpDareMeta, minio.ObjectOptions{}) if err != nil { return pi, minio.InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID} } pi, e = l.s3Objects.PutObjectPart(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object), uploadID, partID, data, s3Opts) if e != nil { return } gwMeta := newGWMetaV1() gwMeta.Parts = make([]minio.ObjectPartInfo, 1) // Add incoming part. gwMeta.Parts[0] = minio.ObjectPartInfo{ Number: partID, ETag: pi.ETag, Size: pi.Size, Name: strconv.Itoa(partID), } gwMeta.ETag = data.MD5CurrentHexString() // encrypted ETag gwMeta.Stat.Size = pi.Size gwMeta.Stat.ModTime = pi.LastModified if err = l.writeGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getPartMetaPath(object, uploadID, partID), gwMeta, minio.ObjectOptions{}); err != nil { return pi, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } return minio.PartInfo{ Size: gwMeta.Stat.Size, ETag: minio.CanonicalizeETag(gwMeta.ETag), LastModified: gwMeta.Stat.ModTime, PartNumber: partID, }, nil } // CopyObjectPart creates a part in a multipart upload by copying // existing object or a part of it. func (l *s3EncObjects) CopyObjectPart(ctx context.Context, srcBucket, srcObject, destBucket, destObject, uploadID string, partID int, startOffset, length int64, srcInfo minio.ObjectInfo, srcOpts, dstOpts minio.ObjectOptions) (p minio.PartInfo, err error) { return l.PutObjectPart(ctx, destBucket, destObject, uploadID, partID, srcInfo.PutObjReader, dstOpts) } // ListObjectParts returns all object parts for specified object in specified bucket func (l *s3EncObjects) ListObjectParts(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string, partNumberMarker int, maxParts int, opts minio.ObjectOptions) (lpi minio.ListPartsInfo, e error) { // We do not store parts uploaded so far in the dare.meta. Only CompleteMultipartUpload finalizes the parts under upload prefix.Otherwise, // there could be situations of dare.meta getting corrupted by competing upload parts. dm, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getTmpDareMetaPath(object, uploadID)) if err != nil { return l.s3Objects.ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts) } lpi, err = l.s3Objects.ListObjectParts(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object), uploadID, partNumberMarker, maxParts, opts) if err != nil { return lpi, err } for i, part := range lpi.Parts { partMeta, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getPartMetaPath(object, uploadID, part.PartNumber)) if err != nil || len(partMeta.Parts) == 0 { return lpi, minio.InvalidPart{} } lpi.Parts[i].ETag = partMeta.ETag } lpi.UserDefined = dm.Meta lpi.Object = object return lpi, nil } // AbortMultipartUpload aborts a ongoing multipart upload func (l *s3EncObjects) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket string, object string, uploadID string) error { if _, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getTmpDareMetaPath(object, uploadID)); err != nil { return l.s3Objects.AbortMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID) } if err := l.s3Objects.AbortMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object), uploadID); err != nil { return err } uploadPrefix := getTmpGWMetaPath(object, uploadID) var continuationToken, startAfter, delimiter string for { loi, err := l.s3Objects.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, uploadPrefix, continuationToken, delimiter, 1000, false, startAfter) if err != nil { return minio.InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadID} } for _, obj := range loi.Objects { if err := l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, obj.Name); err != nil { return minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } startAfter = obj.Name } continuationToken = loi.NextContinuationToken if !loi.IsTruncated { break } } return nil } // CompleteMultipartUpload completes ongoing multipart upload and finalizes object func (l *s3EncObjects) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, bucket, object, uploadID string, uploadedParts []minio.CompletePart, opts minio.ObjectOptions) (oi minio.ObjectInfo, e error) { tmpMeta, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getTmpDareMetaPath(object, uploadID)) if err != nil { oi, e = l.s3Objects.CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, object, uploadID, uploadedParts, opts) if e == nil { // delete any encrypted version of object that might exist defer l.deleteGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object)) defer l.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object)) } return oi, e } gwMeta := newGWMetaV1() gwMeta.Meta = make(map[string]string) for k, v := range tmpMeta.Meta { gwMeta.Meta[k] = v } // Allocate parts similar to incoming slice. gwMeta.Parts = make([]minio.ObjectPartInfo, len(uploadedParts)) bkUploadedParts := make([]minio.CompletePart, len(uploadedParts)) // Calculate full object size. var objectSize int64 // Validate each part and then commit to disk. for i, part := range uploadedParts { partMeta, err := l.getGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getPartMetaPath(object, uploadID, part.PartNumber)) if err != nil || len(partMeta.Parts) == 0 { return oi, minio.InvalidPart{} } bkUploadedParts[i] = minio.CompletePart{PartNumber: part.PartNumber, ETag: partMeta.Parts[0].ETag} gwMeta.Parts[i] = partMeta.Parts[0] objectSize += partMeta.Parts[0].Size } oi, e = l.s3Objects.CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx, bucket, getGWContentPath(object), uploadID, bkUploadedParts, opts) if e != nil { return oi, e } //delete any unencrypted version of object that might be on the backend defer l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, object) // Save the final object size and modtime. gwMeta.Stat.Size = objectSize gwMeta.Stat.ModTime = time.Now().UTC() gwMeta.ETag = oi.ETag if err = l.writeGWMetadata(ctx, bucket, getDareMetaPath(object), gwMeta, minio.ObjectOptions{}); err != nil { return oi, minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err) } // Clean up any uploaded parts that are not being committed by this CompleteMultipart operation var continuationToken, startAfter, delimiter string uploadPrefix := getTmpGWMetaPath(object, uploadID) done := false for { loi, lerr := l.s3Objects.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, uploadPrefix, continuationToken, delimiter, 1000, false, startAfter) if lerr != nil { done = true break } for _, obj := range loi.Objects { if !strings.HasPrefix(obj.Name, uploadPrefix) { done = true break } startAfter = obj.Name l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, obj.Name) } continuationToken = loi.NextContinuationToken if !loi.IsTruncated || done { break } } return gwMeta.ToObjectInfo(bucket, object), nil } // getTmpGWMetaPath returns the prefix under which uploads in progress are stored on backend func getTmpGWMetaPath(object, uploadID string) string { return path.Join(object, defaultMinioGWPrefix, uploadID) } // getGWMetaPath returns the prefix under which custom object metadata and object are stored on backend after upload completes func getGWMetaPath(object string) string { return path.Join(object, defaultMinioGWPrefix) } // getGWContentPath returns the prefix under which custom object is stored on backend after upload completes func getGWContentPath(object string) string { return path.Join(object, defaultMinioGWPrefix, defaultGWContentFileName) } // Clean-up the stale incomplete encrypted multipart uploads. Should be run in a Go routine. func (l *s3EncObjects) cleanupStaleEncMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, cleanupInterval, expiry time.Duration, doneCh chan struct{}) { ticker := time.NewTicker(cleanupInterval) defer ticker.Stop() for { select { case <-doneCh: return case <-ticker.C: l.cleanupStaleEncMultipartUploadsOnGW(ctx, expiry) } } } // cleanupStaleMultipartUploads removes old custom encryption multipart uploads on backend func (l *s3EncObjects) cleanupStaleEncMultipartUploadsOnGW(ctx context.Context, expiry time.Duration) { for { buckets, err := l.s3Objects.ListBuckets(ctx) if err != nil { break } for _, b := range buckets { expParts := l.getStalePartsForBucket(ctx, b.Name, expiry) for k := range expParts { l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, b.Name, k) } } } } func (l *s3EncObjects) getStalePartsForBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, expiry time.Duration) (expParts map[string]string) { var prefix, continuationToken, delimiter, startAfter string expParts = make(map[string]string) now := time.Now() for { loi, err := l.s3Objects.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter, 1000, false, startAfter) if err != nil { break } for _, obj := range loi.Objects { startAfter = obj.Name if !strings.Contains(obj.Name, defaultMinioGWPrefix) { continue } if isGWObject(obj.Name) { continue } // delete temporary part.meta or dare.meta files for incomplete uploads that are past expiry if (strings.HasSuffix(obj.Name, gwpartMetaJSON) || strings.HasSuffix(obj.Name, gwdareMetaJSON)) && now.Sub(obj.ModTime) > expiry { expParts[obj.Name] = "" } } continuationToken = loi.NextContinuationToken if !loi.IsTruncated { break } } return } func (l *s3EncObjects) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error { var prefix, continuationToken, delimiter, startAfter string expParts := make(map[string]string) for { loi, err := l.s3Objects.ListObjectsV2(ctx, bucket, prefix, continuationToken, delimiter, 1000, false, startAfter) if err != nil { break } for _, obj := range loi.Objects { startAfter = obj.Name if !strings.Contains(obj.Name, defaultMinioGWPrefix) { return minio.BucketNotEmpty{} } if isGWObject(obj.Name) { return minio.BucketNotEmpty{} } // delete temporary part.meta or dare.meta files for incomplete uploads if strings.HasSuffix(obj.Name, gwpartMetaJSON) || strings.HasSuffix(obj.Name, gwdareMetaJSON) { expParts[obj.Name] = "" } } continuationToken = loi.NextContinuationToken if !loi.IsTruncated { break } } for k := range expParts { l.s3Objects.DeleteObject(ctx, bucket, k) } err := l.Client.RemoveBucket(bucket) if err != nil { return minio.ErrorRespToObjectError(err, bucket) } return nil }