/* * MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2018 MinIO, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cmd import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strings" jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go" "github.com/minio/minio/cmd/logger" "github.com/minio/sio" ) const ( // Represents Cache format json holding details on all other cache drives in use. formatCache = "cache" // formatCacheV1.Cache.Version formatCacheVersionV1 = "1" formatCacheVersionV2 = "2" formatMetaVersion1 = "1" formatCacheV1DistributionAlgo = "CRCMOD" ) // Represents the current cache structure with list of // disks comprising the disk cache // formatCacheV1 - structure holds format config version '1'. type formatCacheV1 struct { formatMetaV1 Cache struct { Version string `json:"version"` // Version of 'cache' format. This string `json:"this"` // This field carries assigned disk uuid. // Disks field carries the input disk order generated the first // time when fresh disks were supplied. Disks []string `json:"disks"` // Distribution algorithm represents the hashing algorithm // to pick the right set index for an object. DistributionAlgo string `json:"distributionAlgo"` } `json:"cache"` // Cache field holds cache format. } // formatCacheV2 is same as formatCacheV1 type formatCacheV2 = formatCacheV1 // Used to detect the version of "cache" format. type formatCacheVersionDetect struct { Cache struct { Version string `json:"version"` } `json:"cache"` } // Return a slice of format, to be used to format uninitialized disks. func newFormatCacheV2(drives []string) []*formatCacheV2 { diskCount := len(drives) var disks = make([]string, diskCount) var formats = make([]*formatCacheV2, diskCount) for i := 0; i < diskCount; i++ { format := &formatCacheV2{} format.Version = formatMetaVersion1 format.Format = formatCache format.Cache.Version = formatCacheVersionV2 format.Cache.DistributionAlgo = formatCacheV1DistributionAlgo format.Cache.This = mustGetUUID() formats[i] = format disks[i] = formats[i].Cache.This } for i := 0; i < diskCount; i++ { format := formats[i] format.Cache.Disks = disks } return formats } // Returns formatCache.Cache.Version func formatCacheGetVersion(r io.ReadSeeker) (string, error) { format := &formatCacheVersionDetect{} if err := jsonLoad(r, format); err != nil { return "", err } return format.Cache.Version, nil } // Creates a new cache format.json if unformatted. func createFormatCache(fsFormatPath string, format *formatCacheV1) error { // open file using READ & WRITE permission var file, err = os.OpenFile(fsFormatPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600) if err != nil { return err } // Close the locked file upon return. defer file.Close() fi, err := file.Stat() if err != nil { return err } if fi.Size() != 0 { // format.json already got created because of another minio process's createFormatCache() return nil } return jsonSave(file, format) } // This function creates a cache format file on disk and returns a slice // of format cache config func initFormatCache(ctx context.Context, drives []string) (formats []*formatCacheV2, err error) { nformats := newFormatCacheV2(drives) for i, drive := range drives { if err = os.MkdirAll(pathJoin(drive, minioMetaBucket), 0777); err != nil { logger.GetReqInfo(ctx).AppendTags("drive", drive) logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return nil, err } cacheFormatPath := pathJoin(drive, minioMetaBucket, formatConfigFile) // Fresh disk - create format.json for this cfs if err = createFormatCache(cacheFormatPath, nformats[i]); err != nil { logger.GetReqInfo(ctx).AppendTags("drive", drive) logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return nil, err } } return nformats, nil } func loadFormatCache(ctx context.Context, drives []string) ([]*formatCacheV2, bool, error) { formats := make([]*formatCacheV2, len(drives)) var formatV2 *formatCacheV2 migrating := false for i, drive := range drives { cacheFormatPath := pathJoin(drive, minioMetaBucket, formatConfigFile) f, err := os.OpenFile(cacheFormatPath, os.O_RDWR, 0) if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { continue } logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return nil, migrating, err } defer f.Close() format, err := formatMetaCacheV1(f) if err != nil { continue } formatV2 = format if format.Cache.Version != formatCacheVersionV2 { migrating = true } formats[i] = formatV2 } return formats, migrating, nil } // unmarshalls the cache format.json into formatCacheV1 func formatMetaCacheV1(r io.ReadSeeker) (*formatCacheV1, error) { format := &formatCacheV1{} if err := jsonLoad(r, format); err != nil { return nil, err } return format, nil } func checkFormatCacheValue(format *formatCacheV2, migrating bool) error { if format.Format != formatCache { return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported cache format [%s] found", format.Format) } // during migration one or more cache drive(s) formats can be out of sync if migrating { // Validate format version and format type. if format.Version != formatMetaVersion1 { return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported version of cache format [%s] found", format.Version) } if format.Cache.Version != formatCacheVersionV2 && format.Cache.Version != formatCacheVersionV1 { return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported Cache backend format found [%s]", format.Cache.Version) } return nil } // Validate format version and format type. if format.Version != formatMetaVersion1 { return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported version of cache format [%s] found", format.Version) } if format.Cache.Version != formatCacheVersionV2 { return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported Cache backend format found [%s]", format.Cache.Version) } return nil } func checkFormatCacheValues(migrating bool, formats []*formatCacheV2) (int, error) { for i, formatCache := range formats { if formatCache == nil { continue } if err := checkFormatCacheValue(formatCache, migrating); err != nil { return i, err } if len(formats) != len(formatCache.Cache.Disks) { return i, fmt.Errorf("Expected number of cache drives %d , got %d", len(formatCache.Cache.Disks), len(formats)) } } return -1, nil } // checkCacheDisksConsistency - checks if "This" disk uuid on each disk is consistent with all "Disks" slices // across disks. func checkCacheDiskConsistency(formats []*formatCacheV2) error { var disks = make([]string, len(formats)) // Collect currently available disk uuids. for index, format := range formats { if format == nil { disks[index] = "" continue } disks[index] = format.Cache.This } for i, format := range formats { if format == nil { continue } j := findCacheDiskIndex(disks[i], format.Cache.Disks) if j == -1 { return fmt.Errorf("UUID on positions %d:%d do not match with , expected %s", i, j, disks[i]) } if i != j { return fmt.Errorf("UUID on positions %d:%d do not match with , expected %s got %s", i, j, disks[i], format.Cache.Disks[j]) } } return nil } // checkCacheDisksSliceConsistency - validate cache Disks order if they are consistent. func checkCacheDisksSliceConsistency(formats []*formatCacheV2) error { var sentinelDisks []string // Extract first valid Disks slice. for _, format := range formats { if format == nil { continue } sentinelDisks = format.Cache.Disks break } for _, format := range formats { if format == nil { continue } currentDisks := format.Cache.Disks if !reflect.DeepEqual(sentinelDisks, currentDisks) { return errors.New("inconsistent cache drives found") } } return nil } // findCacheDiskIndex returns position of cache disk in JBOD. func findCacheDiskIndex(disk string, disks []string) int { for index, uuid := range disks { if uuid == disk { return index } } return -1 } // validate whether cache drives order has changed func validateCacheFormats(ctx context.Context, migrating bool, formats []*formatCacheV2) error { count := 0 for _, format := range formats { if format == nil { count++ } } if count == len(formats) { return errors.New("Cache format files missing on all drives") } if _, err := checkFormatCacheValues(migrating, formats); err != nil { logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return err } if err := checkCacheDisksSliceConsistency(formats); err != nil { logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return err } err := checkCacheDiskConsistency(formats) logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return err } // return true if all of the list of cache drives are // fresh disks func cacheDrivesUnformatted(drives []string) bool { count := 0 for _, drive := range drives { cacheFormatPath := pathJoin(drive, minioMetaBucket, formatConfigFile) if _, err := os.Stat(cacheFormatPath); os.IsNotExist(err) { count++ } } return count == len(drives) } // create format.json for each cache drive if fresh disk or load format from disk // Then validate the format for all drives in the cache to ensure order // of cache drives has not changed. func loadAndValidateCacheFormat(ctx context.Context, drives []string) (formats []*formatCacheV2, migrating bool, err error) { if cacheDrivesUnformatted(drives) { formats, err = initFormatCache(ctx, drives) } else { formats, migrating, err = loadFormatCache(ctx, drives) } if err != nil { return nil, false, err } if err = validateCacheFormats(ctx, migrating, formats); err != nil { return nil, false, err } return formats, migrating, nil } // reads cached object on disk and writes it back after adding bitrot // hashsum per block as per the new disk cache format. func migrateCacheData(ctx context.Context, c *diskCache, bucket, object, oldfile, destDir string, metadata map[string]string) error { st, err := os.Stat(oldfile) if err != nil { err = osErrToFileErr(err) return err } readCloser, err := readCacheFileStream(oldfile, 0, st.Size()) if err != nil { return err } var reader io.Reader = readCloser actualSize := uint64(st.Size()) if globalCacheKMS != nil { reader, err = newCacheEncryptReader(readCloser, bucket, object, metadata) if err != nil { return err } actualSize, _ = sio.EncryptedSize(uint64(st.Size())) } _, err = c.bitrotWriteToCache(destDir, cacheDataFile, reader, actualSize) return err } // migrate cache contents from old cacheFS format to new backend format // new format is flat // sha(bucket,object)/ <== dir name // - part.1 <== data // - cache.json <== metadata func migrateOldCache(ctx context.Context, c *diskCache) error { oldCacheBucketsPath := path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "buckets") cacheFormatPath := pathJoin(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, formatConfigFile) if _, err := os.Stat(oldCacheBucketsPath); err != nil { // remove .minio.sys sub directories removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "multipart")) removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "tmp")) removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "trash")) removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "buckets")) // just migrate cache format return migrateCacheFormatJSON(cacheFormatPath) } buckets, err := readDir(oldCacheBucketsPath) if err != nil { return err } for _, bucket := range buckets { bucket = strings.TrimSuffix(bucket, SlashSeparator) var objMetaPaths []string root := path.Join(oldCacheBucketsPath, bucket) err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if strings.HasSuffix(path, cacheMetaJSONFile) { objMetaPaths = append(objMetaPaths, path) } return nil }) if err != nil { return err } for _, oMeta := range objMetaPaths { objSlice := strings.SplitN(oMeta, cacheMetaJSONFile, 2) object := strings.TrimPrefix(objSlice[0], path.Join(oldCacheBucketsPath, bucket)) object = strings.TrimSuffix(object, "/") destdir := getCacheSHADir(c.dir, bucket, object) if err := os.MkdirAll(destdir, 0777); err != nil { return err } prevCachedPath := path.Join(c.dir, bucket, object) // get old cached metadata oldMetaPath := pathJoin(oldCacheBucketsPath, bucket, object, cacheMetaJSONFile) metaPath := pathJoin(destdir, cacheMetaJSONFile) metaBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(oldMetaPath) if err != nil { return err } // marshal cache metadata after adding version and stat info meta := &cacheMeta{} var json = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary if err = json.Unmarshal(metaBytes, &meta); err != nil { return err } // move cached object to new cache directory path // migrate cache data and add bit-rot protection hash sum // at the start of each block if err := migrateCacheData(ctx, c, bucket, object, prevCachedPath, destdir, meta.Meta); err != nil { continue } stat, err := os.Stat(prevCachedPath) if err != nil { if err == errFileNotFound { continue } logger.LogIf(ctx, err) return err } // old cached file can now be removed if err := os.Remove(prevCachedPath); err != nil { return err } // move cached metadata after changing cache metadata version meta.Checksum = CacheChecksumInfoV1{Algorithm: HighwayHash256S.String(), Blocksize: cacheBlkSize} meta.Version = cacheMetaVersion meta.Stat.Size = stat.Size() meta.Stat.ModTime = stat.ModTime() jsonData, err := json.Marshal(meta) if err != nil { return err } if err = ioutil.WriteFile(metaPath, jsonData, 0644); err != nil { return err } } // delete old bucket from cache, now that all contents are cleared removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, bucket)) } // remove .minio.sys sub directories removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "multipart")) removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "tmp")) removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "trash")) removeAll(path.Join(c.dir, minioMetaBucket, "buckets")) return migrateCacheFormatJSON(cacheFormatPath) } func migrateCacheFormatJSON(cacheFormatPath string) error { // now migrate format.json f, err := os.OpenFile(cacheFormatPath, os.O_RDWR, 0) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() formatV1 := formatCacheV1{} if err := jsonLoad(f, &formatV1); err != nil { return err } formatV2 := &formatCacheV2{} formatV2.formatMetaV1 = formatV1.formatMetaV1 formatV2.Version = formatMetaVersion1 formatV2.Cache = formatV1.Cache formatV2.Cache.Version = formatCacheVersionV2 if err := jsonSave(f, formatV2); err != nil { return err } return nil }