# MinIO Multi-user Quickstart Guide [![Slack](https://slack.min.io/slack?type=svg)](https://slack.min.io) MinIO supports multiple long term users in addition to default user created during server startup. New users can be added after server starts up, and server can be configured to deny or allow access to buckets and resources to each of these users. This document explains how to add/remove users and modify their access rights. ## Get started In this document we will explain in detail on how to configure multiple users. ### 1. Prerequisites - Install mc - [MinIO Client Quickstart Guide](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-client-quickstart-guide.html) - Install MinIO - [MinIO Quickstart Guide](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-quickstart-guide) - Configure etcd (optional needed only in gateway or federation mode) - [Etcd V3 Quickstart Guide](https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/master/docs/sts/etcd.md) ### 2. Create a new user with canned policy Use [`mc admin policy`](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-admin-complete-guide.html#policies) to create canned policies. Server provides a default set of canned policies namely `writeonly`, `readonly` and `readwrite` *(these policies apply to all resources on the server)*. These can be overridden by custom policies using `mc admin policy` command. Create new canned policy file `getonly.json`. This policy enables users to download all objects under `my-bucketname`. ```json cat > getonly.json << EOF { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucketname/*" ], "Sid": "" } ] } EOF ``` Create new canned policy by name `getonly` using `getonly.json` policy file. ``` mc admin policy add myminio getonly getonly.json ``` Create a new user `newuser` on MinIO use `mc admin user`. ``` mc admin user add myminio newuser newuser123 ``` Once the user is successfully created you can now apply the `getonly` policy for this user. ``` mc admin policy set myminio getonly user=newuser ``` ### 3. Create a new group ``` mc admin group add myminio newgroup newuser ``` Once the group is successfully created you can now apply the `getonly` policy for this group. ``` mc admin policy set myminio getonly group=newgroup ``` ### 4. Disable user Disable user `newuser`. ``` mc admin user disable myminio newuser ``` Disable group `newgroup`. ``` mc admin group disable myminio newgroup ``` ### 4. Remove user Remove the user `newuser`. ``` mc admin user remove myminio newuser ``` Remove the user `newuser` from a group. ``` mc admin group remove myminio newgroup newuser ``` Remove the group `newgroup`. ``` mc admin group remove myminio newgroup ``` ### 5. Change user or group policy Change the policy for user `newuser` to `putonly` canned policy. ``` mc admin policy set myminio putonly user=newuser ``` Change the policy for group `newgroup` to `putonly` canned policy. ``` mc admin policy set myminio putonly group=newgroup ``` ### 6. List all users or groups List all enabled and disabled users. ``` mc admin user list myminio ``` List all enabled or disabled groups. ``` mc admin group list myminio ``` ### 7. Configure `mc` ``` mc config host add myminio-newuser http://localhost:9000 newuser newuser123 --api s3v4 mc cat myminio-newuser/my-bucketname/my-objectname ``` ## Explore Further - [MinIO Client Complete Guide](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-client-complete-guide) - [MinIO STS Quickstart Guide](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-sts-quickstart-guide) - [MinIO Admin Complete Guide](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-admin-complete-guide.html) - [The MinIO documentation website](https://docs.min.io)