/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cmd import ( "bytes" "crypto/md5" "encoding/hex" "encoding/xml" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "strconv" "sync" "testing" "time" ) // Type to capture different modifications to API request to simulate failure cases. type Fault int const ( None Fault = iota MissingContentLength TooBigObject TooBigDecodedLength BadSignature BadMD5 MissingUploadID ) // Wrapper for calling GetObject API handler tests for both XL multiple disks and FS single drive setup. func TestAPIGetOjectHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIGetOjectHandler, []string{"GetObject"}) } func testAPIGetOjectHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { objectName := "test-object" // set of byte data for PutObject. // object has to be inserted before running tests for GetObject. // this is required even to assert the GetObject data, // since dataInserted === dataFetched back is a primary criteria for any object storage this assertion is critical. bytesData := []struct { byteData []byte }{ {generateBytesData(6 * 1024 * 1024)}, } // set of inputs for uploading the objects before tests for downloading is done. putObjectInputs := []struct { bucketName string objectName string contentLength int64 textData []byte metaData map[string]string }{ // case - 1. {bucketName, objectName, int64(len(bytesData[0].byteData)), bytesData[0].byteData, make(map[string]string)}, } sha256sum := "" // iterate through the above set of inputs and upload the object. for i, input := range putObjectInputs { // uploading the object. _, err := obj.PutObject(input.bucketName, input.objectName, input.contentLength, bytes.NewBuffer(input.textData), input.metaData, sha256sum) // if object upload fails stop the test. if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Put Object case %d: Error uploading object: %v", i+1, err) } } // test cases with inputs and expected result for GetObject. testCases := []struct { bucketName string objectName string byteRange string // range of bytes to be fetched from GetObject. // expected output. expectedContent []byte // expected response body. expectedRespStatus int // expected response status body. }{ // Test case - 1. // Fetching the entire object and validating its contents. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, byteRange: "", expectedContent: bytesData[0].byteData, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusOK, }, // Test case - 2. // Case with non-existent object name. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: "abcd", byteRange: "", expectedContent: encodeResponse(getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(ErrNoSuchKey), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, "abcd"))), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNotFound, }, // Test case - 3. // Requesting from range 10-100. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, byteRange: "bytes=10-100", expectedContent: bytesData[0].byteData[10:101], expectedRespStatus: http.StatusPartialContent, }, // Test case - 4. // Test case with invalid range. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, byteRange: "bytes=-0", expectedContent: encodeResponse(getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(ErrInvalidRange), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName))), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, }, // Test case - 5. // Test case with byte range exceeding the object size. // Expected to read till end of the object. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, byteRange: "bytes=10-1000000000000000", expectedContent: bytesData[0].byteData[10:], expectedRespStatus: http.StatusPartialContent, }, } // Iterating over the cases, fetching the object validating the response. for i, testCase := range testCases { // initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler. rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for Get Object end point. req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("GET", getGetObjectURL("", testCase.bucketName, testCase.objectName), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request for Get Object: %v", i+1, err) } if testCase.byteRange != "" { req.Header.Add("Range", testCase.byteRange) } // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler,`func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectHandler` handles the request. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != testCase.expectedRespStatus { t.Fatalf("Case %d: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", i+1, testCase.expectedRespStatus, rec.Code) } // read the response body. actualContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Failed parsing response body: %v", i+1, instanceType, err) } // Verify whether the bucket obtained object is same as the one inserted. if !bytes.Equal(testCase.expectedContent, actualContent) { t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Object content differs from expected value.: %s", i+1, instanceType, string(actualContent)) } } } // Wrapper for calling PutObject API handler tests using streaming signature v4 for both XL multiple disks and FS single drive setup. func TestAPIPutObjectStreamSigV4Handler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIPutObjectStreamSigV4Handler, []string{"PutObject"}) } func testAPIPutObjectStreamSigV4Handler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { objectName := "test-object" bytesDataLen := 65 * 1024 bytesData := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'a'}, bytesDataLen) // byte data for PutObject. // test cases with inputs and expected result for GetObject. testCases := []struct { bucketName string objectName string data []byte dataLen int chunkSize int64 // expected output. expectedContent []byte // expected response body. expectedRespStatus int // expected response status body. // Access keys accessKey string secretKey string shouldPass bool removeAuthHeader bool }{ // Test case - 1. // Fetching the entire object and validating its contents. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, data: bytesData, dataLen: len(bytesData), chunkSize: 64 * 1024, // 64k expectedContent: []byte{}, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusOK, accessKey: credentials.AccessKeyID, secretKey: credentials.SecretAccessKey, shouldPass: true, }, // Test case - 2 // Small chunk size. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, data: bytesData, dataLen: len(bytesData), chunkSize: 1 * 1024, // 1k expectedContent: []byte{}, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusOK, accessKey: credentials.AccessKeyID, secretKey: credentials.SecretAccessKey, shouldPass: true, }, // Test case - 3 // Invalid access key id. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, data: bytesData, dataLen: len(bytesData), chunkSize: 64 * 1024, // 64k expectedContent: []byte{}, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusForbidden, accessKey: "", secretKey: "", shouldPass: false, }, // Test case - 4 // Wrong auth header returns as bad request. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, data: bytesData, dataLen: len(bytesData), chunkSize: 64 * 1024, // 64k expectedContent: []byte{}, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, accessKey: credentials.AccessKeyID, secretKey: credentials.SecretAccessKey, shouldPass: false, removeAuthHeader: true, }, // Test case - 5 // Large chunk size.. also passes. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, data: bytesData, dataLen: len(bytesData), chunkSize: 100 * 1024, // 100k expectedContent: []byte{}, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusOK, accessKey: credentials.AccessKeyID, secretKey: credentials.SecretAccessKey, shouldPass: false, }, } // Iterating over the cases, fetching the object validating the response. for i, testCase := range testCases { // initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler. rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for Put Object end point. req, err := newTestStreamingSignedRequest("PUT", getPutObjectURL("", testCase.bucketName, testCase.objectName), int64(testCase.dataLen), testCase.chunkSize, bytes.NewReader(testCase.data), testCase.accessKey, testCase.secretKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request for Put Object: %v", i+1, err) } // Removes auth header if test case requires it. if testCase.removeAuthHeader { req.Header.Del("Authorization") } // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler,`func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectHandler` handles the request. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != testCase.expectedRespStatus { t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", i+1, testCase.expectedRespStatus, rec.Code) } // read the response body. actualContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Failed parsing response body: %v", i+1, instanceType, err) } if testCase.shouldPass { // Verify whether the bucket obtained object is same as the one inserted. if !bytes.Equal(testCase.expectedContent, actualContent) { t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Object content differs from expected value.: %s", i+1, instanceType, string(actualContent)) } buffer := new(bytes.Buffer) err = obj.GetObject(testCase.bucketName, testCase.objectName, 0, int64(bytesDataLen), buffer) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Failed to fetch the copied object: %s", i+1, instanceType, err) } if !bytes.Equal(bytesData, buffer.Bytes()) { t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Data Mismatch: Data fetched back from the uploaded object doesn't match the original one.", i+1, instanceType) } buffer.Reset() } } } // Wrapper for calling PutObject API handler tests for both XL multiple disks and FS single drive setup. func TestAPIPutObjectHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIPutObjectHandler, []string{"PutObject"}) } func testAPIPutObjectHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { objectName := "test-object" // byte data for PutObject. bytesData := generateBytesData(6 * 1024 * 1024) // test cases with inputs and expected result for GetObject. testCases := []struct { bucketName string objectName string data []byte dataLen int // expected output. expectedContent []byte // expected response body. expectedRespStatus int // expected response status body. }{ // Test case - 1. // Fetching the entire object and validating its contents. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, data: bytesData, dataLen: len(bytesData), expectedContent: []byte{}, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusOK, }, } // Iterating over the cases, fetching the object validating the response. for i, testCase := range testCases { // initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler. rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for Get Object end point. req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getPutObjectURL("", testCase.bucketName, testCase.objectName), int64(testCase.dataLen), bytes.NewReader(testCase.data), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request for Put Object: %v", i+1, err) } // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler,`func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectHandler` handles the request. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != testCase.expectedRespStatus { t.Fatalf("Case %d: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", i+1, testCase.expectedRespStatus, rec.Code) } // read the response body. actualContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Failed parsing response body: %v", i+1, instanceType, err) } // Verify whether the bucket obtained object is same as the one inserted. if !bytes.Equal(testCase.expectedContent, actualContent) { t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Object content differs from expected value.: %s", i+1, instanceType, string(actualContent)) } buffer := new(bytes.Buffer) err = obj.GetObject(testCase.bucketName, testCase.objectName, 0, int64(len(bytesData)), buffer) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Failed to fetch the copied object: %s", i+1, instanceType, err) } if !bytes.Equal(bytesData, buffer.Bytes()) { t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Data Mismatch: Data fetched back from the uploaded object doesn't match the original one.", i+1, instanceType) } buffer.Reset() } } // Wrapper for calling Copy Object API handler tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup. func TestAPICopyObjectHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPICopyObjectHandler, []string{"CopyObject"}) } func testAPICopyObjectHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { objectName := "test-object" // register event notifier. err := initEventNotifier(obj) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Initializing event notifiers failed") } // set of byte data for PutObject. // object has to be inserted before running tests for Copy Object. // this is required even to assert the copied object, bytesData := []struct { byteData []byte }{ {generateBytesData(6 * 1024 * 1024)}, } buffers := []*bytes.Buffer{ new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer), } // set of inputs for uploading the objects before tests for downloading is done. putObjectInputs := []struct { bucketName string objectName string contentLength int64 textData []byte metaData map[string]string }{ // case - 1. {bucketName, objectName, int64(len(bytesData[0].byteData)), bytesData[0].byteData, make(map[string]string)}, } sha256sum := "" // iterate through the above set of inputs and upload the object. for i, input := range putObjectInputs { // uploading the object. _, err = obj.PutObject(input.bucketName, input.objectName, input.contentLength, bytes.NewBuffer(input.textData), input.metaData, sha256sum) // if object upload fails stop the test. if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Put Object case %d: Error uploading object: %v", i+1, err) } } // test cases with inputs and expected result for Copy Object. testCases := []struct { bucketName string newObjectName string // name of the newly copied object. copySourceHeader string // data for "X-Amz-Copy-Source" header. Contains the object to be copied in the URL. // expected output. expectedRespStatus int }{ // Test case - 1. { bucketName: bucketName, newObjectName: "newObject1", copySourceHeader: url.QueryEscape("/" + bucketName + "/" + objectName), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusOK, }, // Test case - 2. // Test case with invalid source object. { bucketName: bucketName, newObjectName: "newObject1", copySourceHeader: url.QueryEscape("/"), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Test case - 3. // Test case with new object name is same as object to be copied. { bucketName: bucketName, newObjectName: objectName, copySourceHeader: url.QueryEscape("/" + bucketName + "/" + objectName), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Test case - 4. // Test case with non-existent source file. // Case for the purpose of failing `api.ObjectAPI.GetObjectInfo`. // Expecting the response status code to http.StatusNotFound (404). { bucketName: bucketName, newObjectName: objectName, copySourceHeader: url.QueryEscape("/" + bucketName + "/" + "non-existent-object"), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNotFound, }, // Test case - 5. // Test case with non-existent source file. // Case for the purpose of failing `api.ObjectAPI.PutObject`. // Expecting the response status code to http.StatusNotFound (404). { bucketName: "non-existent-destination-bucket", newObjectName: objectName, copySourceHeader: url.QueryEscape("/" + bucketName + "/" + objectName), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNotFound, }, } for i, testCase := range testCases { // initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler. rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for copy object. req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getCopyObjectURL("", testCase.bucketName, testCase.newObjectName), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request for copy Object: %v", i+1, err) } // "X-Amz-Copy-Source" header contains the information about the source bucket and the object to copied. if testCase.copySourceHeader != "" { req.Header.Set("X-Amz-Copy-Source", testCase.copySourceHeader) } // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler, `func (api objectAPIHandlers) CopyObjectHandler` handles the request. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != testCase.expectedRespStatus { t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedRespStatus, rec.Code) } if rec.Code == http.StatusOK { // See if the new object is formed. // testing whether the copy was successful. err = obj.GetObject(testCase.bucketName, testCase.newObjectName, 0, int64(len(bytesData[0].byteData)), buffers[0]) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: %s: Failed to fetch the copied object: %s", i+1, instanceType, err) } if !bytes.Equal(bytesData[0].byteData, buffers[0].Bytes()) { t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Data Mismatch: Data fetched back from the copied object doesn't match the original one.", i+1, instanceType) } buffers[0].Reset() } } } // Wrapper for calling NewMultipartUpload tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup. // First register the HTTP handler for NewMutlipartUpload, then a HTTP request for NewMultipart upload is made. // The UploadID from the response body is parsed and its existance is asserted with an attempt to ListParts using it. func TestAPINewMultipartHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPINewMultipartHandler, []string{"NewMultipart"}) } func testAPINewMultipartHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { objectName := "test-object-new-multipart" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for copy object. req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, objectName), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request for copy Object: %v", err) } // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to executes the registered handler. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("%s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", instanceType, http.StatusOK, rec.Code) } // decode the response body. decoder := xml.NewDecoder(rec.Body) multipartResponse := &InitiateMultipartUploadResponse{} err = decoder.Decode(multipartResponse) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error decoding the recorded response Body") } // verify the uploadID my making an attempt to list parts. _, err = obj.ListObjectParts(bucketName, objectName, multipartResponse.UploadID, 0, 1) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Invalid UploadID: %s", err) } } // Wrapper for calling NewMultipartUploadParallel tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup. // The objective of the test is to initialte multipart upload on the same object 10 times concurrently, // The UploadID from the response body is parsed and its existance is asserted with an attempt to ListParts using it. func TestAPINewMultipartHandlerParallel(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPINewMultipartHandlerParallel, []string{"NewMultipart"}) } func testAPINewMultipartHandlerParallel(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { // used for storing the uploadID's parsed on concurrent HTTP requests for NewMultipart upload on the same object. testUploads := struct { sync.Mutex uploads []string }{} objectName := "test-object-new-multipart-parallel" var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { wg.Add(1) // Initiate NewMultipart upload on the same object 10 times concurrrently. go func() { defer wg.Done() rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for copy object. req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, objectName), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request for copy Object: %v", err) } // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to executes the registered handler. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("Minio %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", instanceType, http.StatusOK, rec.Code) } // decode the response body. decoder := xml.NewDecoder(rec.Body) multipartResponse := &InitiateMultipartUploadResponse{} err = decoder.Decode(multipartResponse) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Minio %s: Error decoding the recorded response Body", instanceType) } // push the obtained upload ID from the response into the array. testUploads.Lock() testUploads.uploads = append(testUploads.uploads, multipartResponse.UploadID) testUploads.Unlock() }() } // Wait till all go routines finishes execution. wg.Wait() // Validate the upload ID by an attempt to list parts using it. for _, uploadID := range testUploads.uploads { _, err := obj.ListObjectParts(bucketName, objectName, uploadID, 0, 1) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Invalid UploadID: %s", err) } } } // The UploadID from the response body is parsed and its existance is asserted with an attempt to ListParts using it. func TestAPICompleteMultipartHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPICompleteMultipartHandler, []string{"CompleteMultipart"}) } func testAPICompleteMultipartHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { // Calculates MD5 sum of the given byte array. findMD5 := func(toBeHashed []byte) string { hasher := md5.New() hasher.Write(toBeHashed) return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) } objectName := "test-object-new-multipart" uploadID, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectName, nil) if err != nil { // Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort. t.Fatalf("Minio %s : %s", instanceType, err) } var uploadIDs []string uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, uploadID) // Parts with size greater than 5 MB. // Generating a 6MB byte array. validPart := bytes.Repeat([]byte("abcdef"), 1024*1024) validPartMD5 := findMD5(validPart) // Create multipart parts. // Need parts to be uploaded before CompleteMultiPartUpload can be called tested. parts := []struct { bucketName string objName string uploadID string PartID int inputReaderData string inputMd5 string intputDataSize int64 }{ // Case 1-4. // Creating sequence of parts for same uploadID. {bucketName, objectName, uploadIDs[0], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd"))}, {bucketName, objectName, uploadIDs[0], 2, "efgh", "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", int64(len("efgh"))}, {bucketName, objectName, uploadIDs[0], 3, "ijkl", "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579", int64(len("abcd"))}, {bucketName, objectName, uploadIDs[0], 4, "mnop", "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef", int64(len("abcd"))}, // Part with size larger than 5Mb. {bucketName, objectName, uploadIDs[0], 5, string(validPart), validPartMD5, int64(len(string(validPart)))}, {bucketName, objectName, uploadIDs[0], 6, string(validPart), validPartMD5, int64(len(string(validPart)))}, } // Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks. for _, part := range parts { _, err = obj.PutObjectPart(part.bucketName, part.objName, part.uploadID, part.PartID, part.intputDataSize, bytes.NewBufferString(part.inputReaderData), part.inputMd5, "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err) } } // Parts to be sent as input for CompleteMultipartUpload. inputParts := []struct { parts []completePart }{ // inputParts - 0. // Case for replicating ETag mismatch. { []completePart{ {ETag: "abcd", PartNumber: 1}, }, }, // inputParts - 1. // should error out with part too small. { []completePart{ {ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", PartNumber: 1}, {ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", PartNumber: 2}, }, }, // inputParts - 2. // Case with invalid Part number. { []completePart{ {ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", PartNumber: 10}, }, }, // inputParts - 3. // Case with valid parts,but parts are unsorted. // Part size greater than 5MB. { []completePart{ {ETag: validPartMD5, PartNumber: 6}, {ETag: validPartMD5, PartNumber: 5}, }, }, // inputParts - 4. // Case with valid part. // Part size greater than 5MB. { []completePart{ {ETag: validPartMD5, PartNumber: 5}, {ETag: validPartMD5, PartNumber: 6}, }, }, } // on succesfull complete multipart operation the s3MD5 for the parts uploaded iwll be returned. s3MD5, err := completeMultipartMD5(inputParts[3].parts...) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Obtaining S3MD5 failed") } // generating the response body content for the success case. successResponse := generateCompleteMultpartUploadResponse(bucketName, objectName, getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName), s3MD5) encodedSuccessResponse := encodeResponse(successResponse) testCases := []struct { bucket string object string uploadID string parts []completePart // Expected output of CompleteMultipartUpload. expectedContent []byte // Expected HTTP Response status. expectedRespStatus int }{ // Test case - 1. // Upload and PartNumber exists, But a deliberate ETag mismatch is introduced. { bucket: bucketName, object: objectName, uploadID: uploadIDs[0], parts: inputParts[0].parts, expectedContent: encodeResponse(getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(toAPIErrorCode(BadDigest{})), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName))), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Test case - 2. // No parts specified in completePart{}. // Should return ErrMalformedXML in the response body. { bucket: bucketName, object: objectName, uploadID: uploadIDs[0], parts: []completePart{}, expectedContent: encodeResponse(getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(ErrMalformedXML), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName))), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Test case - 3. // Non-Existant uploadID. // 404 Not Found response status expected. { bucket: bucketName, object: objectName, uploadID: "abc", parts: inputParts[0].parts, expectedContent: encodeResponse(getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(toAPIErrorCode(InvalidUploadID{UploadID: "abc"})), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName))), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNotFound, }, // Test case - 4. // Case with part size being less than minimum allowed size. { bucket: bucketName, object: objectName, uploadID: uploadIDs[0], parts: inputParts[1].parts, expectedContent: encodeResponse(completeMultipartAPIError{int64(4), int64(5242880), 1, "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(toAPIErrorCode(PartTooSmall{PartNumber: 1})), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName))}), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Test case - 5. // TestCase with invalid Part Number. { bucket: bucketName, object: objectName, uploadID: uploadIDs[0], parts: inputParts[2].parts, expectedContent: encodeResponse(getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(toAPIErrorCode(InvalidPart{})), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName))), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Test case - 6. // Parts are not sorted according to the part number. // This should return ErrInvalidPartOrder in the response body. { bucket: bucketName, object: objectName, uploadID: uploadIDs[0], parts: inputParts[3].parts, expectedContent: encodeResponse(getAPIErrorResponse(getAPIError(ErrInvalidPartOrder), getGetObjectURL("", bucketName, objectName))), expectedRespStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, // Test case - 7. // Test case with proper parts. // Should successed and the content in the response body is asserted. { bucket: bucketName, object: objectName, uploadID: uploadIDs[0], parts: inputParts[4].parts, expectedContent: encodedSuccessResponse, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusOK, }, } for i, testCase := range testCases { var req *http.Request // Complete multipart upload parts. completeUploads := &completeMultipartUpload{ Parts: testCase.parts, } completeBytes, err := xml.Marshal(completeUploads) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error XML encoding of parts: %s.", err) } // Indicating that all parts are uploaded and initiating completeMultipartUpload. req, err = newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getCompleteMultipartUploadURL("", bucketName, objectName, testCase.uploadID), int64(len(completeBytes)), bytes.NewReader(completeBytes), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to create HTTP request for copy Object: %v", err) } rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for copy object. // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to executes the registered handler. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != testCase.expectedRespStatus { t.Errorf("Case %d: Minio %s: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedRespStatus, rec.Code) } // read the response body. actualContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d : Minio %s: Failed parsing response body: %v", i+1, instanceType, err) } // Verify whether the bucket obtained object is same as the one inserted. if !bytes.Equal(testCase.expectedContent, actualContent) { t.Errorf("Test %d : Minio %s: Object content differs from expected value.", i+1, instanceType) } } } // Wrapper for calling Delete Object API handler tests for both XL multiple disks and FS single drive setup. func TestAPIDeleteOjectHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIDeleteOjectHandler, []string{"DeleteObject"}) } func testAPIDeleteOjectHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { switch obj.(type) { case fsObjects: return } objectName := "test-object" // set of byte data for PutObject. // object has to be inserted before running tests for Deleting the object. bytesData := []struct { byteData []byte }{ {generateBytesData(6 * 1024 * 1024)}, } // set of inputs for uploading the objects before tests for deleting them is done. putObjectInputs := []struct { bucketName string objectName string contentLength int64 textData []byte metaData map[string]string }{ // case - 1. {bucketName, objectName, int64(len(bytesData[0].byteData)), bytesData[0].byteData, make(map[string]string)}, } // iterate through the above set of inputs and upload the object. for i, input := range putObjectInputs { // uploading the object. _, err := obj.PutObject(input.bucketName, input.objectName, input.contentLength, bytes.NewBuffer(input.textData), input.metaData, "") // if object upload fails stop the test. if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Put Object case %d: Error uploading object: %v", i+1, err) } } // test cases with inputs and expected result for DeleteObject. testCases := []struct { bucketName string objectName string expectedRespStatus int // expected response status body. }{ // Test case - 1. // Deleting an existing object. // Expected to return HTTP resposne status code 204. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNoContent, }, // Test case - 2. // Attempt to delete an object which is already deleted. // Still should return http response status 204. { bucketName: bucketName, objectName: objectName, expectedRespStatus: http.StatusNoContent, }, } // Iterating over the cases, call DeleteObjectHandler and validate the HTTP response. for i, testCase := range testCases { // initialize HTTP NewRecorder, this records any mutations to response writer inside the handler. rec := httptest.NewRecorder() // construct HTTP request for Get Object end point. req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("DELETE", getDeleteObjectURL("", testCase.bucketName, testCase.objectName), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d: Failed to create HTTP request for Get Object: %v", i+1, err) } // Since `apiRouter` satisfies `http.Handler` it has a ServeHTTP to execute the logic of the handler. // Call the ServeHTTP to execute the handler,`func (api objectAPIHandlers) DeleteObjectHandler` handles the request. apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Assert the response code with the expected status. if rec.Code != testCase.expectedRespStatus { t.Fatalf("Minio %s: Case %d: Expected the response status to be `%d`, but instead found `%d`", instanceType, i+1, testCase.expectedRespStatus, rec.Code) } } } func testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerPreSign(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, "testobject"), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestRequest("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), int64(len("hello")), bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello"))) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create an unsigned request to put object part for %s/%s %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } err = preSignV2(req, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey, int64(10*time.Minute)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to presign an unsigned request to put object part for %s/%s %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to succeed but failed with HTTP status code %d", 1, instanceType, rec.Code) } } func TestAPIPutObjectPartHandlerPreSign(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerPreSign, []string{"NewMultipart", "PutObjectPart"}) } func testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerV2(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, "testobject"), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestSignedRequestV2("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), int64(len("hello")), bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } signatureMismatchErr := getAPIError(ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch) // Reset date field in header to make signature V2 fail. req.Header.Set("x-amz-date", "") apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) errBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to read error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } var errXML APIErrorResponse err = xml.Unmarshal(errBytes, &errXML) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to unmarshal error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } if errXML.Code != signatureMismatchErr.Code { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to fail with error %s, but received %s", 1, instanceType, signatureMismatchErr.Code, errXML.Code) } } func TestAPIPutObjectPartHandlerV2(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerV2, []string{"NewMultipart", "PutObjectPart"}) } func testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerStreaming(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, "testobject"), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } noAPIErr := APIError{} missingDateHeaderErr := getAPIError(ErrMissingDateHeader) internalErr := getAPIError(ErrInternalError) testCases := []struct { fault Fault expectedErr APIError }{ {BadSignature, missingDateHeaderErr}, {None, noAPIErr}, {TooBigDecodedLength, internalErr}, } for i, test := range testCases { rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestStreamingSignedRequest("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), 5, 1, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) switch test.fault { case BadSignature: // Reset date field in header to make streaming signature fail. req.Header.Set("x-amz-date", "") case TooBigDecodedLength: // Set decoded length to a large value out of int64 range to simulate parse failure. req.Header.Set("x-amz-decoded-content-length", "9999999999999999999999") } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) if test.expectedErr != noAPIErr { errBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to read error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } var errXML APIErrorResponse err = xml.Unmarshal(errBytes, &errXML) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to unmarshal error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } if test.expectedErr.Code != errXML.Code { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to fail with error %s, but received %s", i+1, instanceType, test.expectedErr.Code, errXML.Code) } } else { if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to succeed, but failed with HTTP status code %d", i+1, instanceType, rec.Code) } } } } func TestAPIPutObjectPartHandlerStreaming(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerStreaming, []string{"NewMultipart", "PutObjectPart"}) } func testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerAnon(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { // Initialize bucket policies for anonymous request test err := initBucketPolicies(obj) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to initialize bucket policies: %v", err) } testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, "testobject"), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } accessDeniedErr := getAPIError(ErrAccessDenied) anonRec := httptest.NewRecorder() anonReq, aErr := newTestRequest("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), int64(len("hello")), bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello"))) if aErr != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to create an anonymous request to upload part for %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, aErr) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(anonRec, anonReq) anonErrBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(anonRec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to read error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } var anonErrXML APIErrorResponse err = xml.Unmarshal(anonErrBytes, &anonErrXML) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to unmarshal error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } if accessDeniedErr.Code != anonErrXML.Code { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to fail with error %s, but received %s", 1, instanceType, accessDeniedErr.Code, anonErrXML.Code) } // Set write only policy on bucket to allow anonymous PutObjectPart API // request to go through. writeOnlyPolicy := bucketPolicy{ Version: "1.0", Statements: []policyStatement{getWriteOnlyObjectStatement(bucketName, "")}, } globalBucketPolicies.SetBucketPolicy(bucketName, &writeOnlyPolicy) anonRec = httptest.NewRecorder() anonReq, aErr = newTestRequest("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), int64(len("hello")), bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello"))) if aErr != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to create an anonymous request to upload part for %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, aErr) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(anonRec, anonReq) if anonRec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected PutObject Part with authAnonymous type to succeed but failed with "+ "HTTP status code %d", 1, instanceType, anonRec.Code) } } func TestAPIPutObjectPartHandlerAnon(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIPutObjectPartHandlerAnon, []string{"PutObjectPart", "NewMultipart"}) } func testAPIPutObjectPartHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { // Initiate Multipart upload for testing PutObjectPartHandler. testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, "testobject"), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } noAPIErr := APIError{} missingContent := getAPIError(ErrMissingContentLength) entityTooLarge := getAPIError(ErrEntityTooLarge) badSigning := getAPIError(ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch) badChecksum := getAPIError(ErrInvalidDigest) invalidPart := getAPIError(ErrInvalidPart) invalidMaxParts := getAPIError(ErrInvalidMaxParts) noSuchUploadID := getAPIError(ErrNoSuchUpload) // SignatureMismatch for various signing types testCases := []struct { objectName string reader io.ReadSeeker partNumber string fault Fault expectedAPIError APIError }{ // Success case {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "1", None, noAPIErr}, {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "9999999999999999999", None, invalidPart}, {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), strconv.Itoa(maxPartID + 1), None, invalidMaxParts}, {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "1", MissingContentLength, missingContent}, {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "1", TooBigObject, entityTooLarge}, {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "1", BadSignature, badSigning}, {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "1", BadMD5, badChecksum}, {testObject, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "1", MissingUploadID, noSuchUploadID}, } for i, test := range testCases { tRec := httptest.NewRecorder() uploadID := mpartResp.UploadID // To simulate PutObjectPart failure at object layer. if test.fault == MissingUploadID { uploadID = "upload1" } tReq, tErr := newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, test.objectName, uploadID, test.partNumber), 0, test.reader, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if tErr != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to create a signed request to upload part for %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, test.objectName, tErr) } switch test.fault { case MissingContentLength: tReq.ContentLength = -1 case TooBigObject: tReq.ContentLength = maxObjectSize + 1 case BadSignature: // Mangle signature tReq.Header.Set("authorization", tReq.Header.Get("authorization")+"a") case BadMD5: tReq.Header.Set("Content-MD5", "badmd5") } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(tRec, tReq) if test.expectedAPIError != noAPIErr { errBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tRec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to read error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, test.objectName, err) } var errXML APIErrorResponse err = xml.Unmarshal(errBytes, &errXML) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to unmarshal error response from upload part request %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, test.objectName, err) } if test.expectedAPIError.Code != errXML.Code { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to fail with error %s, but received %s", i+1, instanceType, test.expectedAPIError.Code, errXML.Code) } } } } func TestAPIPutObjectPartHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIPutObjectPartHandler, []string{"PutObjectPart", "NewMultipart"}) } func TestPutObjectPartNilObjAPI(t *testing.T) { configDir, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to create a test config: %v", err) } defer removeAll(configDir) rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", "testbucket", "testobject", "uploadId1", "1"), -1, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), "abcd1", "abcd123") if err != nil { t.Fatal("Failed to create a signed UploadPart request.") } // Setup the 'nil' objectAPI router. nilAPIRouter := initTestNilObjAPIEndPoints([]string{"PutObjectPart"}) nilAPIRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) serverNotInitializedErr := getAPIError(ErrServerNotInitialized).HTTPStatusCode if rec.Code != serverNotInitializedErr { t.Errorf("Test expected to fail with %d, but failed with %d", serverNotInitializedErr, rec.Code) } } func testAPIListObjectPartsHandlerPreSign(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, testObject), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } // Upload a part for listing purposes. rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), int64(len("hello")), bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to PutObjectPart bucket: %s object: %s HTTP status code: %d", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, rec.Code) } rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestRequest("GET", getListMultipartURLWithParams("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "", "", ""), 0, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create an unsigned request to list object parts for bucket %s, uploadId %s", instanceType, bucketName, mpartResp.UploadID) } err = preSignV2(req, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey, int64(10*time.Minute)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to presignV2 an unsigned request to list object parts for bucket %s, uploadId %s", instanceType, bucketName, mpartResp.UploadID) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to succeed but failed with HTTP status code %d", 1, instanceType, rec.Code) } } func TestAPIListObjectPartsHandlerPreSign(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIListObjectPartsHandlerPreSign, []string{"PutObjectPart", "NewMultipart", "ListObjectParts"}) } func testAPIListObjectPartsHandler(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, testObject), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } // Upload a part for listing purposes. rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), int64(len("hello")), bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to PutObjectPart bucket: %s object: %s HTTP status code: %d", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, rec.Code) } noAPIErr := APIError{} signatureMismatchErr := getAPIError(ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch) noSuchUploadErr := getAPIError(ErrNoSuchUpload) invalidPartMarkerErr := getAPIError(ErrInvalidPartNumberMarker) invalidMaxPartsErr := getAPIError(ErrInvalidMaxParts) testCases := []struct { fault Fault partNumberMarker string maxParts string expectedErr APIError }{ {BadSignature, "", "", signatureMismatchErr}, {MissingUploadID, "", "", noSuchUploadErr}, {None, "-1", "", invalidPartMarkerErr}, {None, "", "-1", invalidMaxPartsErr}, } for i, test := range testCases { uploadID := mpartResp.UploadID tRec := httptest.NewRecorder() if test.fault == MissingUploadID { uploadID = "upload1" } tReq, tErr := newTestSignedRequestV4("GET", getListMultipartURLWithParams("", bucketName, testObject, uploadID, test.maxParts, test.partNumberMarker, ""), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if tErr != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s - Failed to create a signed request to list object parts for %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, tErr) } if test.fault == BadSignature { // Mangle signature tReq.Header.Set("authorization", tReq.Header.Get("authorization")+"a") } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(tRec, tReq) if test.expectedErr != noAPIErr { errBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tRec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to read error response list object parts request %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } var errXML APIErrorResponse err = xml.Unmarshal(errBytes, &errXML) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to unmarshal error response from list object partsest %s/%s: %v", i+1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } if test.expectedErr.Code != errXML.Code { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to fail with %s but received %s", i+1, instanceType, test.expectedErr.Code, errXML.Code) } } else { if tRec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to succeed but failed with HTTP status code %d", i+1, instanceType, tRec.Code) } } } } func TestAPIListObjectPartsHandler(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIListObjectPartsHandler, []string{"PutObjectPart", "NewMultipart", "ListObjectParts"}) } func testAPIListObjectPartsHandlerV2(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, testObject), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } // Upload a part for listing purposes. rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "1"), int64(len("hello")), bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestSignedRequestV2("GET", getListMultipartURLWithParams("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "", "", ""), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to list object parts for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) if rec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to succeed but failed with HTTP status code %d", 1, instanceType, rec.Code) } // Simulate signature mismatch error for V2 request. rec = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err = newTestSignedRequestV2("GET", getListMultipartURLWithParams("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "", "", ""), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to list object parts for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } signatureMismatchErr := getAPIError(ErrSignatureDoesNotMatch) req.Header.Set("x-amz-date", "") apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) errBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to read error response list object parts request %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } var errXML APIErrorResponse err = xml.Unmarshal(errBytes, &errXML) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to unmarshal error response from list object partsest %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } if errXML.Code != signatureMismatchErr.Code { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to fail with error %s, but received %s", 1, instanceType, signatureMismatchErr.Code, errXML.Code) } } func TestListObjectPartsHandlerV2(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIListObjectPartsHandlerV2, []string{"PutObjectPart", "NewMultipart", "ListObjectParts"}) } func testAPIListObjectPartsHandlerAnon(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType, bucketName string, apiRouter http.Handler, credentials credential, t TestErrHandler) { // Initialize bucket policies for anonymous request test err := initBucketPolicies(obj) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to initialize bucket policies: %v", err) } testObject := "testobject" rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("POST", getNewMultipartURL("", bucketName, testObject), 0, nil, credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] - Failed to create a signed request to initiate multipart upload for %s/%s: %v", instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) // Get uploadID of the mulitpart upload initiated. var mpartResp InitiateMultipartUploadResponse mpartRespBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to read NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } err = xml.Unmarshal(mpartRespBytes, &mpartResp) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("[%s] Failed to unmarshal NewMultipartUpload response %v", instanceType, err) } // Add a part to the new multipart upload created. uploadID := mpartResp.UploadID req, err = newTestSignedRequestV4("PUT", getPutObjectPartURL("", bucketName, testObject, uploadID, "1"), 0, bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello")), credentials.AccessKeyID, credentials.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to create a signed request to upload part for %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } // Attempt an anonymous ListObjectParts API request to trigger AccessDenied error. accessDeniedErr := getAPIError(ErrAccessDenied) anonRec := httptest.NewRecorder() anonReq, aErr := newTestRequest("GET", getListMultipartURLWithParams("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "", "", ""), 0, nil) if aErr != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to create an anonymous request to list multipart of an upload for %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, aErr) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(anonRec, anonReq) anonErrBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(anonRec.Result().Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to read error response from list object parts request %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } var anonErrXML APIErrorResponse err = xml.Unmarshal(anonErrBytes, &anonErrXML) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to unmarshal error response from list object parts request %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, err) } if accessDeniedErr.Code != anonErrXML.Code { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected to fail with error %s, but received %s", 1, instanceType, accessDeniedErr.Code, anonErrXML.Code) } // Set write only policy on bucket to allow anonymous ListObjectParts API // request to go through. writeOnlyPolicy := bucketPolicy{ Version: "1.0", Statements: []policyStatement{getWriteOnlyObjectStatement(bucketName, "")}, } globalBucketPolicies.SetBucketPolicy(bucketName, &writeOnlyPolicy) anonRec = httptest.NewRecorder() anonReq, aErr = newTestRequest("GET", getListMultipartURLWithParams("", bucketName, testObject, mpartResp.UploadID, "", "", ""), 0, nil) if aErr != nil { t.Fatalf("Test %d %s Failed to create an anonymous request to list multipart of an upload for %s/%s: %v", 1, instanceType, bucketName, testObject, aErr) } apiRouter.ServeHTTP(anonRec, anonReq) if anonRec.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Errorf("Test %d %s expected ListObjectParts with authAnonymous type to succeed but failed with "+ "HTTP status code %d", 1, instanceType, anonRec.Code) } } func TestListObjectPartsHandlerAnon(t *testing.T) { ExecObjectLayerAPITest(t, testAPIListObjectPartsHandlerAnon, []string{"PutObjectPart", "NewMultipart", "ListObjectParts"}) } func TestListObjectPartsHandlerNilObjAPI(t *testing.T) { configDir, err := newTestConfig("us-east-1") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to create a test config: %v", err) } defer removeAll(configDir) rec := httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := newTestSignedRequestV4("GET", getListMultipartURLWithParams("", "testbucket", "testobject", "fakeuploadId", "", "", ""), 0, bytes.NewReader([]byte("")), "abcd1", "abcd123") if err != nil { t.Fatal("Failed to create a signed UploadPart request.") } // Setup the 'nil' objectAPI router. nilAPIRouter := initTestNilObjAPIEndPoints([]string{"ListObjectParts"}) nilAPIRouter.ServeHTTP(rec, req) serverNotInitializedErr := getAPIError(ErrServerNotInitialized).HTTPStatusCode if rec.Code != serverNotInitializedErr { t.Errorf("Test expected to fail with %d, but failed with %d", serverNotInitializedErr, rec.Code) } }