# MinIO Server Config Guide [![Slack](https://slack.min.io/slack?type=svg)](https://slack.min.io) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/minio/minio.svg?maxAge=604800)](https://hub.docker.com/r/minio/minio/) ## Configuration Directory Till MinIO release `RELEASE.2018-08-02T23-11-36Z`, MinIO server configuration file (`config.json`) was stored in the configuration directory specified by `--config-dir` or defaulted to `${HOME}/.minio`. However from releases after `RELEASE.2018-08-18T03-49-57Z`, the configuration file (only), has been migrated to the storage backend (storage backend is the directory passed to MinIO server while starting the server). You can specify the location of your existing config using `--config-dir`, MinIO will migrate the `config.json` to your backend storage. Your current `config.json` will be renamed upon successful migration as `config.json.deprecated` in your current `--config-dir`. All your existing configurations are honored after this migration. Additionally `--config-dir` is now a legacy option which will is scheduled for removal in future, so please update your local startup, ansible scripts accordingly. ```sh minio server /data ``` MinIO also encrypts all the config, IAM and policies content with admin credentials. ### Certificate Directory TLS certificates by default are stored under ``${HOME}/.minio/certs`` directory. You need to place certificates here to enable `HTTPS` based access. Read more about [How to secure access to MinIO server with TLS](https://docs.min.io/docs/how-to-secure-access-to-minio-server-with-tls). Following is the directory structure for MinIO server with TLS certificates. ```sh $ mc tree --files ~/.minio /home/user1/.minio └─ certs ├─ CAs ├─ private.key └─ public.crt ``` You can provide a custom certs directory using `--certs-dir` command line option. #### Credentials On MinIO admin credentials or root credentials are only allowed to be changed using ENVs namely `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY` and `MINIO_SECRET_KEY`. Using the combination of these two values MinIO encrypts the config stored at the backend. ``` export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minio13 minio server /data ``` ##### Rotating encryption with new credentials Additionally if you wish to change the admin credentials, then MinIO will automatically detect this and re-encrypt with new credentials as shown below. For one time only special ENVs as shown below needs to be set for rotating the encryption config. > Old ENVs are never remembered in memory and are destroyed right after they are used to migrate your existing content with new credentials. You are safe to remove them after the server as successfully started, by restarting the services once again. ``` export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=newminio export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=newminio123 export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_OLD=minio export MINIO_SECRET_KEY_OLD=minio123 minio server /data ``` Once the migration is complete, server will automatically unset the `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_OLD` and `MINIO_SECRET_KEY_OLD` with in the process namespace. > **NOTE: Make sure to remove `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_OLD` and `MINIO_SECRET_KEY_OLD` in scripts or service files before next service restarts of the server to avoid double encryption of your existing contents.** #### Region ``` KEY: region label the location of the server ARGS: name (string) name of the location of the server e.g. "us-west-rack2" comment (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` or environment variables ``` KEY: region label the location of the server ARGS: MINIO_REGION_NAME (string) name of the location of the server e.g. "us-west-rack2" MINIO_REGION_COMMENT (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` Example: ```sh export MINIO_REGION_NAME="my_region" minio server /data ``` ### Storage Class By default, parity for objects with standard storage class is set to `N/2`, and parity for objects with reduced redundancy storage class objects is set to `2`. Read more about storage class support in MinIO server [here](https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/master/docs/erasure/storage-class/README.md). ``` KEY: storage_class define object level redundancy ARGS: standard (string) set the parity count for default standard storage class e.g. "EC:4" rrs (string) set the parity count for reduced redundancy storage class e.g. "EC:2" comment (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` or environment variables ``` KEY: storage_class define object level redundancy ARGS: MINIO_STORAGE_CLASS_STANDARD (string) set the parity count for default standard storage class e.g. "EC:4" MINIO_STORAGE_CLASS_RRS (string) set the parity count for reduced redundancy storage class e.g. "EC:2" MINIO_STORAGE_CLASS_COMMENT (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` ### Cache MinIO provides caching storage tier for primarily gateway deployments, allowing you to cache content for faster reads, cost savings on repeated downloads from the cloud. ``` KEY: cache add caching storage tier ARGS: drives* (csv) comma separated mountpoints e.g. "/optane1,/optane2" expiry (number) cache expiry duration in days e.g. "90" quota (number) limit cache drive usage in percentage e.g. "90" exclude (csv) comma separated wildcard exclusion patterns e.g. "bucket/*.tmp,*.exe" comment (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` or environment variables ``` KEY: cache add caching storage tier ARGS: MINIO_CACHE_DRIVES* (csv) comma separated mountpoints e.g. "/optane1,/optane2" MINIO_CACHE_EXPIRY (number) cache expiry duration in days e.g. "90" MINIO_CACHE_QUOTA (number) limit cache drive usage in percentage e.g. "90" MINIO_CACHE_EXCLUDE (csv) comma separated wildcard exclusion patterns e.g. "bucket/*.tmp,*.exe" MINIO_CACHE_COMMENT (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` #### Etcd MinIO supports storing encrypted IAM assets and bucket DNS records on etcd. > NOTE: if *path_prefix* is set then MinIO will not federate your buckets, namespaced IAM assets are assumed as isolated tenants, only buckets are considered globally unique but performing a lookup with a *bucket* which belongs to a different tenant will fail unlike federated setups where MinIO would port-forward and route the request to relevant cluster accordingly. This is a special feature, federated deployments should not need to set *path_prefix*. ``` KEY: etcd federate multiple clusters for IAM and Bucket DNS ARGS: endpoints* (csv) comma separated list of etcd endpoints e.g. "http://localhost:2379" path_prefix (path) namespace prefix to isolate tenants e.g. "customer1/" coredns_path (path) shared bucket DNS records, default is "/skydns" client_cert (path) client cert for mTLS authentication client_cert_key (path) client cert key for mTLS authentication comment (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` or environment variables ``` KEY: etcd federate multiple clusters for IAM and Bucket DNS ARGS: MINIO_ETCD_ENDPOINTS* (csv) comma separated list of etcd endpoints e.g. "http://localhost:2379" MINIO_ETCD_PATH_PREFIX (path) namespace prefix to isolate tenants e.g. "customer1/" MINIO_ETCD_COREDNS_PATH (path) shared bucket DNS records, default is "/skydns" MINIO_ETCD_CLIENT_CERT (path) client cert for mTLS authentication MINIO_ETCD_CLIENT_CERT_KEY (path) client cert key for mTLS authentication MINIO_ETCD_COMMENT (sentence) optionally add a comment to this setting ``` #### Notifications Notification targets supported by MinIO are in the following list. To configure individual targets please refer to more detailed documentation [here](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-bucket-notification-guide.html) ``` notify_webhook publish bucket notifications to webhook endpoints notify_amqp publish bucket notifications to AMQP endpoints notify_kafka publish bucket notifications to Kafka endpoints notify_mqtt publish bucket notifications to MQTT endpoints notify_nats publish bucket notifications to NATS endpoints notify_nsq publish bucket notifications to NSQ endpoints notify_mysql publish bucket notifications to MySQL databases notify_postgres publish bucket notifications to Postgres databases notify_elasticsearch publish bucket notifications to Elasticsearch endpoints notify_redis publish bucket notifications to Redis datastores ``` ### Accessing configuration file All configuration changes can be made using [`mc admin config` get/set commands](https://github.com/minio/mc/blob/master/docs/minio-admin-complete-guide.md). Following sections provide brief explanation of fields and how to customize them. A complete example of `config.json` is available [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minio/minio/master/docs/config/config.sample.json) ## Environment only settings #### Worm Enable this to turn on Write-Once-Read-Many. By default it is set to `off`. Set ``MINIO_WORM=on`` environment variable to enable WORM mode. Example: ```sh export MINIO_WORM=on minio server /data ``` ### Browser Enable or disable access to web UI. By default it is set to `on`. You may override this field with `MINIO_BROWSER` environment variable. Example: ```sh export MINIO_BROWSER=off minio server /data ``` ### Domain By default, MinIO supports path-style requests that are of the format http://mydomain.com/bucket/object. `MINIO_DOMAIN` environment variable is used to enable virtual-host-style requests. If the request `Host` header matches with `(.+).mydomain.com` then the matched pattern `$1` is used as bucket and the path is used as object. More information on path-style and virtual-host-style [here](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RESTAPI.html) Example: ```sh export MINIO_DOMAIN=mydomain.com minio server /data ``` For advanced use cases `MINIO_DOMAIN` environment variable supports multiple-domains with comma separated values. ```sh export MINIO_DOMAIN=sub1.mydomain.com,sub2.mydomain.com minio server /data ``` ## Explore Further * [MinIO Quickstart Guide](https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-quickstart-guide) * [Configure MinIO Server with TLS](https://docs.min.io/docs/how-to-secure-access-to-minio-server-with-tls)