/* * Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2015 Minio, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package main import ( "net" "net/http" "github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs" router "github.com/gorilla/mux" jsonrpc "github.com/gorilla/rpc/v2" "github.com/gorilla/rpc/v2/json2" "github.com/minio/minio-go" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/fs" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/probe" "github.com/minio/minio/pkg/s3/signature4" "github.com/minio/miniobrowser" ) // storageAPI container for S3 compatible API. type storageAPI struct { // Once true log all incoming requests. AccessLog bool // Filesystem instance. Filesystem fs.Filesystem // Signature instance. Signature *signature4.Sign // Region instance. Region string } // webAPI container for Web API. type webAPI struct { // FSPath filesystem path. FSPath string // Once true log all incoming request. AccessLog bool // Minio client instance. Client minio.CloudStorageClient // private params. apiAddress string // api destination address. // accessKeys kept to be used internally. accessKeyID string secretAccessKey string } // indexHandler - Handler to serve index.html type indexHandler struct { handler http.Handler } func (h indexHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.URL.Path = privateBucket + "/" h.handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) } const assetPrefix = "production" func assetFS() *assetfs.AssetFS { return &assetfs.AssetFS{ Asset: miniobrowser.Asset, AssetDir: miniobrowser.AssetDir, AssetInfo: miniobrowser.AssetInfo, Prefix: assetPrefix, } } // registerAPIHandlers - register all the handlers to their respective paths func registerAPIHandlers(mux *router.Router, a storageAPI, w *webAPI) { // Minio rpc router minio := mux.NewRoute().PathPrefix(privateBucket).Subrouter() // Initialize json rpc handlers. rpc := jsonrpc.NewServer() codec := json2.NewCodec() rpc.RegisterCodec(codec, "application/json") rpc.RegisterCodec(codec, "application/json; charset=UTF-8") rpc.RegisterService(w, "Web") // RPC handler at URI - /minio/rpc minio.Path("/rpc").Handler(rpc) // Serve javascript files and favicon.ico from assets minio.Path("/{assets:[^/]+.js|favicon.ico}").Handler(http.StripPrefix(privateBucket, http.FileServer(assetFS()))) // Serve index.html for rest of the requests minio.Path("/{index:.*}").Handler(indexHandler{http.StripPrefix(privateBucket, http.FileServer(assetFS()))}) // API Router api := mux.NewRoute().PathPrefix("/").Subrouter() // Bucket router bucket := api.PathPrefix("/{bucket}").Subrouter() /// Object operations // HeadObject bucket.Methods("HEAD").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.HeadObjectHandler) // PutObjectPart bucket.Methods("PUT").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.PutObjectPartHandler).Queries("partNumber", "{partNumber:[0-9]+}", "uploadId", "{uploadId:.*}") // ListObjectPxarts bucket.Methods("GET").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.ListObjectPartsHandler).Queries("uploadId", "{uploadId:.*}") // CompleteMultipartUpload bucket.Methods("POST").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.CompleteMultipartUploadHandler).Queries("uploadId", "{uploadId:.*}") // NewMultipartUpload bucket.Methods("POST").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.NewMultipartUploadHandler).Queries("uploads", "") // AbortMultipartUpload bucket.Methods("DELETE").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.AbortMultipartUploadHandler).Queries("uploadId", "{uploadId:.*}") // GetObject bucket.Methods("GET").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.GetObjectHandler) // CopyObject bucket.Methods("PUT").Path("/{object:.+}").HeadersRegexp("X-Amz-Copy-Source", ".*?(\\/).*?").HandlerFunc(a.CopyObjectHandler) // PutObject bucket.Methods("PUT").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.PutObjectHandler) // DeleteObject bucket.Methods("DELETE").Path("/{object:.+}").HandlerFunc(a.DeleteObjectHandler) /// Bucket operations // GetBucketLocation bucket.Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(a.GetBucketLocationHandler).Queries("location", "") // GetBucketACL bucket.Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(a.GetBucketACLHandler).Queries("acl", "") // ListMultipartUploads bucket.Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(a.ListMultipartUploadsHandler).Queries("uploads", "") // ListObjects bucket.Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(a.ListObjectsHandler) // PutBucketACL bucket.Methods("PUT").HandlerFunc(a.PutBucketACLHandler).Queries("acl", "") // PutBucket bucket.Methods("PUT").HandlerFunc(a.PutBucketHandler) // HeadBucket bucket.Methods("HEAD").HandlerFunc(a.HeadBucketHandler) // PostPolicy bucket.Methods("POST").HandlerFunc(a.PostPolicyBucketHandler) // DeleteBucket bucket.Methods("DELETE").HandlerFunc(a.DeleteBucketHandler) /// Root operation // ListBuckets api.Methods("GET").HandlerFunc(a.ListBucketsHandler) } // initWeb instantiate a new Web. func initWeb(conf cloudServerConfig) *webAPI { // Split host port. host, port, e := net.SplitHostPort(conf.Address) fatalIf(probe.NewError(e), "Unable to parse web addess.", nil) // Default host is 'localhost', if no host present. if host == "" { host = "localhost" } // Initialize minio client for AWS Signature Version '4' inSecure := !conf.TLS // Insecure true when TLS is false. client, e := minio.NewV4(net.JoinHostPort(host, port), conf.AccessKeyID, conf.SecretAccessKey, inSecure) fatalIf(probe.NewError(e), "Unable to initialize minio client", nil) w := &webAPI{ FSPath: conf.Path, AccessLog: conf.AccessLog, Client: client, apiAddress: conf.Address, accessKeyID: conf.AccessKeyID, secretAccessKey: conf.SecretAccessKey, } return w } // initAPI instantiate a new StorageAPI. func initAPI(conf cloudServerConfig) storageAPI { fs, err := fs.New(conf.Path, conf.MinFreeDisk) fatalIf(err.Trace(), "Initializing filesystem failed.", nil) sign, err := signature4.New(conf.AccessKeyID, conf.SecretAccessKey, conf.Region) fatalIf(err.Trace(conf.AccessKeyID, conf.SecretAccessKey, conf.Region), "Initializing signature version '4' failed.", nil) return storageAPI{ AccessLog: conf.AccessLog, Filesystem: fs, Signature: sign, Region: conf.Region, } } // server handler returns final handler before initializing server. func serverHandler(conf cloudServerConfig) http.Handler { // Initialize API. api := initAPI(conf) // Initialize Web. web := initWeb(conf) var handlerFns = []HandlerFunc{ // Redirect some pre-defined browser request paths to a static // location prefix. setBrowserRedirectHandler, // Validates if incoming request is for restricted buckets. setPrivateBucketHandler, // Adds cache control for all browser requests. setBrowserCacheControlHandler, // Validates all incoming requests to have a valid date header. setTimeValidityHandler, // CORS setting for all browser API requests. setCorsHandler, // Validates all incoming URL resources, for invalid/unsupported // resources client receives a HTTP error. setIgnoreResourcesHandler, // Auth handler verifies incoming authorization headers and // routes them accordingly. Client receives a HTTP error for // invalid/unsupported signatures. setAuthHandler, } // Initialize router. mux := router.NewRouter() // Register all API handlers. registerAPIHandlers(mux, api, web) // Register rest of the handlers. return registerHandlers(mux, handlerFns...) }