PWD := $(shell pwd) GOPATH := $(shell go env GOPATH) LDFLAGS := $(shell go run buildscripts/gen-ldflags.go) GOOS := $(shell go env GOOS) GOOSALT ?= 'linux' ifeq ($(GOOS),'darwin') GOOSALT = 'mac' endif TAG ?= $(USER) BUILD_LDFLAGS := '$(LDFLAGS)' all: build checks: @echo "Checking dependencies" @(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/ getdeps: @mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin @which golint 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing golint" && go get -u @which staticcheck 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing staticcheck" && wget --quiet -O ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck${GOOS}_amd64 && chmod +x ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck) @which misspell 1>/dev/null || (echo "Installing misspell" && wget --quiet${GOOSALT}_64bit.tar.gz && tar xf misspell_0.3.4_${GOOSALT}_64bit.tar.gz && mv misspell ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell && chmod +x ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell && rm -f misspell_0.3.4_${GOOSALT}_64bit.tar.gz) crosscompile: @(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/ verifiers: getdeps vet fmt lint staticcheck spelling vet: @echo "Running $@" @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on go vet fmt: @echo "Running $@" @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on gofmt -d cmd/ @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on gofmt -d pkg/ lint: @echo "Running $@" @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golint -set_exit_status @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/golint -set_exit_status staticcheck: @echo "Running $@" @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/staticcheck spelling: @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find cmd/` @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find pkg/` @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find docs/` @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find buildscripts/` @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on ${GOPATH}/bin/misspell -locale US -error `find dockerscripts/` # Builds minio, runs the verifiers then runs the tests. check: test test: verifiers build @echo "Running unit tests" @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -tags kqueue ./... 1>/dev/null verify: build @echo "Verifying build" @(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/ coverage: build @echo "Running all coverage for minio" @(env bash $(PWD)/buildscripts/ # Builds minio locally. build: checks @echo "Building minio binary to './minio'" @GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on GOFLAGS="" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags kqueue --ldflags $(BUILD_LDFLAGS) -o $(PWD)/minio 1>/dev/null docker: build @docker build -t $(TAG) . -f # Builds minio and installs it to $GOPATH/bin. install: build @echo "Installing minio binary to '$(GOPATH)/bin/minio'" @mkdir -p $(GOPATH)/bin && cp -f $(PWD)/minio $(GOPATH)/bin/minio @echo "Installation successful. To learn more, try \"minio --help\"." clean: @echo "Cleaning up all the generated files" @find . -name '*.test' | xargs rm -fv @find . -name '*~' | xargs rm -fv @rm -rvf minio @rm -rvf build @rm -rvf release